Isaiah 21 – NIV & NASV

New International Version

Isaiah 21:1-17

A Prophecy Against Babylon

1A prophecy against the Desert by the Sea:

Like whirlwinds sweeping through the southland,

an invader comes from the desert,

from a land of terror.

2A dire vision has been shown to me:

The traitor betrays, the looter takes loot.

Elam, attack! Media, lay siege!

I will bring to an end all the groaning she caused.

3At this my body is racked with pain,

pangs seize me, like those of a woman in labor;

I am staggered by what I hear,

I am bewildered by what I see.

4My heart falters,

fear makes me tremble;

the twilight I longed for

has become a horror to me.

5They set the tables,

they spread the rugs,

they eat, they drink!

Get up, you officers,

oil the shields!

6This is what the Lord says to me:

“Go, post a lookout

and have him report what he sees.

7When he sees chariots

with teams of horses,

riders on donkeys

or riders on camels,

let him be alert,

fully alert.”

8And the lookout21:8 Dead Sea Scrolls and Syriac; Masoretic Text A lion shouted,

“Day after day, my lord, I stand on the watchtower;

every night I stay at my post.

9Look, here comes a man in a chariot

with a team of horses.

And he gives back the answer:

‘Babylon has fallen, has fallen!

All the images of its gods

lie shattered on the ground!’ ”

10My people who are crushed on the threshing floor,

I tell you what I have heard

from the Lord Almighty,

from the God of Israel.

A Prophecy Against Edom

11A prophecy against Dumah21:11 Dumah, a wordplay on Edom, means silence or stillness.:

Someone calls to me from Seir,

“Watchman, what is left of the night?

Watchman, what is left of the night?”

12The watchman replies,

“Morning is coming, but also the night.

If you would ask, then ask;

and come back yet again.”

A Prophecy Against Arabia

13A prophecy against Arabia:

You caravans of Dedanites,

who camp in the thickets of Arabia,

14bring water for the thirsty;

you who live in Tema,

bring food for the fugitives.

15They flee from the sword,

from the drawn sword,

from the bent bow

and from the heat of battle.

16This is what the Lord says to me: “Within one year, as a servant bound by contract would count it, all the splendor of Kedar will come to an end. 17The survivors of the archers, the warriors of Kedar, will be few.” The Lord, the God of Israel, has spoken.

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢሳይያስ 21:1-17

በባቢሎን ላይ የተነገረ ትንቢት

1በባሕሩ ዳር ባለው ምድረ በዳ ላይ የተነገረ ንግር፤

ዐውሎ ነፋስ ከደቡብ እየጠራረገ እንደሚመጣ፣

ወራሪ ከአሸባሪ ምድር፣

ከምድረ በዳ ይመጣል።

2የሚያስጨንቅ ራእይ አየሁ፤

ከሓዲ አሳልፎ ይሰጣል፤ ዘራፊ ይዘርፋል።

ኤላም ሆይ፤ ተነሺ፤ ሜዶን ሆይ፤ ክበቢ፤

እርሷ ያደረሰችውን ሥቃይ ሁሉ አስቀራለሁ።

3ወገቤ በዚህ ሥቃይ ተሞላ፤

በምጥ ላይ እንዳለች ሴት ጭንቅ ያዘኝ፤

በሰማሁት ነገር ተንገዳገድሁ፤

ባየሁትም ነገር ተሸበርሁ።

4ልቤ ተናወጠ፤

ፍርሀት አንቀጠቀጠኝ፤

የጓጓሁለት ውጋጋን፣

ታላቅ ፍርሀት አሳደረብኝ።

5ማእዱን አሰናዱ፤

ምንጣፉን አነጠፉ፤

በሉ፤ ጠጡ!

እናንት ሹማምት ተነሡ፤

ጋሻውን በዘይት ወልውሉ!

6ጌታ እንዲህ አለኝ፤

“ሂድ፤ ጠባቂ አቁም፤

ያየውንም ይናገር፤

7በፈረሶች የሚሳብ፣

ሠረገሎችን ሲያይ፣

በአህያ ላይ የሚቀመጡትን፣

በግመል የሚጋልቡትን ሲመለከት፣


በጥንቃቄም ያስተውል።”

8ጠባቂው ጮኸ፤21፥8 የሙት ባሕር ጥቅልልና የሱርስቱ ቅጅ ከዚህ ጋር ይስማማል፤ የማሶሬቱ ቅጅ ግን፣ አንበሳ ጮኸ ይላል። እንዲህም አለ፤

“ጌታ ሆይ፤ በየቀኑ ማማ ላይ ቆሜአለሁ፤

በየሌሊቱም በቦታዬ አለሁ።

9እነሆ፤ አንድ ሰው በፈረሶች በሚሳብ

በሠረገላ መጥቷል፤

እንዲህም ሲል መለሰ፣

‘ባቢሎን ወደቀች፣ ወደቀች!

የአማልክቷም ምስሎች ሁሉ፣

ተሰባብረው ምድር ላይ ወደቁ!’ ”

10በዐውድማ ላይ የተወቃህ ሕዝቤ ሆይ፤

ከሰራዊት ጌታ እግዚአብሔር

ከእስራኤል አምላክ፣

የሰማሁትን እነግርሃለሁ።

በኤዶም ላይ የተነገረ ትንቢት

11ስለ ኤዶም የተነገረ ንግር፤

አንዱ ከሴይር ጠርቶኝ፣

“ጠባቂ ሆይ፤ ሊነጋ ምን ያህል ቀረው?

ጠባቂ ሆይ፤ ሊነጋ ምን ያህል ቀረው?” አለኝ።

12ጠባቂውም መለሰ፤

“ይነጋል፤ ግን ተመልሶ ይመሻል፤

መጠየቅ ከፈለጋችሁ፣ ጠይቁ፤

ነገር ግን ተመልሳችሁ ኑ” አለ።

በዐረብ ላይ የተነገረ ትንቢት

13ስለ ዐረብ አገር የተነገረ ንግር፤

እናንተ በዐረብ ዱር የምትሰፍሩ፣

የድዳን ሲራራ ነጋዴዎች፣

14ለተጠሙ ውሃ አምጡ።

በቴማን የምትኖሩ፣

ለስደተኞች ምግብ አምጡ።


ከተመዘዘ ሰይፍ፣

ከተደገነ ቀስት፣

ከተፋፋመ ጦርነት ሸሽተዋልና።

16ጌታም እንዲህ አለኝ፤ “በውል የተቀጠረ ሠራተኛ ቀን እንደሚቈጥር፣ የቄዳር ክብር በአንድ ዓመት ውስጥ ያበቃለታል። 17የተረፈው ቀስተኛ፣ የቄዳር ጦረኛ ጥቂት ይሆናል፤ የእስራኤል አምላክ እግዚአብሔር ተናግሯልና።”