Hosea 8 – NIV & NASV

New International Version

Hosea 8:1-14

Israel to Reap the Whirlwind

1“Put the trumpet to your lips!

An eagle is over the house of the Lord

because the people have broken my covenant

and rebelled against my law.

2Israel cries out to me,

‘Our God, we acknowledge you!’

3But Israel has rejected what is good;

an enemy will pursue him.

4They set up kings without my consent;

they choose princes without my approval.

With their silver and gold

they make idols for themselves

to their own destruction.

5Samaria, throw out your calf-idol!

My anger burns against them.

How long will they be incapable of purity?

6They are from Israel!

This calf—a metalworker has made it;

it is not God.

It will be broken in pieces,

that calf of Samaria.

7“They sow the wind

and reap the whirlwind.

The stalk has no head;

it will produce no flour.

Were it to yield grain,

foreigners would swallow it up.

8Israel is swallowed up;

now she is among the nations

like something no one wants.

9For they have gone up to Assyria

like a wild donkey wandering alone.

Ephraim has sold herself to lovers.

10Although they have sold themselves among the nations,

I will now gather them together.

They will begin to waste away

under the oppression of the mighty king.

11“Though Ephraim built many altars for sin offerings,

these have become altars for sinning.

12I wrote for them the many things of my law,

but they regarded them as something foreign.

13Though they offer sacrifices as gifts to me,

and though they eat the meat,

the Lord is not pleased with them.

Now he will remember their wickedness

and punish their sins:

They will return to Egypt.

14Israel has forgotten their Maker

and built palaces;

Judah has fortified many towns.

But I will send fire on their cities

that will consume their fortresses.”

New Amharic Standard Version

ሆሴዕ 8:1-14

እስራኤል ዐውሎ ነፋስን ታጭዳለች

1“መለከትን በአፍህ ላይ አድርግ!

ሕዝቡ ቃል ኪዳኔን አፍርሰዋልና፣

በሕጌም ላይ ዐምፀዋልና፣

ንስር በእግዚአብሔር ቤት ላይ ነው፤

2እስራኤልም፣ ‘አምላካችን ሆይ፤ እኛ እናውቅሃለን’ እያሉ፣

ወደ እኔ ይጮኻሉ።

3ነገር ግን እስራኤል በጎ የሆነውን ነገር ናቁ፤

ጠላትም ያሳድዳቸዋል።

4ያለ እኔ ፈቃድ ነገሥታትን አነገሡ፤

እኔንም ሳይጠይቁ አለቆችን መረጡ፤

በብራቸውና በወርቃቸው፣

ለገዛ ጥፋታቸው፣

ጣዖታትን ለራሳቸው ሠሩ።

5ሰማርያ ሆይ፤ የጥጃ ጣዖትሽን ጣዪ፤

ቍጣዬ በእነርሱ ላይ ነድዷል፤

የማይነጹት እስከ መቼ ነው?

6ይህም በእስራኤል ሆነ!

ባለ እጅ የሠራው ይህ ጥጃ፣ አምላክ


ያ የሰማርያ ጥጃ፣

ተሰባብሮ ይደቅቃል።

7“ነፋስን ይዘራሉ፤

ዐውሎ ነፋስንም ያጭዳሉ፤

አገዳው ዛላ የለውም፤

ዱቄትም አይገኝበትም፤

እህል አፍርቶ ቢገኝም፣

ባዕዳን ይበሉታል።

8እስራኤል ተውጠዋል፤

በአሕዛብም መካከል፣

ዋጋ እንደሌለው ዕቃ ሆነዋል።

9ለብቻው እንደሚባዝን የዱር አህያ፣

ወደ አሦር ሄደዋልና፤

ኤፍሬም በእጅ መንሻ ወዳጅ አበጀ።

10በአሕዛብ መካከል ራሳቸውን ቢሸጡም፣

እኔ አሁን እሰበስባቸዋለሁ፤

በኀያል ንጉሥ ጭቈና ሥር፣

እየመነመኑ ይሄዳሉ።

11“ኤፍሬም ለኀጢአት ማስተስረያ ብዙ መሠዊያዎችን ቢሠራም፣

እነርሱ የኀጢአት መሥሪያ መሠዊያዎች ሆነውበታል።

12በሕጌ ውስጥ ያለውን ብዙውን ነገር ጻፍሁላቸው፤

እነርሱ ግን እንደ እንግዳ ነገር ቈጠሩት።

13ለእኔ የሚገባውን መሥዋዕት ያቀርባሉ፤

ሥጋውንም ይበላሉ፤

እግዚአብሔር ግን በእነርሱ አልተደሰተም፤

ስለዚህ ክፋታቸውን ያስታውሳል፤

ኀጢአታቸውን ይቀጣል፤

ወደ ግብፅም ይመለሳሉ።

14እስራኤል ፈጣሪውን ረሳ፤

ቤተ መንግሥቶችንም ሠራ፤

ይሁዳም የተመሸጉ ከተሞችን አበዛ፤

እኔ ግን በከተሞቻቸው ላይ እሳትን እለቃለሁ፤

ምሽጎቻቸውንም ይበላል።”