Exodus 18 – NIV & ASCB

New International Version

Exodus 18:1-27

Jethro Visits Moses

1Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.

2After Moses had sent away his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro received her 3and her two sons. One son was named Gershom,18:3 Gershom sounds like the Hebrew for a foreigner there. for Moses said, “I have become a foreigner in a foreign land”; 4and the other was named Eliezer,18:4 Eliezer means my God is helper. for he said, “My father’s God was my helper; he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh.”

5Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, together with Moses’ sons and wife, came to him in the wilderness, where he was camped near the mountain of God. 6Jethro had sent word to him, “I, your father-in-law Jethro, am coming to you with your wife and her two sons.”

7So Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and bowed down and kissed him. They greeted each other and then went into the tent. 8Moses told his father-in-law about everything the Lord had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Israel’s sake and about all the hardships they had met along the way and how the Lord had saved them.

9Jethro was delighted to hear about all the good things the Lord had done for Israel in rescuing them from the hand of the Egyptians. 10He said, “Praise be to the Lord, who rescued you from the hand of the Egyptians and of Pharaoh, and who rescued the people from the hand of the Egyptians. 11Now I know that the Lord is greater than all other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly.” 12Then Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, brought a burnt offering and other sacrifices to God, and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat a meal with Moses’ father-in-law in the presence of God.

13The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning till evening. 14When his father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said, “What is this you are doing for the people? Why do you alone sit as judge, while all these people stand around you from morning till evening?”

15Moses answered him, “Because the people come to me to seek God’s will. 16Whenever they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties and inform them of God’s decrees and instructions.”

17Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. 18You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. 19Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people’s representative before God and bring their disputes to him. 20Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. 21But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 22Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. 23If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.”

24Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said. 25He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people, officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 26They served as judges for the people at all times. The difficult cases they brought to Moses, but the simple ones they decided themselves.

27Then Moses sent his father-in-law on his way, and Jethro returned to his own country.

Asante Twi Contemporary Bible

2 Mose 18:1-27

Yetro Afotuo

1Ankyɛre biara na Mose ase, Midian ɔsɔfoɔ Yetro, tee anwanwadeɛ a Onyankopɔn ayɛ ama ne nkurɔfoɔ Israelfoɔ ne Mose, ne sɛdeɛ Awurade ayi wɔn afiri Misraim asase so no.

2Mose de ne yere Sipora kɔeɛ no, nʼase Yetro gyee no 3a na ne mmammarima baanu ka ne ho. Mose too ne babarima a na ɔyɛ nʼabakan no edin Gersom a ɔkyerɛ aseɛ sɛ, “Mabɛyɛ ɔhɔhoɔ ananafoɔ asase so.” 4Na ne babarima a ɔtɔ so mmienu no nso, ɔtoo ne edin Elieser a ɔkyerɛ aseɛ sɛ “Mʼagyanom Onyankopɔn no yɛ me ɔboafoɔ. Ɔgyee me firii Farao akofena ano.”

5Yetro kɔsraa Mose. Ɔde Mose yere ne ne mmammarima baanu no kaa ne ho. Wɔduruiɛ no, na Mose ne nnipa no abɔ atenaeɛ wɔ Onyankopɔn bepɔ no ho. 6Wɔka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ, “Wʼase Yetro reba abɛsra wo. Wo yere ne wo mmammarima baanu no ka ne ho.”

7Mose sɔre kɔhyiaa nʼase. Ɔkotoo no anidie mu gyee no fɛ so. Wɔbisabisaa wɔn ho wɔn ho sɛdeɛ wɔn apɔ mu te. Afei, wɔkɔɔ Mose ntomadan no mu kɔtoaa wɔn amanneɛdie so. 8Mose kaa nsɛm a asisie nyinaa kyerɛɛ nʼase no. Ɔkaa deɛ Awurade ayɛ atia Farao ne Misraimfoɔ a ɔnam so agye Israelfoɔ, ayi wɔn afiri Misraim, asane ayi wɔn afiri ɔhaw ne abɛbrɛsɛ mu no nso kyerɛɛ no.

9Yetro tee deɛ Awurade ayɛ ama Israel, ne titire no, sɛdeɛ ɔyii wɔn firii Misraim no, nʼani gyee yie. 10Yetro kaa sɛ, “Nhyira nka Awurade sɛ wagye mo afiri Misraimfoɔ ne Farao nsam, na wagye ɔman Israel nso. 11Afei, mahunu sɛ Awurade yɛ kɛse sene onyame biara, ɛfiri sɛ, wagye ne nkurɔfoɔ afiri Misraimfoɔ ahantanfoɔ ne atirimuɔdenfoɔ nsam.” 12Yetro de ɔhyeɛ afɔrebɔdeɛ baeɛ na ɔbɔɔ afɔdeɛ maa Onyankopɔn. Akyire no, Aaron ne Israel mpanimfoɔ no baa Yetro nkyɛn. Wɔn nyinaa too nsa dii afɔreduane no wɔ Awurade anim.

13Adeɛ kyeeɛ no, Mose tenaa ase firii anɔpa kɔsii anwummerɛ tiee nsɛmpɔ a asisi wɔ nnipa no mu. 14Mose ase no hunuu brɛ a ɔrebrɛ nnipa no ho no, ɔbisaa no sɛ, “Adɛn enti na wopɛ sɛ wo nko ara wodi dwuma kɛseɛ yi a enti nnipa gyina wo so saa ara firi anɔpa kɔsi anwummerɛ yi?”

15Mose buaa sɛ, “Nnipa no de akasakasa bi a asisi wɔn ntam bɛtoo mʼanim sɛ memmisa Onyankopɔn akwankyerɛ. 16Sɛ akyinnyeɛ bi ba wɔn ntam a, wɔba ma mesiesie. Mekyerɛ wɔn Onyankopɔn mmara ne nʼapɛdeɛ.”

17Nʼase no kaa sɛ, “Deɛ woreyɛ no nyɛ. 18Worekum wo ho na sɛ wowu a, nnipa yi bɛyɛ dɛn? Mose, adwuma yi so dodo sɛ wo nko ara wobɛyɛ. 19Tie fo a merebɛtu wo yi na Onyankopɔn bɛhyira wo. Kɔ so ara si nnipa no anan wɔ Onyankopɔn anim na fa wɔn haw to nʼanim. 20Kyerɛ wɔn Onyankopɔn akwan a wɔmfa so ntena ase. 21Na hwehwɛ nnipa bi a wɔyɛ nyamesurofoɔ na wɔyɛ nokwafoɔ a wɔmpɛ adanmudegyeɛ, na wɔn mu baako biara nyɛ nnipa apem so ɔtemmufoɔ. Ɛsɛ sɛ saa onipa no nya atemmufoɔ edu hyɛ nʼase na wɔn mu baako biara ahwɛ nnipa ɔha so. Na wɔn ase no, wɔbɛyi atemmufoɔ baanu a wɔbɛhwɛ nnipa aduonum so, na wɔn nso, atemmufoɔ baanum bɛhyɛ wɔn mu biara ase na wɔatu nnipa edu fo. 22Ma saa nnipa yi nni wɔn ho ni na wɔnni nokorɛ daa. Asɛm biara a ɛho hia anaa ɛkyere adwene no, wɔmfa mmra wʼanim. Wɔn ankasa nhwɛ nka nsɛm nketenkete a ɛbɛba wɔn anim. Sɛ wofa saa ɛkwan yi so a, adwuma no bɛyɛ mmerɛ ama wo, ɛfiri sɛ, woakyekyɛ nnwuma no ama wɔn. 23Sɛ wotie afotuo no na Onyankopɔn nso pene so a, wobɛtumi agyina asɛm biara ano na asomdwoeɛ aba.”

24Mose tiee nʼase afotuo no dii so pɛpɛɛpɛ. 25Ɔyiyii nnipa pa a wɔwɔ Israelman mu nyinaa de wɔn yɛɛ atemmufoɔ—apem apem, ɔha ɔha, aduonum aduonum ne edu edu. 26Na wɔbuu ɔman no atɛn berɛ nyinaa mu. Wɔde nsɛm akɛseɛ no maa Mose na wɔn nso dii nsɛm nketewa no.

27Akyire no, Mose gyaa nʼase ɛkwan ma ɔkɔɔ ne kurom.