Zechariah 11 – NIRV & NASV

New International Reader’s Version

Zechariah 11:1-17

1Lebanon, open your doors!

Then fire can burn up your cedar trees.

2Juniper trees, cry out!

The cedar trees have fallen down.

The majestic trees are destroyed.

Cry out, you oak trees of Bashan!

The thick forest has been cut down.

3Listen to the shepherds cry out!

Their rich grasslands are destroyed.

Listen to the lions roar!

The trees and bushes along the Jordan River are gone.

The Two Shepherds

4The Lord my God says, “Take care of the sheep that are set apart to be sacrificed. 5Those who buy them kill them. And they are not punished for it. Those who sell them say, ‘Praise the Lord! We’re rich!’ And their own shepherds do not spare them. 6I will no longer have pity on the people in the land,” announces the Lord. “I will hand all of them over to their neighbors and their king. They will destroy the land. And I will not save anyone from their power.”

7So I took care of the sheep set apart to be sacrificed. I took special care of those that had been treated badly. Then I got two shepherd’s staffs. I called one of them Favor. I called the other one Union. And I took care of the flock. 8In one month I got rid of three worthless shepherds.

The sheep hated me, and I got tired of them. 9So I said, “I won’t be your shepherd anymore. Let those of you who are dying die. Let those who are passing away pass away. Let those who are left eat one another up.”

10Then I got my staff called Favor. I broke it. That meant the covenant the Lord had made with all the nations was broken. 11It happened that day. The sheep that had been treated badly were watching me. They knew it was the Lord’s message.

12I told them, “If you think it is best, give me my pay. But if you don’t think so, keep it.” So they paid me 30 silver coins.

13The Lord said to me, “Throw those coins to the potter.” That amount shows how little they valued me! So I threw the 30 silver coins to the potter at the Lord’s temple.

14Then I broke my second staff called Union. That broke the family connection between Judah and Israel.

15The Lord said to me, “Now pretend to be a foolish shepherd. Get the things you need. 16I am going to raise up a shepherd over the land. He will not take care of those that are wounded. He will not look for the young ones. He will not heal those that are hurt. He will not feed the healthy ones. Instead, he will eat the best sheep. He will even tear their hooves off.

17“How terrible it will be for that worthless shepherd!

He deserts the flock.

May a sword strike his arm and his right eye!

May his powerful arm become weak!

May his right eye be totally blinded!”

New Amharic Standard Version

ዘካርያስ 11:1-17

1ሊባኖስ ሆይ፤ እሳት ዝግባሽን እንዲበላው

ደጆችሽን ክፈቺ!

2የጥድ ዛፍ ሆይ፤ ዝግባ ወድቋልና አልቅስ፤

የከበሩትም ዛፎች ጠፍተዋል!

የባሳን ወርካዎች ሆይ፤ አልቅሱ፤

ጥቅጥቅ ያለው ደን ተመንጥሯል!

3የእረኞችን ዋይታ ስሙ፤

ክብራቸው ተገፍፏልና፤

የአንበሶችን ጩኸት ስሙ፤

ጥቅጥቅ ያለው የዮርዳኖስ ደን ወድሟል!

ሁለቱ እረኞች

4እግዚአብሔር አምላኬ እንዲህ ይላል፤ “ለዕርድ የተለዩትን በጎች አሰማራ፤ 5የገዟቸው ያርዷቸዋል፤ ሳይቀጡም ይቀራሉ፤ የሸጧቸውም፣ ‘እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን፤ ባለጠጋ ሆኛለሁ’ ይላሉ፤ ጠባቂዎቻቸውም እንኳ አይራሩላቸውም። 6ከእንግዲህ በምድሪቱ ለሚኖረው ሕዝብ አልራራምና” ይላል እግዚአብሔር፤ “ሰውን ሁሉ ለባልንጀራውና ለንጉሡ አሳልፌ እሰጣለሁ፤ እነርሱ ምድሪቱን ያስጨንቃሉ፤ እኔም ከእጃቸው አላድናቸውም።”

7ስለዚህ ለዕርድ የተለዩትን በጎች፣ በተለይም የተጨቈኑትን አሰማራሁ። ሁለት በትሮች ወስጄም፣ አንዱን “ሞገስ” ሌላውንም “አንድነት” ብዬ ጠራኋቸው፤ መንጋውንም አሰማራሁ። 8በአንድ ወር ውስጥ ሦስቱን እረኞች አስወገድሁ።

በጎቹ ጠሉኝ፤ እኔም፣ ሰለቸኋቸው፤ 9“እረኛችሁ አልሆንም፤ የሚሞቱት ይሙቱ፤ የሚጠፉት ይጥፉ፤ የቀሩትም አንዱ የሌላውን ሥጋ ይብላ” አልኋቸው።

10ከዚያም ከአሕዛብ ሁሉ ጋር የገባሁትን ኪዳን ለማፍረስ፣ “ሞገስ” ብዬ የጠራሁትን በትሬን ወስጄ ሰበርሁት። 11በዚያም ቀን ኪዳኑ ፈረሰ፤ ሲመለከቱኝ የነበሩትና የተጨነቁት በጎችም የእግዚአብሔር ቃል መሆኑን ዐወቁ።

12እኔም፣ “የሚበጅ መስሎ ከታያችሁ ዋጋዬን ክፈሉኝ፤ አይሆንም ካላችሁም ተዉት” አልኋቸው፤ ስለዚህ ሠላሳ ብር ከፈሉኝ።

13እግዚአብሔርም ሊከፍሉኝ የተስማሙበትን ጥሩ ዋጋ “በግምጃ ቤቱ ውስጥ አኑረው” አለኝ፤ እኔም ሠላሳውን ብር ወስጄ በእግዚአብሔር ቤት ባለው ግምጃ ቤት አስቀመጥሁት። 14ከዚያም የእስራኤልንና የይሁዳን ወንድማማችነት በማፍረስ፣ “አንድነት” ብዬ የጠራሁትን ሁለተኛውን በትሬን ሰበርሁት።

15እግዚአብሔርም እንዲህ አለኝ፤ “እንደ ገና የሰነፍ እረኛ ዕቃ ውሰድ፤ 16እነሆ፤ በምድሪቱ ላይ እረኛ አስነሣለሁ፤ እርሱም የጠፋውን አያስብም፤ የባዘነውን አይፈልግም፤ የተሰበረውን አይጠግንም፤ የዳነውንም አይቀልብም፤ ነገር ግን የሠባውን ሥጋ ይበላል፤ ሰኰናውንም ሳይቀር ይቀለጣጥማል።

17“መንጋውን ለሚተው፣

ለማይረባ እረኛ ወዮለት!

ሰይፍ ክንዱንና ቀኝ ዐይኑን ትውጋው!

ክንዱ ፈጽማ ትስለል!

ቀኝ ዐይኑም ጨርሳ ትታወር!”