Psalm 94 – NIRV & NVI

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 94:1-23

Psalm 94

1The Lord is a God who punishes.

Since you are the one who punishes, come and show your anger.

2Judge of the earth, rise up.

Pay back proud people for what they have done.

3Lord, how long will those who are evil be glad?

How long will they be full of joy?

4Proud words pour out of their mouths.

All those who do evil are always bragging.

5Lord, they crush your people.

They treat badly those who belong to you.

6They kill outsiders. They kill widows.

They murder children whose fathers have died.

7They say, “The Lord doesn’t see what’s happening.

The God of Jacob doesn’t pay any attention to it.”

8You who aren’t wise, pay attention.

You foolish people, when will you become wise?

9Does he who made the ear not hear?

Does he who formed the eye not see?

10Does he who corrects nations not punish?

Does he who teaches human beings not know anything?

11The Lord knows what people think.

He knows that their thoughts don’t amount to anything.

12Lord, blessed is the person you correct.

Blessed is the person you teach from your law.

13You give them rest from times of trouble,

until a pit is dug to trap sinners.

14The Lord won’t say no to his people.

He will never desert those who belong to him.

15He will again judge people in keeping with what is right.

All those who have honest hearts will follow the right way.

16Who will rise up for me against sinful people?

Who will stand up for me against those who do evil?

17Suppose the Lord had not helped me.

Then I would soon have been lying quietly in the grave.

18I said, “My foot is slipping.”

But Lord, your faithful love kept me from falling.

19I was very worried.

But your comfort brought me joy.

20Can you have anything to do with rulers who aren’t fair?

Can those who make laws that cause suffering be friends of yours?

21Evil people join together against those who do what is right.

They sentence to death those who aren’t guilty of doing anything wrong.

22But the Lord has become like a fort to me.

My God is my rock. I go to him for safety.

23He will pay them back for their sins.

He will destroy them for their evil acts.

The Lord our God will destroy them.

Nueva Versión Internacional

Salmo 94:1-23

Salmo 94

1Señor, Dios de las venganzas;

Dios de las venganzas, ¡resplandece!

2Levántate, Juez de la tierra,

y dales su merecido a los soberbios.

3¿Hasta cuándo, Señor, hasta cuándo

habrán de ufanarse los malvados?

4Todos esos malhechores son unos fanfarrones;

a borbotones escupen su arrogancia.

5A tu pueblo, Señor, lo pisotean;

oprimen tu herencia.

6Matan a las viudas y a los extranjeros;

a los huérfanos los asesinan.

7Y hasta dicen: «El Señor no ve;

el Dios de Jacob no se da cuenta».

8Entiendan esto, gente necia;

¿cuándo, insensatos, lo comprenderán?

9¿Acaso no oirá el que nos hizo los oídos

ni podrá ver el que nos formó los ojos?

10¿Y no habrá de castigar el que corrige a las naciones

e imparte conocimiento a todo ser humano?

11El Señor conoce los pensamientos humanos,

y sabe que son vanidad.

12Dichoso aquel a quien tú, Señor, corriges;

aquel a quien instruyes en tu Ley,

13para que enfrente tranquilo los días malos,

mientras al impío se le cava una fosa.

14El Señor no rechazará a su pueblo;

no dejará a su herencia en el abandono.

15El juicio volverá a basarse en la justicia

y todos los de corazón sincero la seguirán.

16¿Quién se levantará a defenderme de los malvados?

¿Quién se pondrá de mi parte contra los malhechores?

17Si el Señor no me hubiera brindado su ayuda,

muy pronto me habría quedado en mortal silencio.

18No bien decía: «Mis pies resbalan»,

cuando ya tu gran amor, Señor, venía en mi ayuda.

19Cuando en mí la angustia iba en aumento,

tu consuelo llenaba mi alma de alegría.

20¿Te asociarías con reyes corruptos94:20 reyes corruptos. Lit. trono corrupto.

que por decreto fraguan la maldad,

21que conspiran contra la vida de los justos

y condenan a muerte al inocente?

22Pero el Señor es mi protector,

es mi Dios y la Roca en que me refugio.

23Él les hará pagar por sus pecados

y los destruirá por su maldad;

el Señor nuestro Dios los destruirá.