Psalm 52 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 52:1-9

Psalm 52

For the director of music. A maskil of David when Doeg, who was from Edom, had gone to Saul. Doeg had told Saul, “David has gone to the house of Ahimelek.”

1You think you are such a big, strong man!

Why do you brag about the evil things you’ve done?

You are a dishonor to God all the time.

2You plan ways to destroy others.

Your tongue is like a blade that has a sharp edge.

You are always telling lies.

3You love evil instead of good.

You would rather lie than tell the truth.

4You love to harm others with your words, you liar!

5So God will destroy you forever.

He will grab you and pluck you from your tent.

He will remove you from this life.

6Those who do what is right will see it and learn a lesson from it.

They will laugh at you and say,

7“Just look at this fellow!

He didn’t depend on God for his safety.

He put his trust in all his wealth.

He grew strong by destroying others!”

8But I am like a healthy olive tree.

My roots are deep in the house of God.

I trust in your faithful love

for ever and ever.

9I will praise you forever for what you have done.

I will praise you when I’m with your faithful people.

I will put my hope in you because you are good.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Salmernes Bog 52:1-11

Guds straf over en ond „helt”

1-2Til korlederen: En visdomssang af David, dengang Edomitten Doeg fortalte Saul, at David havde søgt hjælp hos Ahimelek.52,1-2 Se 1.Sam. 21–22, hvor Saul fik Doeg til at slå alle præsterne ihjel.

3Hvorfor prale af din ondskab, du stærke mand?

Gud er trofast, og han beskytter mig dag efter dag.

4Hele tiden lægger du onde planer.

Dine ord er dødbringende som skarpe knive.

5Du foretrækker ondt frem for godt,

løgn frem for sandhed.

6Du elsker at sige noget, som kan skade andre.

Hvor er du fuld af falskhed.

7Men Gud vil gøre det af med dig,

rive dig bort fra dit hjem,

rykke dig op fra de levendes land.

8Når de gudfrygtige ser det, vil de gyse,

de vil håne dig og sige:

9„Sådan går det dem,

der ikke regner med Gud,

men stoler på deres rigdom

og praler af deres ondskab.”

10Men jeg er som et frodigt oliventræ,

der trives i Herrens hus.

Jeg stoler altid på hans trofasthed og nåde.

11Herre, jeg vil takke dig for alt, hvad du gør for mig,

jeg vil forkynde din godhed i dine tjeneres nærvær.