Psalm 22 – NIRV & NASV

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 22:1-31

Psalm 22

For the director of music. A psalm of David to the tune of “The Doe of the Morning.”

1My God, my God, why have you deserted me?

Why do you seem so far away when I need you to save me?

Why do you seem so far away that you can’t hear my groans?

2My God, I cry out in the daytime. But you don’t answer.

I cry out at night. But you don’t let me sleep.

3But you rule from your throne as the Holy One.

You are the God Israel praises.

4Our people of long ago put their trust in you.

They trusted in you, and you saved them.

5They cried out to you and were saved.

They trusted in you, and you didn’t let them down.

6Everyone treats me like a worm and not a man.

They hate me and look down on me.

7All those who see me laugh at me.

They shout at me and make fun of me.

They shake their heads at me.

8They say, “He trusts in the Lord.

Let the Lord help him.

If the Lord is pleased with him,

let him save him.”

9But you brought me out of my mother’s body.

You made me trust in you

even when I was at my mother’s breast.

10From the time I was born, you took good care of me.

Ever since I came out of my mother’s body, you have been my God.

11Don’t be far away from me.

Trouble is near,

and there is no one to help me.

12Many enemies are all around me.

They are like strong bulls from the land of Bashan.

13They are like roaring lions that tear to pieces what they kill.

They open their mouths wide to attack me.

14My strength is like water that is poured out on the ground.

I feel as if my bones aren’t connected.

My heart has turned to wax.

It has melted away inside me.

15My mouth is dried up like a piece of broken pottery.

My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.

You bring me down to the edge of the grave.

16A group of sinful people has closed in on me.

They are all around me like a pack of dogs.

They have pierced my hands and my feet.

17Everyone can see all my bones right through my skin.

People stare at me. They laugh when I suffer.

18They divide up my clothes among them.

They cast lots for what I am wearing.

19Lord, don’t be so far away from me.

You give me strength. Come quickly to help me.

20Save me from being killed by the sword.

Save the only life I have. Save me from the power of those dogs.

21Save me from the mouths of those lions.

Save me from the horns of those wild oxen.

22I will announce your name to my people.

I will praise you among those who are gathered to worship you.

23You who have respect for the Lord, praise him!

All you people of Jacob, honor him!

All you people of Israel, worship him!

24He has not forgotten the one who is hurting.

He has not turned away from his suffering.

He has not turned his face away from him.

He has listened to his cry for help.

25Because of what you have done,

I will praise you in the whole community of those who worship you.

In front of those who respect you,

I will keep my promises.

26Those who are poor will eat and be satisfied.

Those who seek the Lord will praise him.

May their hearts be filled with new hope!

27People from one end of the earth to the other

will remember and turn to the Lord.

The people of all the nations

will bow down in front of him.

28The Lord is King.

He rules over the nations.

29All rich people of the earth will feast and worship God.

All who go down to the grave will kneel in front of him.

Those who cannot keep themselves alive will kneel.

30Those who are not yet born will serve him.

Those who are born later will be told about the Lord.

31And they will tell people who have not yet been born,

“The Lord has done what is right!”

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 22:1-31

መዝሙር 22

የጻድቅ ሰው መከራና ተስፋ

ለመዘምራን አለቃ፤ “በንጋት አጋዘን” ዜማ የሚዜም፤ የዳዊት መዝሙር።

1አምላኬ፣ አምላኬ ለምን ተውኸኝ?

እኔን ከማዳን፣

ከመቃተቴም ቃል ለምን ራቅህ?

2አምላኬ ሆይ፤ በቀን ወደ አንተ ጮኻለሁ፤

አንተ ግን አልመለስህልኝም፤

በሌሊት እንኳ አላረፍሁም።

3አንተ ግን ቅዱሱ ነጋሢ፤22፥3 ወይም አንተ ግን ቅዱስ ነህ፤ በእስራኤል ምስጋና ላይ በዙፋን ተቀምጠሃል

የእስራኤልም ምስጋና ነህ።

4አባቶቻችን በአንተ ታመኑ፤

ተማመኑብህ፤ አንተም ታደግሃቸው።

5ወደ አንተ ጮኹ፤ ዳኑም፤

በአንተም ታመኑ፤ አላፈሩም።

6እኔ ግን ትል እንጂ ሰው አይደለሁም፤

ሰው ያላገጠብኝ፣ ሕዝብም የናቀኝ ነኝ።

7የሚያዩኝ ሁሉ ይሣለቁብኛል፤

ራሳቸውንም እየነቀነቁ እንዲህ እያሉ ይዘልፉኛል፤

8በእግዚአብሔር ተማምኗል፤

እንግዲህ እርሱ ያድነው፤

ደስ የተሰኘበትን፣

እስቲ ይታደገው።”

9አንተ ግን ከማሕፀን አወጣኸኝ፤

በእናቴም ጡት ሳለሁ፣ መታመኛ ሆንኸኝ።

10ከማሕፀን ስወጣም በአንተ ላይ ተጣልሁ፤

ከእናቴ ሆድ ጀምሮም አንተ አምላኬ ነህ።

11መከራ እየተቃረበ ነውና፣

የሚረዳኝም የለምና፣

ከእኔ አትራቅ።

12ብዙ ኰርማዎች ከበቡኝ፤

ኀይለኛ የባሳን በሬዎችም ዙሪያዬን ቆሙ።

13እንደሚነጥቅና እንደሚያገሣ አንበሳ፣

አፋቸውን ከፈቱብኝ።

14እንደ ውሃ ፈሰስሁ፤

ዐጥንቶቼም ሁሉ ከመጋጠሚያቸው ወለቁ፤

ልቤ እንደ ሰም ሆነ፤

በውስጤም ቀለጠ።

15ጕልበቴ እንደ ገል ደረቀ፤

ምላሴ ከላንቃዬ ጋር ተጣበቀ፤

ወደ ሞት ዐፈርም አወረድኸኝ።22፥15 ወይም …ዐፈር ውስጥ ተኛሁኝ

16ውሾች ከበቡኝ፤

የክፉዎች ሸንጎ በዙሪያዬ ተሰልፏል፤

እጆቼንና እግሮቼንም ቸነከሩኝ።22፥16 አንዳንድ የዕብራይስጥ የጥንት ቅጆች፣ ሰብዓ ሊቃናትና ሱርስት እንዲሁ ሲሆኑ፣ አብዛኛዎቹ የዕብራይስጥ የጥንት ቅጆች እንደ አንበሳ ይላሉ።

17ዐጥንቶቼን ሁሉ አንድ በአንድ መቍጠር እችላለሁ፤

እነርሱም አፍጥጠው ይመለከቱኛል።

18ልብሶቼን ተከፋፈሉ፤

በእጀ ጠባቤም ላይ ዕጣ ተጣጣሉ።

19አንተ ግን፣ እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ ከእኔ አትራቅ፤

ዐጋዤ ሆይ፤ እኔን ለመርዳት ፍጠን።

20ነፍሴን ከሰይፍ ታደጋት፤

ውድ ሕይወቴንም ከውሾች ጡጫ አድናት።

21ከአንበሶች አፍ አድነኝ፤

ከአውራሪስ ቀንድም ታደገኝ።22፥21 ወይም ሰምተኸኛል

22ስምህን ለወንድሞቼ እነግራለሁ፤

በጉባኤም መካከል አመሰግንሃለሁ።

23እናንተ እግዚአብሔርን የምትፈሩ፤


እናንተ የያቆብ ዘር ሁላችሁ፤ አክብሩት፤

የእስራኤልም ዘር ሁላችሁ፤ እርሱን ፍሩት።

24እርሱ የተጨነቀውን ሰው ጭንቀት፣

አልናቀም፤ ቸልም አላለምና፤

ፊቱንም ከእርሱ አልሰወረም፤

ነገር ግን ድረስልኝ ብሎ ሲጮኽ ሰማው።

25በታላቅ ጉባኤ የማቀርበው ምስጋናዬ ከአንተ የመጣ ነው፤

እርሱን በሚፈሩት22፥25 ዕብራይስጡ እኔ በሚፈሩኝ ይላል። ፊት ስእለቴን እፈጽማለሁ።

26ምስኪኖች በልተው ይጠግባሉ፤

እግዚአብሔርን የሚሹትም ያመሰግኑታል፤

ልባችሁም ለዘላለም ሕያው ይሁን!

27የምድር ዳርቻዎች ሁሉ ያስታውሳሉ፤

ወደ እግዚአብሔርም ይመለሳሉ፤

የሕዝቦች ነገዶች ሁሉ፣

በፊቱ ይሰግዳሉ።

28መንግሥት የእግዚአብሔር ናትና፤

ሕዝቦችንም የሚገዛ እርሱ ነው።

29የምድር ከበርቴዎች ይበላሉ፤


ነፍሱን በሕይወት ማቈየት የማይችለው፣ ወደ ዐፈር

ተመላሽ የሆነው ሁሉ በፊቱ ይንበረከካል።

30የኋለኛው ትውልድ ያገለግለዋል፤

ለመጪው ትውልድ ስለ ጌታ ይነገረዋል።

31ገና ላልተወለደ ሕዝብ፣

ጽድቁን ይነግራሉ፤

እርሱ ይህን አድርጓልና።