Obadiah 1 – NIRV & CST

New International Reader’s Version

Obadiah 1:1-21

Obadiah’s Vision

1This is the vision about Edom that Obadiah had.

Here is what the Lord and King says about Edom.

We’ve heard a message from the Lord.

A messenger was sent to the nations.

The Lord told him to say,

“Get up! Let us go and make war against Edom.”

2The Lord says to Edom,

“I will make you weak among the nations.

They will look down on you.

3You live in the safety of the rocks.

You make your home high up in the mountains.

But your proud heart has tricked you.

So you say to yourself,

‘No one can bring me down to the ground.’

4You have built your home as high as an eagle does.

You have made your nest among the stars.

But I will bring you down from there,”

announces the Lord.

5“Edom, suppose robbers came to you at night.

They would steal only as much as they wanted.

Suppose grape pickers came to harvest your vines.

They would still leave a few grapes.

But you are facing horrible trouble!

6People of Esau, everything will be taken away from you.

Your hidden treasures will be stolen.

7All those who are helping you

will force you to leave your country.

Your friends will trick you and overpower you.

Those who eat bread with you

will set a trap for you.

But you will not see it.”

8Here is what the Lord announces. “At that time

I will destroy the wise men of Edom.

I will wipe out the men of understanding

in the mountains of Esau.

9People of Teman, your soldiers will be terrified.

Everyone in Esau’s mountains

will be cut down by swords.

10You did harmful things to the people of Jacob.

They are your relatives.

So you will be covered with shame.

You will be destroyed forever.

11Outsiders entered the gates of Jerusalem.

They cast lots to see what each one would get.

Strangers carried off its wealth.

When that happened, you just stood there and did nothing.

You were like one of them.

12That was a time of trouble for your relatives.

So you shouldn’t have been happy about what happened to them.

The people of Judah were destroyed.

So you should not have been happy about it.

You should not have laughed at them so much

when they were in trouble.

13You should not have marched

through the gates of my people’s city

when they were in trouble.

You shouldn’t have been happy about what happened to them.

You should not have stolen their wealth

when they were in trouble.

14You waited where the roads cross.

You wanted to cut down those who were running away.

You should not have done that.

You handed over to their enemies

those who were still left alive.

You should not have done that.

They were in trouble.

15“The day of the Lord is near

for all the nations.

Others will do to you

what you have done to them.

You will be paid back

for what you have done.

16You Edomites made my holy mountain of Zion impure

by drinking and celebrating there.

So all the nations will drink

from the cup of my anger.

And they will keep on drinking from it.

They will vanish.

It will be as if they had never existed.

17But on Mount Zion some of my people will be left alive.

I will save them.

Zion will be my holy mountain once again.

And the people of Jacob

will again receive the land as their own.

18They will be like a fire.

Joseph’s people will be like a flame.

The nation of Edom will be like straw.

Jacob’s people will set Edom on fire and burn it up.

No one will be left alive

among Esau’s people.”

The Lord has spoken.

19Israelites from the Negev Desert

will take over Esau’s mountains.

Israelites from the western hills

will possess the land of the Philistines.

They’ll take over the territories

of Ephraim and Samaria.

Israelites from the tribe of Benjamin

will possess the land of Gilead.

20Some Israelites were forced to leave their homes.

They’ll come back to Canaan and possess

it all the way to the town of Zarephath.

Some people from Jerusalem were taken

to the city of Sepharad.

They’ll return and possess

the towns of the Negev Desert.

21Leaders from Mount Zion will go

and rule over the mountains of Esau.

And the kingdom will belong to the Lord.

Nueva Versión Internacional (Castilian)

Abdías 1:1-21

1Visión de Abdías.

Orgullo y caída de Edom

1-4Jer 49:14-16

5-6Jer 49:9-10

Hemos oído una noticia de parte del Señor y un mensajero ha sido enviado a las naciones, diciendo: «¡Vamos, marchemos a la guerra contra ella!»

Así dice el Señor omnipotente acerca de Edom:

2«¡Te haré insignificante entre las naciones,

serás tremendamente despreciado!

3Tu carácter soberbio te ha engañado.

Como habitas en las hendiduras de los desfiladeros,

en la altura de tu morada,

te dices a ti mismo:

¿Quién podrá arrojarme a tierra?

4Pero, aunque vueles a lo alto como águila,

y tu nido esté puesto en las estrellas,

de allí te arrojaré

—afirma el Señor—.

5Si vinieran a ti ladrones

o saqueadores nocturnos,

¿no robarían solo lo que les bastara?

¡Pero tú, cómo serás destruido!

Si vinieran a ti vendimiadores,

¿no dejarían algunos racimos?

6¡Pero cómo registrarán a Esaú!

¡Cómo rebuscarán sus escondrijos!

7Hasta la frontera te expulsarán

tus propios aliados,

te engañarán y dominarán

tus propios amigos.

Los que se sientan a tu mesa

te pondrán una trampa.

¡Es que Edom ya no tiene inteligencia!

8¿Acaso no destruiré yo en aquel día

a los sabios de Edom,

a la inteligencia del monte de Esaú?

—afirma el Señor—.

9Ciudad de Temán, tus guerreros se caerán de miedo,

a fin de que todo hombre sea exterminado

del monte de Esaú por la masacre.

10»Por la violencia hecha contra tu hermano Jacob,

te cubrirá la vergüenza

y serás exterminado para siempre.

11En el día que te mantuviste aparte,

en el día que extranjeros llevaron su ejército cautivo,

cuando extraños entraron por su puerta

y sobre Jerusalén echaron suerte,

tú eras como uno de ellos.

12No debiste reírte de tu hermano en su mal día,

en el día de su desgracia.

No debiste alegrarte a costa del pueblo de Judá

en el día de su ruina.

No debiste proferir arrogancia

en el día de su angustia.

13No debiste entrar por la puerta de mi pueblo

en el día de su calamidad.

No debiste recrear la vista con su desgracia

en el día de su calamidad.

No debiste echar mano a sus riquezas

en el día de su calamidad.

14No debiste aguardar en los angostos caminos

para matar a los que huían.

No debiste entregar a los sobrevivientes

en el día de su angustia.

15»Porque cercano está el día del Señor

contra todas las naciones.

¡Edom, como hiciste, se te hará!

¡sobre tu cabeza recaerá tu merecido!

16Pues sin duda que así como vosotros, israelitas,

bebisteis de mi copa en mi santo monte,

así también la beberán sin cesar todas las naciones;

beberán y engullirán,

y entonces serán como si nunca hubieran existido.

17Pero en el monte Sión habrá liberación, y será sagrado.

El pueblo de Jacob recuperará sus posesiones.

18Los descendientes de Jacob serán fuego,

y los de José, llama;

pero la casa real de Esaú será estopa:

le pondrán fuego y la consumirán,

de tal forma que no quedará sobreviviente

entre los descendientes de Esaú».

El Señor lo ha dicho.

Restauración del pueblo de Dios

19Los del Néguev poseerán el monte de Esaú, y los de la Sefelá poseerán Filistea. Los israelitas poseerán los campos de Efraín y de Samaria, y los de Benjamín poseerán Galaad.

20Los exiliados, este ejército de israelitas que viven entre los cananeos, poseerán la tierra hasta Sarepta. Los desterrados de Jerusalén, que viven en Sefarad, poseerán las ciudades del Néguev, 21y los libertadores subirán al monte Sión para gobernar la región montañosa de Esaú. Y el reino será del Señor.