Numbers 3 – NIRV & HTB

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 3:1-51

The Levites

1Here is the story of the family line of Aaron and Moses. It belongs to the time when the Lord spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai.

2Aaron’s oldest son was Nadab. Aaron’s other sons were Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 3Those were the names of Aaron’s sons. They were the anointed priests. They were given authority to serve the Lord as priests. 4But Nadab and Abihu made an offering to the Lord by using fire that wasn’t allowed. So they died in front of him. That happened in the Desert of Sinai. They didn’t have any sons. Only Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests while their father Aaron was living.

5The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 6“Bring the men of the tribe of Levi to Aaron the priest. They will help him. 7They must work at the tent of meeting for Aaron and for the whole community. They must do what needs to be done at the holy tent. 8They must take care of everything connected with the tent of meeting. When they do, they are acting for all the Israelites. 9Give the Levites to Aaron and his sons. They are the men of Israel who must be given completely to him. 10Appoint Aaron and his sons to serve as priests. Anyone else who approaches the sacred tent must be put to death.”

11The Lord also said to Moses, 12“I have taken the Levites from among the Israelites. I have taken them in place of the son born first to each woman in Israel. The Levites belong to me. 13That’s because every male born first to a mother is mine. In Egypt I struck down all the males born first. I did it when I set apart for myself every male born first to a mother in Israel. That is true for men and animals alike. They belong to me. I am the Lord.”

14The Lord spoke to Moses in the Desert of Sinai. He said, 15“Count the Levites by their family groups. Count every male a month old or more.” 16So Moses counted them. He did just as the word of the Lord had commanded him.

17The sons of Levi were

Gershon, Kohath and Merari.

18The major families from Gershon were

Libni and Shimei.

19The major families from Kohath were

Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.

20The major families from Merari were

Mahli and Mushi.

These were the major families of the Levites.

21The families of Libni and Shimei belonged to the family of Gershon.

22All the males a month old or more were counted. There were 7,500 of them.

23The families of Gershon had to camp on the west side. They had to camp behind the holy tent.

24The leader of the families of Gershon was Eliasaph, the son of Lael.

25Here are the duties of the families of Gershon at the tent of meeting. They were responsible for taking care of the holy tent and its coverings. They took care of the curtain at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 26They took care of the curtains of the courtyard. And they took care of the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. The courtyard was all around the holy tent and altar. The families of Gershon also took care of the ropes. In fact, they had to take care of everything connected with the use of all those things.

27The families of Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel belonged to the family of Kohath.

28All the males a month old or more were counted. There were 8,600 of them.

The families of Kohath were responsible for taking care of the sacred tent.

29They had to camp on the south side of the holy tent.

30The leader of the families of Kohath was Elizaphan, the son of Uzziel.

31They were responsible for taking care of the ark of the covenant law. They took care of the table for the holy bread. They took care of the lampstand and the two altars. They took care of the things used for serving in the sacred tent. They also took care of the inner curtain. In fact, they had to take care of everything connected with the use of all those things.

32The chief leader of the Levites was Eleazar. He was the son of Aaron the priest. Eleazar was appointed over those responsible for taking care of the sacred tent.

33The families of Mahli and Mushi belonged to the family of Merari.

34All the males a month old or more were counted. There were 6,200 of them.

35The leader of the families of Merari was Zuriel, the son of Abihail.

The families of Merari had to camp on the north side of the holy tent.

36They were responsible for taking care of the frames of the tent. They took care of its crossbars, posts and bases. They took care of all its supplies. In fact, they had to take care of everything connected with the use of all those things. 37They also took care of the posts of the courtyard around the holy tent. And they took care of the bases, tent stakes and ropes.

38Moses, Aaron and Aaron’s sons had to camp to the east of the holy tent. They had to camp toward the sunrise in front of the tent of meeting.

They were responsible for taking care of the sacred tent. They had to do it for the Israelites.

Anyone else who approached the tent would be put to death.

39The total number of the Levite males was 22,000. They were counted family by family. Every male a month old or more was counted. Moses and Aaron counted them, just as the Lord had commanded.

40The Lord said to Moses, “Count all the Israelite males born first in their families. Count all those a month old or more. Make a list of their names. 41Take the Levites for me in their place. And take the livestock of the Levites in place of all the male animals in Israel born first to their mothers. I am the Lord.”

42So Moses counted all the oldest sons in Israel. He did just as the Lord had commanded him. 43There were 22,273 of those sons a month old or more. They were listed by name.

44The Lord also said to Moses, 45“Take the Levites in place of all the males born first in Israel. Also take the livestock of the Levites in place of the livestock of Israel. The Levites belong to me. I am the Lord. 46But there are 273 more males born first in Israel than there are male Levites. 47Collect two ounces of silver for each of them. Weigh it out according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. 48Give the silver to Aaron and his sons. It will buy the freedom of the additional sons in Israel.”

49So Moses collected the silver from the additional sons in Israel to buy their freedom. The Levites took the place of all the others. 50Moses collected 35 pounds of silver. It was weighed out according to the weights used in the sacred tent. Moses collected it from the oldest sons in Israel. 51He gave the silver to Aaron and his sons. He did just as the Lord had commanded him.

Het Boek

Numeri 3:1-51

De stam van Levi

1Op het moment dat de Here met Mozes sprak op de berg Sinaï, 2had Aäron de volgende zonen: Nadab, de oudste, Abihu, Eleazar en Itamar. 3Zij waren allemaal tot priester gezalfd en zo afgezonderd om dienst te doen in de tabernakel. 4Maar Nadab en Abihu stierven in de woestijn van de Sinaï toen zij bij het altaar van de Here onheilig vuur gebruikten. Omdat Nadab en Abihu geen kinderen achterlieten, waren alleen Eleazar en Itamar overgebleven om hun vader Aäron te assisteren in de tabernakel.

5Toen zei de Here tegen Mozes: 6‘Roep de stam Levi bijeen en stel hen aan Aäron voor als zijn assistenten. 7-9Zij moeten zijn instructies opvolgen en de heilige taken in de tabernakel uitvoeren namens het hele volk Israël. Want zij zijn aangewezen als vertegenwoordigers van het volk Israël. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor alle voorwerpen in de tabernakel en voor het onderhoud van de tabernakel. 10Maar alleen Aäron en zijn zonen mogen het priesterambt uitoefenen. Onbevoegden die dit denken te kunnen doen, zullen ter dood worden gebracht.’ 11-12 En de Here zei tegen Mozes: ‘Ik heb de Levieten aanvaard als plaatsvervangers voor alle oudste zonen van het volk Israël. De Levieten behoren Mij toe 13in ruil voor alle oudste zonen. Sinds de dag dat Ik alle eerstgeborenen van de Egyptenaren doodde, nam Ik alle eerstgeborenen van mens en dier in Israël voor Mijzelf! Zij zijn mijn eigendom, Ik ben de Here.’

14-15 De Here sprak opnieuw tegen Mozes in de woestijn op het schiereiland Sinaï en zei: ‘Tel de zonen van Levi, ieder ingedeeld naar zijn familie, tel ieder mannelijk persoon van één maand en ouder mee.’ 16-24En Mozes deed dat volgens Gods bevel. De zonen van Leviʼs zoon Gerson heetten Libni en Simi. De families die hun namen droegen, omvatten 7500 man en hun leider was Eljasaf, de zoon van Laël. Hun kampplaats was aan de westkant van de tabernakel. 25-30Deze twee families waren verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van de tabernakel: de dakbedekking, het gordijn voor de ingang van de tabernakel, de gordijnen rond de voorhof en het gordijn voor de ingang van de voorhof die de tabernakel en het altaar omringde en de scheerlijnen die werden gebruikt om de tabernakel op te zetten.

De zonen van Leviʼs zoon Kehat heetten Amram, Jishar, Hebron en Uzziël. Hun stammen telden 8600 mannen en hun leider was Elisafan, de zoon van Uzziël. Zij hadden de zorg voor het heilige. Hun kampplaats was aan de zuidkant van de tabernakel. 31-35Deze vier families waren verantwoordelijk voor de ark, de tafel, de kandelaar, de altaren, de verschillende voorwerpen die bij de dienst werden gebruikt, het gordijn voor het Heilige der Heiligen en alle reparaties die noodzakelijk waren voor elk van deze voorwerpen.

Eleazar, de zoon van Aäron, was het hoofd van de Levieten en was verantwoordelijk voor alles wat in het heiligdom gebeurde.

De zonen van Leviʼs zoon Merari heetten Machli en Musi. Hun geslachten telden 6200 mannen en hun leider was Suriël, de zoon van Abichaël. Hun kampplaats was aan de noordkant van de tabernakel. 36-37 Deze twee families waren verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van de panelen van de tabernakel, de pilaren, de voetstukken van de pilaren en al het gerei, dat nodig was voor hun gebruik, de pilaren rond de voorhof en hun voetstukken, de grondpennen en de scheerlijnen. 38De oostkant van de tabernakel was gereserveerd voor de tenten van Mozes en Aäron en zijn zonen, die de uiteindelijke verantwoordelijkheid voor de tabernakel droegen namens het volk Israël. Iemand die niet tot de priesters of Levieten behoorde, maar toch in de tabernakel kwam, moest worden gedood.

39Het aantal Levieten dat in opdracht van de Here door Mozes en Aäron werd geteld, bedroeg tweeëntwintigduizend mannen van één maand en ouder. 40Toen zei de Here tegen Mozes: ‘Tel nu alle oudste zonen in Israël van één maand en ouder en noteer hun namen. 41De Levieten zullen Mij toebehoren—Ik ben de Here—als vervangers voor de oudste zonen van Israël, en het vee van de Levieten is van Mij als vervanging van de eerstgeborenen van het vee van het hele volk.’ 42-43 Dus hield Mozes een telling onder de oudste zonen in Israël van één maand en ouder, zoals de Here hem had opgedragen. Hij kwam op een totaal van 22.273.

44Daarop zei de Here tegen Mozes: 45‘Geef Mij de Levieten in plaats van de oudste zonen van het volk Israël, en geef Mij het vee van de Levieten in plaats van de eerstgeborenen van het vee van de Israëlieten. Ja, de Levieten zullen Mij toebehoren, Ik ben de Here. 46Om de 273 oudste zonen los te kopen die boven het aantal Levieten uitgaan, 47-48 moet u per persoon 55 gram zilver betalen aan Aäron en zijn zonen.’ 49Zo ontving Mozes het losgeld voor de 273 oudste zonen die het aantal Levieten te boven gingen. 50Het totale losgeld bedroeg vijftien kilo zilver. 51Mozes gaf dat aan Aäron en zijn zonen, zoals de Here hem had opgedragen.