Numbers 16 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 16:1-50

Korah, Dathan and Abiram

1Korah was the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath. Kohath was the son of Levi. Korah and certain men from the tribe of Reuben turned against Moses. The men from Reuben were Dathan, Abiram and On. Dathan and Abiram were the sons of Eliab. On was the son of Peleth. 2All those men rose up against Moses. And 250 men of Israel joined them. All of them were known as leaders in the community. They had been appointed as members of the ruling body. 3They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron. They said to Moses and Aaron, “You have gone too far! The whole community is holy. Every one in it is holy. And the Lord is with them. So why do you put yourselves above the Lord’s people?”

4When Moses heard what they said, he fell with his face to the ground. 5Then he spoke to Korah and all his followers. He said, “In the morning the Lord will show who belongs to him. He will show who is holy. He’ll bring that person near him. He’ll bring the man he chooses near him. 6Korah, here’s what you and all your followers must do. Get some shallow cups for burning incense. 7Tomorrow put burning coals and incense in them. Offer it to the Lord. The man the Lord chooses will be the one who is holy. You Levites have gone too far!”

8Moses also said to Korah, “Listen, you Levites! 9The God of Israel has separated you from the rest of the community of Israel. He has brought you near him to work at the Lord’s holy tent. He has given you to the people so that you can serve them. Isn’t all that enough for you? 10He has already brought you and all the other Levites near him. But now you want to be priests too. 11You and all your followers have joined together against the Lord. Why are you telling Aaron you aren’t happy with him?”

12Then Moses sent for Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. But they said, “We won’t come! 13You have brought us up out of a land that has plenty of milk and honey. You have brought us here to kill us in this desert. Isn’t that enough? Now do you also want to act as if you were ruling over us? 14Besides, you haven’t brought us into a land that has plenty of milk and honey. You haven’t given us fields and vineyards of our own. Do you want to treat these men like slaves? No! We won’t come!”

15Then Moses became very angry. He said to the Lord, “Don’t accept their offering. I haven’t taken even a donkey from them. In fact, I haven’t done anything wrong to any of them.”

16Moses said to Korah, “You and all your followers must stand in front of the Lord tomorrow. You must appear there along with Aaron. 17Each man must get his shallow cup. He must put incense in it. There will be a total of 250 incense cups. Each man must bring his cup to the Lord. You and Aaron must also bring your cups.” 18So each of them got his cup. He put burning coals and incense in it. All the men came with Moses and Aaron. They stood at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 19Korah gathered all his followers together at the entrance to the tent. They opposed Moses and Aaron. Then the glory of the Lord appeared to the whole community. 20The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 21“Separate yourselves from these people. Then I can put an end to all of them at once.”

22But Moses and Aaron fell with their faces to the ground. They cried out, “God, you are the God who gives life and breath to all living things. Will you be angry with the whole community when only one man sins?”

23Then the Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 24“Tell the community, ‘Move away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram.’ ”

25Moses got up. He went to Dathan and Abiram. The elders of Israel followed him. 26Moses warned the community. He said, “Move away from the tents of these evil men! Don’t touch anything that belongs to them. If you do, the Lord will sweep you away because of all their sins.” 27So they moved away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram had already come out. They were standing at the entrances to their tents. Their wives, children and little ones were standing there with them.

28Then Moses said, “What is about to happen wasn’t my idea. The Lord has sent me to do everything I’m doing. Here is how you will know I’m telling you the truth. 29These men won’t die a natural death. Something will happen to them that doesn’t usually happen to people. If what I’m telling you doesn’t happen, then you will know that the Lord hasn’t sent me. 30But the Lord will make something totally new happen. The ground will open its mouth and swallow them up. It will swallow up everything that belongs to them. They will be buried alive. When that happens, you will know that these men have disrespected the Lord.”

31As soon as Moses finished saying all these words, what he had said came true. The ground under them broke open. 32It opened its mouth. It swallowed up those men. In fact, it swallowed up everyone who lived in their houses. It swallowed all Korah’s men. And it swallowed up everything they owned. 33They went down into the grave alive. Everything they owned went down with them. The ground closed over them and they died. And so they disappeared from the community. 34All the Israelites around them heard their cries. They ran away from them. They shouted, “The ground is going to swallow us up too!”

35Then the Lord sent down fire. It burned up the 250 men offering the incense.

36The Lord said to Moses, 37“Speak to Eleazar the priest. He is the son of Aaron. Remind him that the shallow cups are holy. He must take them out of the ashes. He must scatter the burning coals away from there. 38The men who sinned used those cups. And it cost them their lives. Hammer the cups into bronze sheets that will cover the altar. The cups were offered to the Lord. They have become holy. Let them serve as a warning to the Israelites.”

39So the priest Eleazar collected the bronze incense cups. They had been brought by the men who had been burned to death. He had them hammered out to cover the altar. 40He did just as the Lord had directed Moses to tell him to do. The covering would be a reminder to the Israelites. It would remind them that no one except a son of Aaron should come and burn incense to the Lord. If people other than priests did that, they would become like Korah and his followers.

41The next day the whole community of Israel told Moses and Aaron they weren’t happy with them. “You have killed the Lord’s people,” they said.

42The community gathered together to oppose Moses and Aaron. The people walked toward the tent of meeting. Suddenly the cloud covered it. The glory of the Lord appeared. 43Then Moses and Aaron went to the front of the tent of meeting. 44The Lord said to Moses, 45“Get away from these people. Then I can put an end to all of them at once.” And Moses and Aaron fell with their faces to the ground.

46Moses said to Aaron, “Take your incense cup. Put incense in it. And put burning coals from the altar in it. Then hurry to the people and pay for their sin. The Lord has begun to show his anger. The plague has started.” 47So Aaron did as Moses said. He ran in among the people. The plague had already started among them. But Aaron offered the incense and paid for their sin. 48He stood between those alive and those dead. And the plague stopped. 49But 14,700 people died from the plague. That doesn’t include those who had died because of what Korah did. 50Then Aaron returned to Moses at the entrance to the tent of meeting. The plague had stopped.

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Okubala 16:1-50

Okwewaggula kwa Koola ne Dasani ne Abiraamu

116:1 a Yud 11 b Kbl 26:8; Ma 11:6Lwali lumu, Koola mutabani wa Izukali, mutabani wa Kokasi, mutabani wa Leevi, ne bano abava mu Lewubeeni, Dasani ne Abiraamu batabani ba Eriyaabu, awamu ne Oni mutabani wa Peresi, bonna ne beewaggula 216:2 Kbl 1:16; 26:9ne basituka ne boolekera Musa. Baali ne bannaabwe abasajja Abayisirayiri ebikumi bibiri mu ataano, abaali abamanyifu ennyo mu baana ba Isirayiri era nga bakiise mu Lukiiko Olukulu. 316:3 a nny 7; Zab 106:16 b Kuv 19:6 c Kbl 14:14 d Kbl 12:2Ne bajjira wamu nga beekobaanye okwolekera Musa ne Alooni ne babagamba nti, “Mwekulumbaza nnyo! Ekibiina kyonna, buli omu mu kyo mutukuvu, ne Mukama Katonda ali nabo. Kale, lwaki mwekulumbaliza ku kibiina ky’abantu ba Mukama?”

416:4 Kbl 14:5Musa bwe yakiwulira n’avuunama wansi. 516:5 a Lv 10:3; 2Ti 2:19* b Kbl 17:5; Zab 65:4N’alyoka agamba Koola ne bonna abaali naye nti, “Enkya Mukama Katonda anaalondamu ababe, n’oyo omutukuvu, era anaasembeza omuntu oyo gy’ali. Oyo gw’anaalonda gw’anaasembeza gy’ali. 6Gwe Koola n’abagoberezi bo bonna mukole bwe muti: Muddire ebyoterezo, 7enkya mubiteekemu omuliro n’obubaane awali Mukama, oyo Mukama Katonda gw’anaalondamu, nga ye mutukuvu. Mmwe batabani ba Leevi mwekulumbazizza nnyo!”

8Musa n’agamba Koola nti, “Muwulirize, mmwe batabani ba Leevi! 916:9 Kbl 3:6; Ma 10:8Mukiraba nga kitono nnyo tekibamala, Katonda wa Isirayiri okubaawulako n’abaggya ku kibiina ekinene eky’abaana ba Isirayiri n’abasembeza w’abeera okukolanga omulimu gwa Mukama mu Weema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, n’okuyimiriranga mu maaso g’ekibiina n’okubaweereza? 1016:10 Kbl 3:10; 18:7Mmwe ne Baleevi bannammwe Mukama Katonda yabasembeza gy’ali, kaakano mwagala n’obwakabona nabwo mubulye? 1116:11 a 1Ko 10:10 b Kuv 16:7Noolwekyo mmwe n’abagoberezi bammwe, mwesimbye ku Mukama Katonda, era gwe mwolekedde. Kale Alooni naye ye ani, mmwe okumwemulugunyiza?”

12Awo Musa n’atumya Dasani ne Abiraamu batabani ba Eriyaabu bayitibwe bajje. Naye ne bagamba nti, “Tetujja kujja! 1316:13 a Kbl 14:2 b Bik 7:27, 35Eky’okutuggya mu nsi ekulukuta amata n’omubisi gw’enjuki okututtira mu ddungu, kyali kitono nga tekimala? Ne kaakano oyagala okutwefuulirako omulangira otufuge? 1416:14 a Lv 20:24 b Kuv 22:5; 23:11; Kbl 20:5 c Bal 16:21; 1Sa 11:2Ng’ebyo bikyali awo, totuleese mu nsi ekulukuta amata n’omubisi gw’enjuki, wadde okutusikiza amasamba n’ennimiro z’emizabbibu. Abasajja bano oyagala obasibe kantuntunu ku maaso obalimberimbe? Nedda, tetujja kujja.”

Musa Asabira Abantu

1516:15 1Sa 12:3Awo Musa n’asunguwala nnyo n’agamba Mukama Katonda nti, “Ekiweebwayo kyabwe tokikkiriza. Tewaliiwo gwe nnali ntutteko wadde akalogoyi akamu, so tewali n’omu ku bo gwe nnali mpisizza obubi.”

1616:16 nny 6Musa n’agamba Koola nti, “Ggwe n’abo bonna abakugoberera, enkya mujje awali Mukama Katonda, ggwe nabo ne Alooni. 17Buli musajja ajje n’ekyoterezo kye akiteekemu obubaane, ebyoterezo bijja kuwera ebikumi bibiri mu ataano, mubireete awali Mukama. Ggwe ne Alooni nammwe mujja kuleeta ebyoterezo byammwe.” 18Awo buli musajja n’addira ekyoterezo kye n’akissaamu obubaane n’omuliro, bonna ne bayimirira ne Musa ne Alooni ku mulyango gwa Weema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu. 1916:19 a nny 42 b Kuv 16:7; Kbl 14:10; 20:6Koola bwe yamala okukuŋŋaanya abagoberezi be abavuganya, ku mulyango gwa Weema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, ekitiibwa kya Mukama Katonda ne kyeraga eri ekibiina kyonna ekyali kikuŋŋaanye. 20Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa ne Alooni nti, 2116:21 Kuv 32:10“Mweyawuleko muve mu kibiina kino ndyoke nkizikirize embagirawo.”

2216:22 a Kbl 14:5 b Kbl 27:16; Yob 12:10; Beb 12:9 c Lub 18:23Naye Musa ne Alooni ne bavuunama amaaso gaabwe wansi ne bagamba nti, “Ayi Katonda, Katonda ow’emyoyo egy’abantu bonna, omuntu omu bw’ayonoona, osunguwalira ekibiina kyonna?”

23Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa nti, 24“Muve okumpi n’eweema eza Koola ne Dasani ne Abiraamu.”

Ekibonerezo ky’Abajeemu

25Awo Musa n’asituka n’agenda eri Dasani ne Abiraamu, n’abakulembeze ba Isirayiri ne bagenda naye nga bamugoberera. 2616:26 a Is 52:11 b Lub 19:15N’agamba ekibiina kyonna nti, “Musembereeyo muve okumpi n’eweema z’abasajja bano abakozi b’ebibi! Temukwata ku kintu kyabwe n’ekimu, sikulwa nga mwenna muzikirizibwa olw’ebibi byabwe.” 27Bwe batyo ne basemberayo ne bava okumpi n’eweema za Koola, ne Dasani, ne Abiraamu. Dasani ne Abiraamu baali nga bafulumye mu weema zaabwe nga bayimiridde mu miryango gyazo, nga bali ne bakazi baabwe, ne batabani baabwe, n’obwana bwabwe obuto. 2816:28 Kuv 3:12; Yk 5:36; 6:38Awo Musa n’agamba nti, “Ku kino kwe munaategeerera nga Mukama Katonda y’antumye okukola ebintu bino byonna so tekubadde kutetenkanya kwange. 2916:29 Mub 3:19Singa abasajja bano bafa olumbe olwa bulijjo, oba kugwibwako ebyo ebya bulijjo ebigwa ku bantu bonna, kinaaba kitegeeza nti Mukama si y’antumye. 3016:30 nny 33; Zab 55:15Naye singa Mukama Katonda aleetawo ekintu ekiggya ddala ekitali kya bulijjo, ensi n’eyasamya akamwa kaayo n’ebamira nga balamu n’ebintu byabwe byonna, ne bagwa wansi mu gunnya oguwanvu, kale nno munaategeera ng’abasajja abo banyoomodde Mukama Katonda.”

3116:31 Mi 1:3-4Awo bwe yali nga yakamala okwogera ebigambo ebyo, ettaka bali kwe baali bayimiridde ne lyabikamu wabiri, 3216:32 Kbl 26:11; Ma 11:6; Zab 106:17ensi n’eyasamya akamwa kaayo n’ebamira n’ebintu byabwe byonna eby’omu maka gaabwe, ne basajja ba Koola bonna n’ebintu byabwe byonna. 33Baagwayo wansi mu gunnya nga balamu, n’ebintu byabwe byonna bye baalina; ensi n’ebabuutikira, ne basaanirawo ddala okuva mu bannaabwe. 34Abayisirayiri bonna abaaliwo bwe baabawulira nga bakaaba ne badduka nga bwe bagamba nti, “Si kulwa nga naffe ensi etumira!”

3516:35 a Kbl 11:1-3; 26:10 b Lv 10:2Olwo omuliro ne gujja nga guva eri Mukama ne gwokera ddala abasajja ebikumi ebibiri mu ataano abaali bawaayo ekiweebwayo eky’obubaane.

36Awo Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa nti, 37“Gamba Eriyazaali mutabani wa Alooni kabona aggye ebyoterezo mu muliro, kubanga bitukuvu, amanda ag’omuliro agasaasaanyize wala. 3816:38 a Nge 20:2 b Kbl 26:10; Ez 14:8; 2Pe 2:6Ebyoterezo ebyo bya basajja abaayonoona era n’okufa ne bafa; noolwekyo biweesebwemu amasowaane gakozesebwenga ng’ebibikka ku kyoto kubanga baabiwaayo eri Mukama Katonda; noolwekyo bitukuvu. Kale binaabanga kabonero ka kijjukizo eri abaana ba Isirayiri.”

39Bw’atyo Eriyazaali kabona n’addira ebyoterezo eby’ekikomo, ebyali biweereddwayo bali abaayokebwa, ne biweesebwamu ebibikka ku kyoto, 4016:40 a Kuv 30:7-10; Kbl 1:51 b 2By 26:18 c Kbl 3:10kiyambe abaana ba Isirayiri okujjukiranga nti omuntu atali kabona, atava mu lulyo lwa Alooni, taasemberenga kumpi na kyoto okunyookeza obubaane eri Mukama, si kulwa ng’afuuka nga Koola n’ekibiina kye. Eriyazaali bw’atyo bwe yabikola byonna ng’ekiragiro kya Mukama Katonda bwe kyali kye yayisa mu Musa.

Kawumpuli mu Bantu

41Naye enkeera ekibiina kyonna eby’abaana ba Isirayiri ne beemulugunyiza Musa ne Alooni, nga bagamba nti, “Musse abantu ba Mukama Katonda.” 4216:42 nny 19; Kbl 20:6Kyokka ekibiina ky’abantu bwe baakuŋŋaana okusoomooza Musa ne Alooni ne bakyuka okwolekera Eweema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, amangwago ekire ne kigibikka n’ekitiibwa kya Mukama Katonda ne kyeyoleka. 43Musa ne Alooni ne balaga ku mulyango gwa Weema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, 44Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, 45“Muve mu bantu bano ndyoke mbazikirize embagirawo.” Ne bavuunama wansi.

4616:46 a Lv 10:6 b Kbl 18:5; 25:13; Ma 9:22 c Kbl 8:19; Zab 106:29Awo Musa n’agamba Alooni nti, “Ddira ekyoterezo kyo okisseemu obubaane, n’omuliro ng’oguggya mu kyoto kya Mukama, oyanguwe ogende mu kibiina obatangiririre. Kubanga obusungu bubuubuuse okuva eri Mukama Katonda era kawumpuli atandise.” 4716:47 Kbl 25:6-8Alooni n’akola nga Musa bwe yamulagira, n’adduka n’agenda wakati mu kibiina. Yasanga kawumpuli yatandise dda mu bantu, naye Alooni n’awaayo eri Mukama Katonda obubaane okubatangiririra; 4816:48 Kbl 25:8; Zab 106:30n’ayimirira wakati w’abafu n’abalamu, kawumpuli n’aziyizibwa. 4916:49 nny 32Bwe kityo abantu abaafa kawumpuli baawera omutwalo gumu mu enkumi nnya mu lusanvu, nga bali abaafa olw’emitawaana gya Koola tobataddeeko. 50Alooni n’akomawo eri Musa mu mulyango gwa Weema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, nga kawumpuli amaze okuziyizibwa.