Nehemiah 4 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Nehemiah 4:1-23

Nehemiah’s Enemies Oppose the Rebuilding

1Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall. So he became very angry and upset. He made fun of the Jews. 2He spoke to his friends and the army of Samaria. He said, “What are those Jews trying to do? Can they make their city wall like new again? Will they offer sacrifices? Can they finish everything in a single day? The stones from their city wall and buildings are piled up like trash. And everything has been badly burned. Can they use those stones to rebuild everything again?”

3Tobiah from Ammon was at Sanballat’s side. He said, “What are they building? They’re putting up a stone wall. But suppose a fox climbs on top of it. Even that will break it down!”

4I prayed to God. I said, “Our God, please listen to our prayer. Some people hate us. They’re saying bad things about us. So let others say bad things about them. Let them be carried off like stolen goods. Let them be taken to another country as prisoners. 5Don’t hide your eyes from their guilt. Don’t forgive their sins. They have said bad things about the builders.”

6So we rebuilt the wall. We repaired it until all of it was half as high as we wanted it to be. The people worked with all their heart.

7But Sanballat and Tobiah heard that Jerusalem’s walls continued to be repaired. The Arabs, the Ammonites and the people of Ashdod heard about it too. They heard that the gaps in the wall were being filled in. So they were very angry. 8All of them made evil plans to come and fight against Jerusalem. They wanted to stir up trouble against it. 9But we prayed to our God. We put guards on duty day and night to watch out for danger.

10During that time, the people in Judah spoke up. They said, “The workers are getting weaker and weaker all the time. Broken stones are piled up everywhere. They are in our way. So we can’t rebuild the wall.”

11And our enemies said, “We will be right there among them. We’ll kill them. We’ll put an end to their work. We’ll do it before they even know it or see us.”

12Then the Jews who lived near our enemies came to us. They told us ten times, “No matter where you are, they’ll attack us.”

13So I stationed some people behind the lowest parts of the wall. That’s where our enemies could easily attack us. I stationed the people family by family. They had their swords, spears and bows with them. 14I looked things over. Then I stood up and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people. I said, “Don’t be afraid of your enemies. Remember the Lord. He is great and powerful. So fight for your families. Fight for your sons and daughters. Fight for your wives and homes.”

15Our enemies heard that we knew what they were trying to do. They heard that God had blocked their evil plans. So all of us returned to the wall. Each of us did our own work.

16From that day on, half of my men did the work. The other half were given spears, shields, bows and armor. The officers stationed themselves behind all the people of Judah. 17The people continued to build the wall. The people who carried supplies did their work with one hand. They held a weapon in the other hand. 18Each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. But the man who blew the trumpet stayed with me.

19Then I spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people. I said, “This is a big job. It covers a lot of territory. We’re separated too far from one another along the wall. 20When you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us at that location. Our God will fight for us!”

21So we continued the work. Half of the men held spears. We worked from the first light of sunrise until the stars came out at night. 22At that time I also spoke to the people. I told them, “Have every man and his helper stay inside Jerusalem at night. Then they can guard us at night. And they can work during the day.” 23My relatives and I didn’t take off our clothes. My men and the guards didn’t take theirs off either. Each man kept his weapon with him, even when he went to get water.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

ネヘミヤ 記 4:1-23




3サヌバラテのかたわらではトビヤが、「きつねが一匹乗っかっただけでも崩れそうだ」と悪態をつきました。 4私は祈りました。「主なる神様、お聞きください。私たちは侮辱されています。どうか、あのあざけりを、そっくりそのまま、あの者たちの頭上に返してください。あの者たちにも、外国に囚われの身となる思いを味わわせてください。 5神様があの者たちの罪に目をつぶったり、罪を消し去ったりすることがありませんように。神様の城壁を再建している私たちを侮辱するのは、神様を侮辱するのと同じなのです。」


7サヌバラテ、トビヤ、アラブ人、アモン人、アシュドデ人たちは、工事が順調に進み、城壁の破損箇所の修理も終わったと聞くと、腹わたが煮えくり返る思いでした。 8彼らは直ちに軍隊を出動させ、エルサレムに暴動と混乱を引き起こそうと企てました。 9私たちは神に祈り、自らの身を守るため、昼も夜も警戒に当たりました。





11敵はその間、力ずくで工事をやめさせようと、奇襲をしかけて私たちを皆殺しにする計画を着々と進めていました。 12敵はまた、近くの町や村から来た者が自分たちの町や村に戻るたび、エルサレムには戻らないようにそそのかしました。 13私は、城壁のうしろの空地に、各家族ごとに武装した者を配置しました。 14私はこのような情況を踏まえ、指導者や国民を集めて、こう言いました。「恐れてはなりません。神様は偉大で、恵み深いお方ではありませんか。さあ戦うのです。友のため、家族のため、家のために。」

15敵は、陰謀が神によってあばかれて私たちに知らされ、失敗に終わったことを知りました。今や、私たちは一丸となって城壁工事を再開しました。 16しかし、そのようなことがあってから、工事に取りかかる者は半数にし、残り半数は背後で警戒に当たらせることにしました。 17石工や力仕事の者は、手の届く所に武器を用意しておいたり、 18剣を腰につけたりして工事を進めました。私のそばには、ラッパで警報を吹き鳴らす者を配置しました。 19-20「工事は広範囲にわたり、私たちは互いに離れた場所で仕事をしている。だから、ラッパが鳴ったら急いで私のもとに集合するのだ。神様が味方して戦ってくださることを忘れてはならない。」

21私たちは、朝は日の出から、夕べは日没まで働きました。半数の者はいつも警戒に当たりました。 22郊外に住む者には、市内への移転を命じました。そうすれば、その雇い人たちは昼間働くだけでなく、夜間の警戒にも当たることができるからです。 23この期間中、私も、兄弟も、召使たちも、いっしょにいた護衛も洗濯するとき以外は服を脱がず、いつも武器を持ち歩いていました。