Leviticus 20 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 20:1-27

Israel Will Be Punished for Their Sins

1The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 2“Say to the Israelites, ‘Suppose a person sacrifices one of his children to the god Molek. It does not matter whether that person is an Israelite or an outsider who lives in Israel. He must be put to death. The members of the community must kill him by throwing stones at him. 3I will turn against that man. I will separate him from his people. That’s because he has sacrificed his child to Molek. He has made my sacred tent “unclean.” He has treated my name as if it were not holy. 4Suppose the members of the community act like they don’t know that the man has sacrificed his child to Molek. And suppose they don’t put him to death. 5Then I will turn against that man and his family. I will separate them from their people. I will also separate all those who follow him by joining themselves to Molek. They are not faithful to me.

6“ ‘Suppose someone looks for advice from people who get messages from those who have died. Or they go to people who talk to the spirits of the dead. And they do what those people say. Then they have not been faithful to me. So I will turn against them. I will separate them from their people.

7“ ‘Set yourselves apart for me. Be holy, because I am the Lord your God. 8Obey my rules. Follow them. I am the Lord. I make you holy.

9“ ‘Anyone who asks for bad things to happen to their father or mother must be put to death. They have cursed their father or mother. So anything that happens to them will be their own fault.

10“ ‘Suppose a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife. Then the man and the woman must be put to death.

11“ ‘Suppose a man has sex with his father’s wife. Then he has brought shame on his father. The man and the woman must be put to death. Anything that happens to them will be their own fault.

12“ ‘Suppose a man has sex with his daughter-in-law. Then they must be put to death. They have used sex in the wrong way. Anything that happens to them will be their own fault.

13“ ‘Suppose a man has sex with another man as he would have sex with a woman. I hate what they have done. They must be put to death. Anything that happens to them will be their own fault.

14“ ‘Suppose a man gets married to both a woman and her mother. That is evil. All of them must be burned to death. Then there will not be any evil among you.

15“ ‘Suppose a man has sex with an animal. Then he must be put to death. You must also kill the animal.

16“ ‘Suppose a woman has sex with an animal. Then kill the woman and the animal. They must be put to death. Anything that happens to them will be their own fault.

17“ ‘Suppose a man gets married to his sister and has sex with her. That is a shameful thing to do. It does not matter whether she is the daughter of his father or of his mother. They must be separated from their community in front of everyone. That man has brought shame on his sister. He will be responsible for what he has done.

18“ ‘Suppose a man has sex with a woman during her monthly period. He has uncovered the place where her bleeding was coming from. And she has let him do it. So both of them must be separated from their people.

19“ ‘Do not have sex with the sister of either your mother or your father. That would bring shame on a close relative. Both of you would be held responsible for what you have done.

20“ ‘Suppose a man has sex with his aunt. Then he has brought shame on his uncle. Both of them will be held accountable for what they have done. They will die without having any children.

21“ ‘Suppose a man gets married to his brother’s wife. That is something that should never be done. He has brought shame on his brother. Neither of them will have any children.

22“ ‘Obey all my rules and laws. Follow them. Then the land where I am bringing you to live will not throw you out. 23To make room for you, I am going to drive out the nations that are in the land. You must not follow the practices of those nations. I hated those nations because they did all those things. 24But I said to you, “You will take over their land as your own. I will give it to you. It will belong to you. It is a land that has plenty of milk and honey.” I am the Lord your God. I have set you apart from the other nations.

25“ ‘So you must be able to tell the difference between animals that are “clean” and those that are not. You must know which birds are “clean” and which are not. Do not make yourselves “unclean” by eating any “unclean” animal or bird. Do not make yourselves “unclean” by eating anything that moves along the ground. I have set all of them apart as “unclean” for you. 26You must be holy. You must be set apart to me. I am the Lord. I am holy. I have set you apart from the other nations to be my own people.

27“ ‘Suppose a man or woman gets messages from those who have died. Or suppose a man or woman talks to the spirits of the dead. Then you must put that man or woman to death. You must kill them by throwing stones at them. Anything that happens to them will be their own fault.’ ”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

利未記 20:1-27


1耶和華對摩西說: 2「你把以下條例告訴以色列人。

「在你們或寄居在你們中間的外族人中,如果有人把子女獻給假神摩洛,必須處死他,當地的人要用石頭打死他。 3我也必嚴懲那人,將他從民中剷除。因為他把子女獻給摩洛,玷污我的聖所,褻瀆我的聖名。 4如果那地方的人對此置之不理,沒有處死那人, 5我必嚴懲那人一家,從民中剷除他和那些追隨他與摩洛苟合的人。 6如果有人求問靈媒或巫師,與他們苟合,我必嚴懲,將他從民中剷除。 7你們要潔淨自己,做聖潔的人,因為我是你們的上帝耶和華。 8你們要遵行我的律例。我是使你們聖潔的耶和華。

9「咒罵父母的,必被處死。他咒罵父母,必須承擔自己的罪。 10如果有人與別人的妻子通姦,姦夫淫婦必須被處死。 11如果有人與父親的妻妾同寢,就是羞辱他的父親。要把二人處死,他們要承擔自己的罪。 12如果有人與兒媳同寢,二人都必須被處死。他們亂倫,要承擔自己的罪。 13如果男人與男人同寢,好像男人與女人同寢一樣,他們的行為可憎,必須被處死。他們要承擔自己的罪。 14如果有人娶妻,又娶岳母,便是大惡。要把他們三人燒死,使你們杜絕這種敗壞之事。 15如果有男人與獸類交合,他和獸都要被處死。 16如果有女人與獸類交合,女人和獸都要被處死。他們罪有應得,必須被處死。

17「如果有人娶了同父異母或同母異父的姊妹,這是可恥之事,必須公開剷除他們。他與自己的姊妹亂倫,要承擔自己的罪。 18如果有人與經期的女人同寢,他就暴露了女人的血泉,女人也自露血泉。要將他們二人從民中剷除。 19不可與姨母或姑母亂倫,因為這是羞辱自己的親人。二人要承擔自己的罪。 20如果有人與伯母或嬸母同寢,就是羞辱他的伯父或叔父。二人要承擔自己的罪惡,必無子女而死。 21如果有人娶兄嫂或弟媳,這是污穢行為,羞辱了自己的兄弟。二人必無兒無女。

22「你們要遵行我的一切律例和典章,免得我要帶你們去的那片土地把你們吐出去。 23我要在你們面前趕走那片土地上的各族,你們不要隨從他們的習俗。他們做了以上那些事,所以我厭惡他們。 24我曾說你們必佔據他們的土地,我要把那片奶蜜之鄉賜給你們作產業。我是你們的上帝耶和華,我已經把你們跟萬族分開。 25所以,你們要區分潔淨和不潔淨的獸類與鳥類。不可吃那些我視為不潔淨的飛禽、走獸和爬蟲,以免玷污自己。 26你們要聖潔,因為我耶和華是聖潔的。我把你們跟萬族分開,使你們做我的子民。 27如果有人做靈媒或巫師,不論男女,都必須被處死。你們要用石頭打死他們,使他們承擔自己的罪。」