Leviticus 12 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 12:1-8

Becoming “Clean” After Having a Baby

1The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 2“Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Suppose a woman becomes pregnant and has a baby boy. Then she will be “unclean” for seven days. It is the same as when she is “unclean” during her monthly period. 3On the eighth day the boy must be circumcised. 4After that, the woman must wait for 33 days to be made pure from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred until the 33 days are over. During that time she must not go to the sacred tent. 5But suppose she has a baby girl. Then she will be “unclean” for two weeks. It is the same as during her period. After the two weeks, she must wait for 66 days to be made pure from her bleeding.

6“ ‘After she has waited the required number of days to be made pure, she must bring two offerings. She must take them to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting. She must bring a lamb a year old for a burnt offering. She must also bring a young pigeon or a dove for a sin offering. 7The priest must offer them to the Lord. They will pay for her sin. Then she will be “clean” from her bleeding.

“ ‘These are the rules for a woman who has a baby boy or girl. 8But suppose she can’t afford a lamb. Then she must bring two doves or two young pigeons. One is for a burnt offering. The other is for a sin offering. The priest will sacrifice those offerings. That will pay for her sin. And she will be “clean.” ’ ”

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Ebyabaleevi 12:1-8

Okutukuzibwa Oluvannyuma lw’Okuzaala

1Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, 212:2 Lv 15:19; 18:19“Abaana ba Isirayiri bagambe nti, ‘Omukazi bw’anaabanga olubuto, n’azaala omwana nga wabulenzi, omukazi oyo taabenga mulongoofu okumala ennaku musanvu, okufaanana nga bw’atabeera mulongoofu ng’ali mu kiseera ky’okulwala kw’abakazi okwa buli mwezi. 312:3 Lub 17:12; Luk 1:59; 2:21Ku lunaku olw’omunaana omwana oyo omulenzi anaakomolebwanga. 4Ate omukazi anaalindanga ne wayitawo ennaku amakumi asatu mu ssatu alyoke atukuzibwe olw’omusaayi ogwamuvaamu ng’azaala. Taakwatenga ku kintu ekitukuvu wadde okuyingiranga mu watukuvu okutuusa ng’ennaku z’okutukuzibwa kwe ziweddeko. 5Naye bw’anaabanga azadde omwana wabuwala, omukazi taabenga mulongoofu okumala wiiki bbiri, nga bw’abeera ng’ali mu kiseera kye eky’okulwala kw’abakazi okwa buli mwezi. Ate anaalindanga ennaku nkaaga mu mukaaga alyoke alongoosebwe olw’omusaayi ogwamuvaamu ng’azaala.

612:6 a Luk 2:22 b Kuv 29:38; Lv 23:12; Kbl 6:12, 14; 7:15 c Lv 5:7“ ‘Ennaku z’omukazi oyo ez’okutukuzibwa bwe zinaggwangako, bw’anaabanga azadde omwana mulenzi oba muwala, anaaleetanga eri kabona ku mulyango gw’Eweema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, omwana gw’endiga oguwezezza omwaka gumu obukulu okuguwaayo ng’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa, ng’enjiibwa ento oba ejjiba ng’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi. 7Kabona anaabiwangayo eri Mukama okutangirira omukazi oyo; bw’atyo anaabeeranga mulongoofu olw’omusaayi ogwamuvaamu ng’amaze okuzaala.

“ ‘Ago ge mateeka agakwata ku mukazi anaazaalanga omwana owoobulenzi oba owoobuwala. 812:8 a Lub 15:9; Lv 14:22 b Lv 5:7; Luk 2:22-24* c Lv 4:26Bw’anaabanga tasobola kuwaayo mwana gwa ndiga, anaaleetanga bibiri bibiri ku bino: enjiibwa ento bbiri oba amayiba abiri, ekimu nga ky’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa n’ekirala nga ky’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi. Mu ngeri eno kabona anaamutangiririranga, bw’atyo n’afuuka mulongoofu.’ ”