Lamentations 1 – NIRV & NVI

New International Reader’s Version

Lamentations 1:1-22

1The city of Jerusalem is so empty!

She used to be full of people.

But now she’s like a woman whose husband has died.

She used to be great among the nations.

She was like a queen among the kingdoms.

But now she is a slave.

2Jerusalem weeps bitterly at night.

Tears run down her cheeks.

None of her friends comforts her.

All those who were going to help her

have turned against her.

They have become her enemies.

3After Judah’s people had suffered greatly,

they were taken away as prisoners.

Now they live among the nations.

They can’t find any place to rest.

All those who were chasing them have caught up with them.

And they can’t get away.

4The roads to Zion are empty.

No one travels to her appointed feasts.

All the public places near her gates are deserted.

Her priests groan.

Her young women are sad.

And Zion herself weeps bitterly.

5Her enemies have become her masters.

They have an easy life.

The Lord has brought suffering to Jerusalem

because her people have committed so many sins.

Her children have been taken away as prisoners.

Her enemies have forced her people to leave their homes.

6The city of Zion used to be full of glory.

But now her glory has faded away.

Her princes are like deer.

They can’t find anything to eat.

They are almost too weak to get away

from those who hunt them down.

7Jerusalem’s people are suffering and wandering.

They remember all the treasures

they used to have.

But they fell into the hands of their enemies.

And no one was there to help them.

Their enemies looked at them.

They laughed because Jerusalem had been destroyed.

8Her people have committed many sins.

They have become impure.

All those who honored Jerusalem now look down on her.

They all look at her as if she were a naked woman.

The city groans and turns away in shame.

9Her skirts are dirty.

She didn’t think about how things might turn out.

Her fall from power amazed everyone.

And no one was there to comfort her.

She said, “Lord, please pay attention to how much I’m suffering.

My enemies have won the battle over me.”

10Jerusalem’s enemies took away

all her treasures.

Her people saw outsiders

enter her temple.

The Lord had commanded them

not to do that.

11All Jerusalem’s people groan

as they search for bread.

They trade their treasures for food

just to stay alive.

Jerusalem says, “Lord, look at me.

Think about my condition.

Everyone looks down on me.”

12Jerusalem also says, “All you who are passing by,

don’t you care about what has happened to me?

Just look at my condition.

Has anyone suffered the way I have?

The Lord has brought all this on me.

He has made me suffer.

His anger has burned against me.

13“He sent down fire from heaven.

It went deep down into my bones.

He spread a net to catch me by the feet.

He stopped me right where I was.

He made me empty.

I am sick all the time.

14“My sins have been made into a heavy yoke.

They were woven together by his hands.

They have been placed on my neck.

The Lord has taken away my strength.

He has handed me over to my enemies.

I can’t win the battle over them.

15“The Lord has refused to accept

any of my soldiers.

He has sent for an army

to crush my young men.

I am like grapes in the Lord’s winepress.

He has stomped on me,

even though I am his very own.

16“That’s why I am weeping.

Tears are flowing from my eyes.

No one is near to comfort me.

No one can heal my spirit.

My children don’t have anything.

My enemies are much too strong for me.”

17Zion reaches out her hands.

But no one is there to comfort her people.

The Lord has ordered that

the neighbors of Jacob’s people would become their enemies.

Jerusalem has become impure among them.

18Jerusalem says, “The Lord always does what is right.

But I refused to obey his commands.

Listen, all you nations.

Pay attention to how much I’m suffering.

My young men and women

have been taken away as prisoners.

19“I called out to those who were going to help me.

But they turned against me.

My priests and elders

died in the city.

They were searching for food

just to stay alive.

20Lord, see how upset I am!

I am suffering deep down inside.

My heart is troubled.

Again and again I have refused to obey you.

Outside the city, people are being killed by swords.

Inside, there is nothing but death.

21“People have heard me groan.

But no one is here to comfort me.

My enemies have heard about all my troubles.

What you have done makes them happy.

So please judge them, just as you said you would.

Let them become like me.

22“Please pay attention to all their sinful ways.

Punish them as you have punished me.

You judged me because I had committed so many sins.

I groan all the time.

And my heart is weak.”

Nueva Versión Internacional

Lamentaciones 1:1-22


Lm 1 Este capítulo es un poema acróstico, que sigue el orden del alfabeto hebreo. 1¡Cuán solitaria se encuentra

la que fue ciudad populosa!

¡Tiene apariencia de viuda

la que fue grande entre las naciones!

¡Hoy es esclava de las provincias

la que fue gran señora entre ellas!


2Amargamente llora por la noche;

corren las lágrimas por sus mejillas.

No hay entre sus amantes

uno solo que la consuele.

Todos sus amigos la traicionaron;

se volvieron sus enemigos.


3En aflicción y con trabajos forzados

Judá marchó al exilio.

Habita entre las naciones

sin encontrar reposo.

Todos sus perseguidores la acosan,

la ponen en aprietos.


4Los caminos a Sión están de duelo;

ya nadie asiste a sus fiestas solemnes.

Las puertas de la ciudad se ven desoladas:

sollozan sus sacerdotes,

se turban sus doncellas,

¡toda ella es amargura!


5Sus enemigos se volvieron sus amos;

tranquilos se ven sus adversarios.

El Señor la ha acongojado

por causa de sus muchos pecados.

Sus hijos marcharon al cautiverio,

arrastrados por sus enemigos.


6La hija de Sión ha perdido

todo su esplendor.

Sus príncipes parecen ciervos

que vagan en busca de pastos.

Exhaustos, se dan a la fuga

frente a sus perseguidores.


7Jerusalén trae a la memoria los tristes días de su peregrinaje;

se acuerda de todos los tesoros

que en el pasado fueron suyos.

Cuando su pueblo cayó en manos enemigas

nadie acudió en su ayuda.

Sus enemigos vieron su caída

y se burlaron de ella.


8Grave es el pecado de Jerusalén;

por eso se ha vuelto impura.

Los que antes la honraban ahora la desprecian,

pues han visto su desnudez.

Ella misma gime

y no se atreve a dar la cara.


9Sus vestidos están llenos de inmundicia;

no tomó en cuenta lo que le esperaba.

Su caída fue sorprendente;

no hubo nadie que la consolara.

«¡Mira, Señor, mi aflicción!

¡El enemigo ha triunfado!».


10El enemigo se adueñó

de todos sus tesoros.

Ella vio naciones paganas

entrar en su santuario,

a las que tú prohibiste

entrar en tu asamblea.


11Todo su pueblo solloza

y anda en busca de pan;

para mantenerse con vida

cambian por comida sus tesoros.

«¡Mira, Señor, date cuenta

de cómo me han despreciado!».


12«Fíjense ustedes, los que pasan por el camino:

¿Acaso no les importa?

Miren si hay un sufrimiento comparable al mío,

como el que el Señor me ha hecho padecer,

como el que el Señor lanzó sobre mí

en el día de su furor.


13»Desde lo alto él envió un fuego

que penetró en mis huesos.

A mi paso tendió una trampa

y me hizo retroceder.

Me abandonó por completo;

a todas horas me sentía desfallecer.


14»Mis pecados fueron atados a un yugo;

sus manos los ataron juntos.1:14 a un yugo; … juntos. Texto de difícil traducción.

Me los ha colgado al cuello,

y ha debilitado mis fuerzas.

Me ha entregado en manos de gente

a la que no puedo ofrecer resistencia.


15»En mi ciudad el Señor ha rechazado

a todos los guerreros.

Convocó un ejército contra mí,

para despedazar1:15 Convocó … despedazar. Alt. ha establecido mi tiempo, / cuando él despedazará. a mis jóvenes.

El Señor ha pisado como en un lagar

a la virginal hija de Judá.


16»Todo esto me hace llorar;

mis ojos se inundan de lágrimas.

No tengo cerca a nadie que me consuele;

no tengo a nadie que me reanime.

Mis hijos quedaron abandonados

porque el enemigo salió victorioso».


17Sión clama pidiendo ayuda,1:17 clama pidiendo ayuda. Lit. extiende las manos.

pero no hay quien la consuele.

Por decreto del Señor

los vecinos de Jacob son ahora sus enemigos;

Jerusalén ha llegado a ser

inmundicia en medio de ellos.


18«El Señor es justo,

pero yo me rebelé contra su palabra.

Escuchen, todos los pueblos,

y vean mi sufrimiento.

Mis doncellas y mis jóvenes

han marchado al destierro.


19»Llamé a mis amantes,

pero ellos me traicionaron.

Mis sacerdotes y mis ancianos

perecieron en la ciudad,

mientras buscaban alimentos

para mantenerse con vida.


20»¡Mírame, Señor, que me encuentro angustiada!

¡Siento una profunda agonía!1:20 ¡Siento … agonía! Lit. Mis entrañas se agitan.

Mi corazón se agita dentro de mí,

pues he sido muy rebelde.

Allá afuera, la espada me deja sin hijos;

dentro de la casa hay ambiente de muerte.


21»La gente ha escuchado mi gemir,

pero no hay quien me consuele.

Todos mis enemigos conocen mi pesar

y se alegran de lo que has hecho conmigo.

¡Manda ya tu castigo anunciado,

para que sufran lo que he sufrido!


22»¡Que llegue a tu presencia

toda su maldad!

¡Trátalos como me has tratado a mí

por causa de todos mis pecados!

Son muchos mis quejidos,

y mi corazón desfallece».