Judges 11 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Judges 11:1-40

1Jephthah was a mighty warrior. He was from the land of Gilead. His father’s name was Gilead. Jephthah’s mother was a prostitute. 2Gilead’s wife also had sons by him. When they had grown up, they drove Jephthah away. “You aren’t going to get any share of our family’s property,” they said. “You are the son of another woman.” 3So Jephthah ran away from his brothers. He made his home in the land of Tob. A group of men who weren’t good for anything gathered around him there. And they followed him.

4Some time later, the Ammonites were fighting against Israel. 5So the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah from the land of Tob. 6“Come with us,” they said. “Be our commander. Then we can fight against the Ammonites.”

7Jephthah said to them, “Didn’t you hate me? Didn’t you drive me away from my father’s house? Why are you coming to me only when you are in trouble?”

8The elders of Gilead replied to him. “You are right,” they said. “That’s why we’re turning to you now. Come with us and fight against the Ammonites. Then you will rule over all of us who live in Gilead.”

9Jephthah said, “Suppose you take me back to fight against the Ammonites. And suppose the Lord gives me victory over them. Then will I really be your leader?”

10The elders of Gilead replied, “The Lord is our witness. We’ll certainly do as you say.” 11So Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead. And the people made him their leader and commander. He went to Mizpah. There he repeated to the Lord everything he had said.

12Then Jephthah sent messengers to the king of Ammon. They asked, “What do you have against me? Why have you attacked my country?”

13The king of Ammon answered Jephthah’s messengers. He said, “Israel came up out of Egypt. At that time they took my land away. They took all the land between the Arnon River and the Jabbok River. It reached all the way to the Jordan River. Now give it back. Then there will be peace.”

14Jephthah sent messengers back to the king of Ammon. 15They said,

“Here is what Jephthah says to you. Israel didn’t take the land of Moab. They didn’t take the land of Ammon. 16When Israel came up out of Egypt, they went through the desert to the Red Sea. From there they went on to Kadesh. 17Then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom. They said, ‘Please let us go through your country.’ But the king of Edom wouldn’t listen to them. They sent the same message to the king of Moab. But he refused too. So Israel stayed at Kadesh.

18“Next, they traveled through the desert. They traveled along the borders of the lands of Edom and Moab. They passed along the east side of the country of Moab. They camped on the other side of the Arnon River. They didn’t enter the territory of Moab. The Arnon River was Moab’s border.

19“Then Israel sent messengers to Sihon. He was the king of the Amorites. He ruled in Heshbon. They said to him, ‘Let us pass through your country to our own land.’ 20But Sihon didn’t trust Israel to pass through his territory. Instead, he gathered all his troops together. They camped at Jahaz. And they fought against Israel.

21“Then the Lord, the God of Israel, handed Sihon and his whole army over to Israel. Israel won the battle over them. Amorites were living in the country at that time. And Israel took over all their land. 22Israel captured all the land between the Arnon River and the Jabbok River. It reached from the desert all the way to the Jordan River.

23“The Lord, the God of Israel, has driven the Amorites out to make room for his people. So what right do you have to take it over? 24You will take what your god Chemosh gives you, won’t you? In the same way, we will take over what the Lord our God has given us. 25Are you any better than Balak, the son of Zippor? Balak was the king of Moab. Did he ever argue with Israel? Did he ever fight against them? 26For 300 years Israel has been living in Heshbon and Aroer. They have been living in the settlements around those cities. They have also been living in all the towns along the Arnon River. Why didn’t you take those places back during that time? 27I haven’t done anything wrong to you. But you are doing something wrong to me. You have gone to war against me. The Lord is the Judge. So let him decide our case today. Let him settle matters between the Israelites and the Ammonites.”

28But the king of Ammon didn’t pay any attention to the message Jephthah sent him.

29Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Jephthah. He went across the territories of Gilead and Manasseh. He passed through Mizpah in the land of Gilead. From there he attacked the people of Ammon. 30Jephthah made a promise to the Lord. Jephthah said, “Hand the Ammonites over to me. 31If you do, here’s what I’ll do when I come back from winning the battle. Anything that comes out the door of my house to meet me will belong to the Lord. I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.”

32Then Jephthah went over to fight against the Ammonites. The Lord handed them over to him. 33Jephthah destroyed 20 towns between Aroer and the area of Minnith. He destroyed them all the way to Abel Keramim. So Israel brought Ammon under their control.

34Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah. And guess who came out to meet him. It was his daughter! She was dancing to the beat of tambourines. She was his only child. He didn’t have any other sons or daughters. 35When Jephthah saw her, he was so upset that he tore his clothes. He cried out, “Oh no, my daughter! You have filled me with trouble and sorrow. I’ve made a promise to the Lord. And I can’t break it.”

36“My father,” she replied, “you have given your word to the Lord. So do to me just what you promised to do. The Ammonites were your enemies. And the Lord has paid them back for what they did to you. 37But please do one thing for me,” she continued. “Give me two months to wander around in the hills. Let me weep there with my friends. I want to do that because I’ll never get married.”

38“You may go,” he said. He let her go for two months. She and her friends went into the hills. They were filled with sadness because she would never get married. 39After the two months were over, she returned to her father. He did to her just what he had promised to do. And she was a virgin.

So that became a practice in Israel. 40Each year the young women of Israel go away for four days. They do it in honor of the daughter of Jephthah. He was from the land of Gilead.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

士師記 11:1-40



1-2さて、エフタはギルアデ出身の勇士でしたが、母親は売春婦でした。父ギルアデには、正妻の産んだ数人の息子がいました。息子たちは成長すると、腹違いの兄弟エフタを、ギルアデの地から追い出しました。「売春婦の子に、父の財産などこれっぽっちもやるわけにはいかない」というわけです。 3エフタは父の家を飛び出し、トブの地に移り住みました。まもなく、そこでならず者たちを従えるようになり、盗みを働いて日々を送っていました。

4そんな時、アモン人がイスラエルに宣戦布告してきたのです。 5ギルアデの要人たちはエフタを呼びにやり、 6指揮官としてアモン人と戦ってくれるように頼みました。 7しかし、エフタは冷ややかに答えるばかりでした。「私を憎むあまりに父の家から追い出しておきながら、どうしてここへ来たのです。自分たちが困ったからって、今さらよくも来られたものですね。」





12エフタはアモン人の王に使者を送り、イスラエルへの攻撃の理由を尋ねました。 13すると、「そこは、もともとアモン人の土地だったのだ」という返事で、エジプトから移って来たイスラエルが、アルノン川からヤボク川、ヨルダン川に至るアモン人の全領地を奪い取ってしまったというのです。「すみやかに、われわれの土地を返してくれ」と、アモン人の王は要求してきました。

14-15エフタは答えました。「イスラエルはその土地を奪ってはいない。 16真相はこうだ。イスラエル人がエジプトを出て紅海を渡り、旅を続けてカデシュに来た時、 17エドムの王に使者を送り、その領地を通過する許可を求めた。しかし聞き入れてもらえなかった。モアブの王にも同様の許可を求めたが、やはり断られ、やむなくカデシュにとどまった。


19それからイスラエルは、ヘシュボンに住むエモリ人の王シホンに使者を送り、目的地に行くため領地内を通らせてほしいと頼んだ。 20しかし王はイスラエルを信用せず、ヤハツに兵を集結させ、攻撃をしかけてきた。 21-22しかしイスラエルの神、主は、われわれに力を貸し、王とその国民を打ってくださった。それでイスラエルは、アルノン川からヤボク川までと、荒野からヨルダン川までの、エモリ人の全地を手中に収めたのだ。

23このように、この土地をエモリ人から取り上げてイスラエルに与えてくださったのは、われわれの神、主なのだ。それなのにどうして、あなたたちに返さなければならないのか。 24そちらはそちらで、自分たちの神ケモシュが与えてくれるものを、しっかり守ればよいだろう。われわれは、主が下さったものを大事にしたいのだ。 25いったい、あなたがたはモアブの王バラクより偉いつもりか。バラクはイスラエルに打ち負かされたあと、土地を取り返そうとしたか。もちろん、しなかった。 26今さら三百年も昔のことを問題にしてどうなる。イスラエルは三百年もここに住み、ヘシュボンからアロエルに至る一帯へ、またアルノン川沿岸の全域へと広がっていったのだ。その気があるなら、どうしてもっと早く取り戻そうとしなかったのか。 27こちらは何も悪いことをした覚えはない。それなのに、そちらが勝手に戦いを挑んできて悪事を働こうとしている。しかしもうじき、どちらが正しいか、主がはっきりさせてくださるだろう。」


29その時、主の霊がエフタに下りました。エフタは兵を率いてギルアデとマナセの地を通り、ギルアデのミツパからアモン軍を攻撃しました。 30-31一方、エフタはこう主に誓ったのです。「もしあなたの助けによってアモン人を打ち破り、無事に帰還できたなら、私の家から最初に迎えに出た者を、焼き尽くすいけにえとしてささげます。」

32エフタは兵を率いてアモン人と戦い、勝利を収めました。 33そして、アロエルからミニテにかけての二十の町と、アベル・ケラミムに至るまで徹底的にアモン人を打ちました。こうして、ついにアモン人はイスラエルに屈服したのです。

34エフタが家に戻った時、なんと彼のひとり娘が家から出て来て、大喜びでタンバリンを鳴らし、踊りながら駆け寄って来ました。 35娘を見て、エフタは胸を引き裂かれる思いで着物を引きちぎり、叫びました。「ああ、なぜこんなむごいことに! いったん主に誓いを立てたからには、もう取り消すわけにはいかないのだ。」

36すると娘は言いました。「お父様、どうか主にお誓いになったとおりになさってください。主は敵のアモン人をやっつけて、こんなすばらしい勝利をもたらしてくださったのですもの。 37ただ、二か月の間、私を女友達と山に行かせ、さまよい歩かせてください。結婚もしないで終わることを泣き悲しみたいのです。」


そこで彼女は、自らの運命を友達とともに嘆きながら、二か月間さまよいました。 39二か月が過ぎて戻って来た娘を、エフタは誓願どおり主にささげました。〔ただし、いけにえとして実際に殺されたのか、処女のままで主に生涯をささげたのかは不明。〕こののちイスラエルでは、 40毎年四日間、若い娘たちは出て行って、エフタの娘のために嘆き悲しむというしきたりができました。