Jeremiah 11 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 11:1-23

The Lord’s People Have Broken His Covenant

1A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. The Lord said, 2“Listen to the terms of the covenant I made with my people of long ago. Tell Judah the terms still apply to them. Tell those who live in Jerusalem that they must obey them too. 3I am the Lord, the God of Israel. So let the people know what I want them to do. Here is what I want you to tell them. ‘May the person who does not obey the terms of the covenant be under my curse. 4I gave those terms to your people of long ago. That was when I brought them out of Egypt. I saved them out of that furnace that melts down iron and makes it pure.’ I said, ‘Obey me. Do everything I command you to do. Then you will be my people. And I will be your God. 5I raised my hand and made a promise to your people of long ago. I promised them I would give them a land that had plenty of milk and honey.’ It is the land you own today. I kept my promise.”

I replied, “Amen, Lord.”

6The Lord said to me, “Here is what I want you to announce in the towns of Judah. Say it also in the streets of Jerusalem. Tell the people, ‘Listen to the terms of my covenant. Obey them. 7Long ago I brought your people up from Egypt. From that time until today, I warned them again and again. I said, “Obey me.” 8But they did not listen. They did not pay any attention to me. Instead, they did what their stubborn and evil hearts wanted them to do. So I brought down on them all the curses of the covenant. I commanded them to obey it. But they refused.’ ”

9The Lord continued, “The people of Judah have made some evil plans. So have those who live in Jerusalem. 10All of them have returned to the sins their people of long ago committed. Those people refused to listen to what I told them. And now the people of Israel and Judah alike have worshiped other gods and served them. They have broken the covenant I made with their people who lived before them. 11So I say, ‘I will bring trouble on them. They will not be able to escape it. They will cry out to me. But I will not listen to them. 12The people of Jerusalem and of the towns of Judah will cry out. They will cry out to the gods they burn incense to. But those gods will not help them at all when trouble strikes them. 13Judah, you have as many gods as you have towns. And in Jerusalem you have set up as many altars as there are streets. You are burning incense to that shameful god named Baal.’

14“Jeremiah, do not pray for these people. Do not make any appeal or request for them. They will call out to me when they are in trouble. But I will not listen to them.

15“I love the people of Judah.

But they are working out their evil plans along with many others.

So what are they doing in my temple?

Can meat that is offered to me keep me from punishing you?

When you do evil things, you get a lot of pleasure from them.”

16People of Judah, the Lord once called you a healthy olive tree.

He thought its fruit was beautiful.

But now he will come with the roar of a mighty storm.

He will set the tree on fire.

And its branches will be broken.

17The Lord who rules over all planted you. But now he has ordered your enemies to destroy you. The people of Israel and Judah have both done what is evil. They have made the Lord very angry by burning incense to Baal.

Jeremiah’s Enemies Make Evil Plans Against Him

18The Lord told me about the evil plans of my enemies. That’s how I knew about them. He showed me what they were doing. 19I had been like a gentle lamb led off to be killed. I didn’t realize they had made plans against me. They had said,

“Let’s destroy the tree and its fruit.

Let’s take away his life.

Then his name won’t be remembered anymore.”

20But Lord, you rule over all.

You always judge fairly.

You test people’s hearts and minds.

So pay them back for what they’ve done.

I’ve committed my cause to you.

21The Lord says, “Jeremiah, here is what I am telling you about the people of Anathoth. They say they’re going to kill you. They are saying, ‘Don’t prophesy in the Lord’s name. If you do, we will kill you with our own hands.’ ” 22So the Lord who rules over all says, “I will punish them. Their young men will be killed by swords. Their sons and daughters will die of hunger. 23Only a few people will be left alive. I will judge the people of Anathoth. I will destroy them when the time comes to punish them.”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

耶利米書 11:1-23


1耶和華對耶利米說: 2「你要聽這約上的話,把內容告訴猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民。 3你要告訴他們,以色列的上帝耶和華說,『不遵守這約的人必受咒詛。 4我把你們的祖先從埃及——苦難的熔爐裡帶出來,那時我吩咐他們遵守這約。他們若聽從我的話,遵行我的吩咐,就必做我的子民,我也必做他們的上帝。 5這樣,我就實現我向你們祖先起的誓——賜給他們那奶蜜之鄉,正如今日一樣。』」我回答說:「耶和華啊,遵命!」

6耶和華對我說:「你要在猶大各城和耶路撒冷的街頭宣告,呼籲百姓聽從、遵行這約。 7因為自從我把你們祖先從埃及領出來的那天起,一直到今天,我一再勸誡他們要聽從我的話。 8然而,他們卻不聽不理,人人憑自己頑固的惡念行事。因此,我要使約中的一切咒詛臨到他們,因為我吩咐他們遵守這約,他們卻拒絕遵守。」

9耶和華對我說:「猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民陰謀背叛我。 10他們重蹈祖先的覆轍,不聽從我的話,跟從、祭拜別的神明。以色列猶大都違背了我與他們祖先立的約。 11所以我要使他們災難臨頭,無法逃脫,任他們高聲呼求,我也不聽。這是耶和華說的。 12那時,猶大各城和耶路撒冷的居民必去呼求他們燒香供奉的神明,卻得不到任何幫助。 13猶大啊,你的神明多如你的城邑,你給可憎的巴力燒香的祭壇多如耶路撒冷的街道。

14「因此,耶利米啊,你不要為這些人祈禱,不要為他們呼求禱告,因為他們遭難時向我呼求,我必不理會他們。 15我所愛的子民既然罪惡滔天,還在我殿裡做什麼?難道祭肉可以為他們消災免禍嗎?他們以作惡為樂。 16耶和華曾稱他們為枝繁葉茂、果實佳美的橄欖樹,但現在祂要在呼嘯的風暴中把它點燃,燒毀它的枝條。 17我——萬軍之耶和華曾栽培以色列人和猶大人,如今我要降禍給他們,因為他們作惡,向巴力獻祭,惹我發怒。」


18有人想謀害我,耶和華告訴了我,並讓我看見他們的所作所為。 19我好像一隻被牽去宰殺的馴良羊羔,不知他們要謀害我。他們說:







21-22亞拿突人想殺我,他們威脅我說:「你不要奉耶和華的名說預言,免得死在我們手上。」因此,萬軍之耶和華說:「看啊,我必懲罰他們。他們的青年必喪身刀下,他們的子女必死於饑荒, 23一個不留。因為在我報應之年,我必降災難給亞拿突人。」