Isaiah 33 – NIRV & NVI

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 33:1-24

Trouble for Assyria and Help for God’s People

1How terrible it will be for you, you who destroy others!

Assyria, you haven’t been destroyed yet.

How terrible for you, you who turn against others!

Others haven’t turned against you yet.

When you stop destroying,

you will be destroyed.

When you stop turning against others,

others will turn against you.

2Lord, have mercy on us.

We long for you to help us.

Make us strong every morning.

Save us when we’re in trouble.

3At the roar of your army, the nations run away.

When you rise up against them, they scatter.

4Nations, what you have taken in battle is destroyed.

It’s as if young locusts had eaten it up.

Like large numbers of locusts,

people rush to get it.

5The Lord is honored. He lives in heaven.

He will make sure Zion’s people only do what is fair and right.

6He will be the firm foundation for their entire lives.

He will give them all the wisdom, knowledge and saving power they will ever need.

Respect for the Lord is the key to that treasure.

7Look! Judah’s brave men cry out loud in the streets.

The messengers who were sent to bring peace weep bitter tears.

8The wide roads are deserted.

No one travels on them.

Our peace treaty with Assyria is broken.

Those who witnessed it are looked down on.

No one is respected.

9The land dries up and wastes away.

Lebanon is full of shame and dries up.

The rich land of Sharon is like the Arabah Desert.

The trees of Bashan and Carmel drop their leaves.

10“Now I will take action,” says the Lord.

“Now I will be honored.

Now I will be respected.

11Assyria, your plans and actions are like straw.

Your anger is a fire that will destroy you.

12The nations will be burned to ashes.

They will be like bushes that are cut down and set on fire.

13“You nations far away, listen to what I have done!

My people who are near, recognize how powerful I am!

14The sinners in Zion are terrified.

They tremble with fear.

They say, ‘Who of us can live through the Lord’s destroying fire?

Who of us can live through the fire that burns forever?’

15People must do what is right.

They must be honest and tell the truth.

They must not get rich by cheating others.

Their hands must not receive money from those who want special favors.

They must not let their ears listen to plans to commit murder.

They must close their eyes to even thinking about doing what is evil.

16People like that will be kept safe.

It will be as if they were living on high mountains.

It will be as if they were living in a mountain fort.

They will have all the food they need.

And they will never run out of water.”

17People of Judah, you will see the king in all his glory and majesty.

You will view his kingdom spreading far and wide.

18You will think about what used to terrify you.

You will say to yourself,

“Where is that chief officer of Assyria?

Where is the one who forced us to send gifts to his king?

Where is the officer in charge of the towers

that were used when we were attacked?”

19You won’t see those proud people anymore.

They spoke a strange language.

None of us could understand it.

20Just look at Zion! It’s the city

where we celebrate our regular feasts.

Turn your eyes toward Jerusalem.

It will be a peaceful place to live in.

It will be like a tent that will never be moved.

Its stakes will never be pulled up.

None of its ropes will be broken.

21There the Lord will be our Mighty One.

It will be like a place of wide rivers and streams.

No boat with oars will travel on them.

No mighty ship will sail on them.

22That’s because the Lord is our judge.

The Lord gives us our law.

The Lord is our king.

He will save us.

23The ropes on your ship hang loose.

The mast isn’t very secure.

The sail isn’t spread out.

But the Lord will strike down the Assyrians.

Then a large amount of goods will be taken from them and divided up.

Even people who are disabled will carry off some of it.

24No one living in Zion will ever say again, “I’m sick.”

And the sins of those who live there will be forgiven.

Nueva Versión Internacional

Isaías 33:1-24

Angustia y auxilio

1¡Ay de ti, destructor, que no has sido destruido!

¡Ay de ti, traidor, que no has sido traicionado!

Cuando dejes de destruir,

te destruirán;

cuando dejes de traicionar,

te traicionarán.

2Señor, ¡ten compasión de nosotros;

pues en ti esperamos!

Sé nuestra fortaleza33:2 nuestra fortaleza (Siríaca, Targum y Vulgata); la fortaleza de ellos (TM). cada mañana,

nuestra salvación en tiempo de angustia.

3Al estruendo de tu voz, huyen los pueblos;

cuando te levantas, se dispersan las naciones.

4Su botín se recoge como si fuera devorado por orugas;

sobre él se lanza el enemigo como una bandada de langostas.

5Exaltado es el Señor porque mora en las alturas,

y llena a Sión de justicia y rectitud.

6Él será la seguridad de tus tiempos,

te dará en abundancia salvación, sabiduría y conocimiento;

el temor del Señor será tu tesoro.

7¡Miren cómo gritan sus valientes en las calles!

¡Amargamente lloran los mensajeros de paz!

8Los caminos están desolados,

nadie transita por los senderos.

El convenio se ha quebrantado,

se desprecia a los testigos,33:8 los testigos (Qumrán); las ciudades (TM).

¡a nadie se respeta!

9La tierra está de luto y languidece;

el Líbano se avergüenza y se marchita;

Sarón es como un desierto;

Basán y el Carmelo pierden su follaje.

10«Ahora me levantaré», dice el Señor.

«Ahora seré exaltado,

ahora seré ensalzado.

11Ustedes conciben cizaña

y dan a luz paja;

¡pero mi soplo será un fuego que los consumirá!

12Los pueblos serán calcinados,

como espinos cortados arderán en el fuego».

13Ustedes que están lejos, oigan lo que he hecho;

y ustedes que están cerca, reconozcan mi poder.

14Los pecadores están aterrados en Sión;

el temblor atrapa a los impíos:

«¿Quién de nosotros puede habitar en el fuego consumidor?

¿Quién de nosotros puede habitar en la hoguera eterna?».

15Solo el que camina con justicia

y habla con rectitud,

el que rechaza la ganancia de la extorsión

y se sacude las manos para no aceptar soborno,

el que no presta oído a las conjuras de asesinato

y cierra los ojos para no contemplar el mal.

16Ese morará en las alturas;

tendrá como refugio una fortaleza de rocas,

se le proveerá de pan

y no le faltará el agua.

17Tus ojos verán al rey en su esplendor

y contemplarán una tierra que se extiende hasta muy lejos.

18Dentro de ti meditarás acerca del terror y dirás:

«¿Dónde está el que lleva la cuenta?

¿Dónde el recaudador de impuestos?

¿Dónde el que lleva el registro de las torres?».

19No verás más a ese pueblo insolente,

a ese pueblo de idioma confuso,

de lengua extraña e incomprensible.

20Mira a Sión, la ciudad de nuestras fiestas;

tus ojos verán a Jerusalén,

morada apacible, campamento bien plantado;

sus estacas jamás se arrancarán

ni se romperá ninguna de sus sogas.

21Allí el Señor nos mostrará su poder.

Será como un lugar de anchos ríos y canales.

Ningún barco de remos surcará sus aguas

ni barcos poderosos navegarán por ellas.

22Porque el Señor es nuestro juez;

el Señor es nuestro legislador;

el Señor es nuestro rey:

¡Él nos salvará!

23Tus cuerdas se han aflojado:

No sostienen el mástil con firmeza

ni se despliegan las velas.

Abundante botín habrá de repartirse

y aun los cojos se dedicarán al saqueo.

24Ningún habitante dirá: «Estoy enfermo»;

y se perdonará la iniquidad del pueblo que allí habita.