Isaiah 20 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 20:1-6

A Prophecy Against Egypt and Cush

1Sargon, the king of Assyria, sent his highest commander to the city of Ashdod. He attacked it and captured it. 2Three years earlier the Lord had spoken to Isaiah, the son of Amoz. The Lord had said, “Take off the rough clothing you are wearing. And take off your sandals.” So Isaiah did. He went around barefoot and naked.

3After Ashdod was captured, the Lord said, “My servant Isaiah has gone around barefoot and naked for three years. He is a sign and reminder to Egypt and Cush about what will happen to them. 4The king of Assyria will lead prisoners away from Egypt and Cush. Young people and old people alike will be taken away. Like Isaiah, they will be barefoot and naked. Their backsides will be bare. So the Egyptians will be put to shame. 5People trusted in Cush to help them. They bragged about what Egypt could do for them. But they will lose heart and be put to shame. 6At that time the people who live on the coast of Philistia will speak up. They will say, ‘See what has happened to those we depended on! We ran to them for help. We wanted them to save us from the king of Assyria. Now how can we escape?’ ”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

以赛亚书 20:1-6


1亚述撒珥根派元帅攻陷非利士亚实突城那年, 2耶和华吩咐亚摩斯的儿子以赛亚脱去身上的麻衣和脚上的鞋。以赛亚便遵命裸身赤足而行。 3耶和华说:“我仆人以赛亚已经裸身赤足行走三年,作为惩罚埃及古实的标记和预兆。 4亚述王必把埃及古实的老老少少裸身赤足地掳走,使埃及蒙受羞辱。 5那些仰赖古实、仗着埃及夸口的人必惊恐羞愧。 6那时,沿海一带的居民必说,‘看啊!我们投靠他们,指望他们救我们脱离亚述,他们竟落到这个地步!我们怎能逃脱呢?’”