Isaiah 19 – NIRV & CST

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 19:1-25

A Prophecy Against Egypt

1Here is a prophecy against Egypt that the Lord gave me.

The Lord is coming to Egypt.

He’s riding on a cloud that moves very fast.

The statues of the gods in Egypt tremble with fear because of him.

The hearts of the people there melt with fear.

2The Lord says, “I will stir up one Egyptian against another.

Relatives will fight against relatives.

Neighbors will fight against one another.

Cities will fight against cities.

Kingdoms will fight against one another.

3The people of Egypt will lose hope.

I will keep them from doing what they plan to do.

They will ask their gods for advice.

They will turn to the spirits of dead people for help.

They will go to people who get messages from those who have died.

They will ask for advice from people who talk to the spirits of the dead.

4I will hand the Egyptians over

to a mean and unkind master.

A powerful king will rule over them,” announces the Lord.

He is the Lord who rules over all.

5The waters of the Nile River will dry up.

The bottom of it will be cracked and dry.

6Its canals will stink.

And the streams of Egypt will get smaller and smaller

until they dry up.

The tall grass that grows along the river will dry up.

7So will the plants along the banks of the Nile.

Even the planted fields along the Nile will dry up.

Everything that grows there will blow away and disappear.

8The fishermen will moan.

All those who drop hooks into the Nile will weep.

Those who throw their nets on the water

will become very sad.

9Those who make clothes out of flax will lose hope.

So will those who weave fine linen.

10Those who work with cloth will be unhappy.

And all those who work for money will be sick at heart.

11The officials of the city of Zoan are very foolish.

Pharaoh’s wise men give advice that doesn’t make any sense.

How can they dare to say to Pharaoh,

“We’re among the wise men”?

How can they say to him,

“We’re like the advisers to the kings of long ago”?

12Pharaoh, where are your wise men now?

Let them tell you

what the Lord who rules over all

has planned against Egypt.

13The officials of Zoan have become foolish.

The leaders of Memphis have been lied to.

The most important leaders in Egypt

have led its people astray.

14The Lord has given them

a spirit that makes them feel dizzy.

They make Egypt unsteady in everything it does.

Egypt is like a person who drinks too much.

He throws up and then walks around in the mess he’s made.

15No one in Egypt can do anything to help them.

Its elders and important leaders can’t help them.

Its prophets and priests can’t do anything.

Those who rule over others can’t help.

And those who bow down to them can’t help either.

16In days to come, the people of Egypt will become weak. The Lord who rules over all will raise his hand against them. Then they will tremble with fear. 17The people of Judah will bring terror to the Egyptians. Everyone in Egypt who hears the name of Judah will be terrified. That’s because of what the Lord who rules over all is planning to do to them.

18At that time the people of five cities in Egypt will worship the Lord. He is the Lord who rules over all. They will use the Hebrew language when they worship him. They will promise to be faithful to him. One of those cities will be called the City of the Sun.

19At that time there will be an altar to the Lord in the middle of Egypt. There will be a monument to him at its border. 20They will remind people that the Lord who rules over all is worshiped in Egypt. The people there will cry out to the Lord. They will cry out because of those who treat them badly. He will send someone to stand up for them and save them. And he will set them free. 21So the Lord will make himself known to the people of Egypt. At that time they will recognize that he is the Lord. They will worship him by bringing sacrifices and grain offerings to him. They will make promises to the Lord. And they will keep them. 22The Lord will strike Egypt with a plague. But then he will heal them. They will turn to the Lord. And he will answer their prayers and heal them.

23At that time there will be a wide road from Egypt to Assyria. The people of Assyria will go to Egypt. And the people of Egypt will go to Assyria. The people of Egypt and Assyria will worship the Lord together. 24At that time Egypt, Assyria and Israel will be a blessing to the whole earth. 25The Lord who rules over all will bless those three nations. He will say, “Let the Egyptians be blessed. They are my people. Let the Assyrians be blessed. My hands created them. And let the Israelites be blessed. They are my very own people.”

Nueva Versión Internacional (Castilian)

Isaías 19:1-25

Profecía contra Egipto

1Profecía contra Egipto:

¡Mirad al Señor!

Llega a Egipto montado sobre una nube ligera.

Los ídolos de Egipto

tiemblan en su presencia;

el corazón de los egipcios

desfallece en su interior.

2«Incitaré a egipcio contra egipcio;

luchará hermano contra hermano,

amigo contra amigo,

ciudad contra ciudad,

reino contra reino.

3Los egipcios quedarán desanimados

y consultarán a los ídolos:

a los espíritus de los muertos,

a las pitonisas y a los agoreros,

¡pero yo frustraré sus planes!

4Dejaré que crueles amos los dominen;

un rey de mano dura los gobernará»,

afirma el Señor,

el Señor Todopoderoso.

5Se agotarán las aguas del Nilo;

árido y reseco quedará el lecho del río.

6Apestarán los canales,

y bajará el nivel de los arroyos de Egipto

hasta dejarlos completamente secos.

¡Las cañas y los juncos quedarán marchitos!

7A orillas del Nilo,

en la desembocadura del río,

la vegetación perderá su verdor.

Todos los sembrados junto al Nilo

quedarán asolados, dejarán de existir.

8Gemirán y harán lamentos todos los pescadores,

los que lanzan anzuelos en el Nilo;

desfallecerán los que echan redes en el agua.

9Quedarán frustrados los que trabajan el lino cardado;

perderán la esperanza los tejedores de lino fino.

10Quedarán desalentados los fabricantes de telas;

todos los asalariados se llenarán de angustia.

11Los jefes de Zoán no son más que unos necios;

los consejeros más sabios

le dan a Faraón consejos insensatos.

¿Cómo se les ocurre decirle:

«Yo soy uno de los sabios,

discípulo de los antiguos reyes»?

12¿Dónde quedaron tus sabios?

Que te muestren y te hagan saber

lo que el Señor Todopoderoso

ha planeado contra Egipto.

13Los jefes de Zoán se han vuelto necios;

los jefes de Menfis se dejaron engañar.

Las piedras angulares de sus pueblos

han hecho que Egipto pierda el rumbo.

14El Señor ha infundido en ellos

un espíritu de desconcierto.

En todo lo que hace Egipto

le han hecho perder el rumbo.

Como un borracho en su vómito,

Egipto se tambalea.

15Nada puede hacerse por Egipto,

sea cabeza o cola, palmera o caña.

16En aquel día los egipcios parecerán mujeres. Se estremecerán de terror ante la mano amenazante que el Señor Todopoderoso agita contra ellos. 17La tierra de Judá será un espanto para los egipcios. Por causa de lo que el Señor Todopoderoso está planeando contra ellos, la sola mención de Judá llenará de espanto a los que oigan este nombre.

18En aquel día habrá en Egipto cinco ciudades que hablarán el idioma de Canaán, y que jurarán lealtad al Señor Todopoderoso. Una de ellas se llamará Ciudad del Sol.19:18 del Sol (mss. hebreos, Qumrán y Vulgata); de la destrucción (TM).

19En aquel día habrá un altar para el Señor en el corazón mismo de Egipto, y en su frontera, un monumento al Señor. 20Esto servirá en Egipto de señal y testimonio del Señor Todopoderoso. Cuando ellos clamen al Señor por causa de sus opresores, él les enviará un salvador y defensor que los librará. 21De modo que el Señor se dará a conocer a los egipcios, y en aquel día ellos reconocerán al Señor: lo servirán con sacrificios y ofrendas de grano; harán votos al Señor y los cumplirán. 22El Señor herirá a los egipcios con una plaga y, aun hiriéndolos, los sanará. Ellos se volverán al Señor, y él responderá a sus ruegos y los sanará.

23En aquel día habrá una carretera desde Egipto hasta Asiria. Los asirios irán a Egipto y los egipcios a Asiria, y unos y otros adorarán juntos. 24En aquel día Israel será, junto con Egipto y Asiria, una bendición en medio de la tierra. 25El Señor Todopoderoso los bendecirá, diciendo: «Bendito sea Egipto mi pueblo, y Asiria obra de mis manos, e Israel mi heredad».