Isaiah 18 – NIRV & NRT

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 18:1-7

A Prophecy Against Cush

1How terrible it will be for the land

whose armies are like large numbers of flying insects!

That land is along the rivers of Cush.

2Its people send messengers on the Nile River.

They travel over the water in papyrus boats.

Messengers, hurry back home!

Go back to your people,

who are tall and have smooth skin.

Everyone is afraid of them.

They are warriors whose language is different from ours.

Their land is divided up by rivers.

3Pay attention, all you people of the world!

Listen, all you who live on earth!

Banners will be lifted up on the mountains.

And you will see them.

Trumpets will be blown.

And you will hear them.

4The Lord says to me,

“I will look down from heaven, where I live.

I will be as quiet as summer heat in the sunshine.

I will be as quiet as a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.”

5A farmer cuts off new growth with pruning knives.

He cuts down spreading branches and takes them away.

He does it before the grapes are harvested.

That’s when the blooms are gone and the grapes are ripe.

In the same way, the Lord will cut off the nations

that are gathered against his people.

6Their dead bodies will be left for the birds of the mountains to eat.

They will be left for the wild animals.

The birds will eat the dead bodies all summer long.

The wild animals will eat them all through the winter.

7At that time gifts will be brought to the Lord who rules over all.

The people who are tall and have smooth skin will bring them.

Everyone is afraid of those people.

They are warriors whose language is different from ours.

Their land is divided up by rivers.

They will bring their gifts to Mount Zion. That’s where the Lord who rules over all has put his Name.

New Russian Translation

Исаия 18:1-7

Пророчество о Куше

1Горе стране шумящих крыльев,

что лежит за реками Куша,

2отправляющей морем послов

в папирусных лодках по водам!

Идите домой, скорые вестники,

к народу высокому, с гладкой кожей,

к народу, наводящему страх вблизи и вдали,

к народу сильному и победоносному,

чью землю разрезали реки.

3Все вы, обитатели мира,

вы, живущие на земле,

когда над горами поднимется знамя сражения,

вы увидите,

и когда зазвучит рог,

вы услышите.

4Так мне сказал Господь:

– Я спокойно буду смотреть из Моего жилища,

как марево в знойный день,

как облако пара в жатвенный зной.

5Еще до сбора винограда, когда опадает цвет

и цветок становится зреющей гроздью,

он отрежет ножом побеги,

срежет поросль и унесет.

6Все они будут оставлены

хищным горным птицам

и диким зверям:

птицы будут кормиться ими все лето,

а дикие звери всю зиму18:5-6 Эти стихи образно говорят о гибели ассирийского войска..

7В то время Господу Сил будут принесены дары

от народа высокого и с гладкой кожей,

от народа, наводящего страх вблизи и вдали,

от народа сильного и победоносного,

чью землю разрезали реки –

дары будут принесены на гору Сион, место имени Господа Сил.