Hosea 9 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Hosea 9:1-17

Israel Will Be Punished

1Israel, don’t be joyful.

Don’t be glad as the other nations are.

You haven’t been faithful to your God.

You love to get paid for being a prostitute.

Your pay is the grain at every threshing floor.

2But soon there won’t be any grain or wine to feed you.

There won’t even be any fresh wine.

3You won’t remain in the Lord’s land.

Ephraim, you will return to Egypt.

You will eat “unclean” food in Assyria.

4You won’t pour out wine offerings to the Lord.

Your sacrifices won’t please him.

They’ll be like the bread people eat when someone dies.

Everyone who eats those sacrifices will be “unclean.”

They themselves will have to eat that kind of food.

They can’t bring it into the Lord’s temple.

5What will you do when your appointed feasts come?

What will you do on the Lord’s special days?

6Some of you will escape without being destroyed.

But you will die in Egypt.

Your bodies will be buried at Memphis.

Weeds will cover your treasures of silver.

Thorns will grow up in your tents.

7The time when God will punish you is coming.

The day when he will judge you is near.

I want Israel to know this.

You have committed many sins.

And you hate me very much.

That’s why you think the prophet is foolish.

You think the person the Lord speaks through is crazy.

8People of Ephraim, the prophet, along with my God,

is warning you of danger.

But you set traps for him everywhere he goes.

You hate him so much

you even wait for him in God’s house.

9You have sunk very deep into sin,

just as your people did at Gibeah long ago.

God will remember the evil things they have done.

He will punish them for their sins.

10The Lord says,

“When I first found Israel,

it was like finding grapes in the desert.

When I saw your people of long ago,

it was like seeing the early fruit on a fig tree.

But then they went to Baal Peor.

There they gave themselves to that shameful god named Baal.

They became as evil as the god they loved.

11Ephraim’s greatness and glory will be gone.

It will fly away like a bird.

Women will no longer have children.

They will not be able to get pregnant.

12But suppose they do have children.

Then I will kill every one of them.

How terrible it will be for them

when I turn away from them!

13Tyre is planted in a pleasant place.

And so is Ephraim.

But the Assyrians will kill

Ephraim’s children.”

14Lord, what should you do to Ephraim’s people?

Give them women whose babies die before they are born.

Give them women whose breasts have no milk.

15The Lord says,

“My people did many evil things in Gilgal.

That is why I hated them there.

They committed many sins.

So I will drive them out of my land.

I will not love them anymore.

All their leaders refuse to obey me.

16Ephraim is like a worthless plant.

Its roots are dried up.

It does not produce any fruit.

Suppose Ephraim’s people have children.

Then I will kill the children they love so much.”

17My God will turn his back on his people.

They have not obeyed him.

So they will wander among other nations.

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Koseya 9:1-17

Okubonerezebwa kwa Isirayiri

19:1 a Is 22:12-13 b Kos 10:5Tosanyuka ggwe Isirayiri;

tojaguza ng’amawanga amalala,

kubanga tobadde mwesigwa eri Katonda wo,

weegomba empeera eya malaaya

ku buli gguuliro.

29:2 Kos 2:9Egguuliro n’essogolero tebiribaliisa,

ne wayini omusu alibaggwaako.

39:3 a Lv 25:23 b Kos 8:13 c Ez 4:13; Kos 7:11Tebalisigala mu nsi ya Mukama;

Efulayimu aliddayo e Misiri

n’alya emmere etali nnongoofu mu Bwasuli.

49:4 a Yer 6:20; Kos 8:13 b Kag 2:13-14Tebaliwaayo biweebwayo ebya wayini eri Mukama,

so ne ssaddaaka zaabwe tezirimusanyusa.

Ssaddaaka zaabwe ziriba ng’emmere ey’abakungubazi,

ne bonna abaliziryako balifuuka abatali balongoofu.

Emmere eyo eriba yaabwe bo,

so teriyingizibwa mu yeekaalu ya Mukama.

59:5 a Is 10:3; Yer 5:31 b Kos 2:11Kiki ky’olikola ku lunaku olw’embaga ezaalondebwa,

ku lunaku olw’embaga ya Mukama?

69:6 a Is 19:13 b Is 5:6; Kos 10:8Ne bwe baliwona okuzikirira,

Misiri alibakuŋŋaanya,

ne Menfisi alibaziika.

Eby’obugagga byabwe ebya ffeeza birizika,

n’eweema zaabwe zirimeramu amaggwa.

79:7 a Is 34:8; Yer 10:15; Mi 7:4 b Yer 16:18 c Is 44:25; Kgb 2:14; Ez 14:9-10Ennaku ez’okubonerezebwa zijja,

ennaku ez’okusasulirwamu ziri kumpi.

Ekyo Isirayiri akimanye.

Olw’ebibi byammwe okuba ebingi ennyo,

n’obukambwe bwammwe obungi,

nnabbi ayitibwa musirusiru,

n’oyo eyabikkulirwa mumuyita mugu wa ddalu.

89:8 Kos 5:1Nnabbi awamu ne Katonda wange

ye mukuumi wa Efulayimu,9:8 Efulayimu be bantu ba Katonda

newaakubadde nga waliwo emitego mu kkubo lye,

n’obukambwe mu nnyumba ya Katonda we.

99:9 a Bal 19:16-30; Kos 5:8; 10:9 b Kos 8:13Boonoonye nnyo nnyini

nga mu nnaku ez’e Gibea.

Katonda alijjukira obutali butuukirivu bwabwe,

n’ababonereza olw’ebibi byabwe.

109:10 a Kbl 25:1-5; Zab 106:28-29 b Yer 11:13; Kos 4:14We nasangira Isirayiri,

kyali nga kulaba zabbibu mu ddungu.

Bwe nalaba bajjajjammwe,

kyali nga kulaba ebibala ebisooka ku mutiini.

Naye bwe bajja e Baalipyoli,

beewonga eri ekifaananyi eky’ensonyi,

ne bafuuka ekyenyinnyalwa ng’ekifaananyi kye baayagala.

119:11 a Kos 4:7; 10:5 b nny 14Ekitiibwa kya Efulayimu kiribuuka ne kigenda ng’ekinyonyi

nga tewali kuzaala, newaakubadde okuba olubuto newaakubadde okufuna olubuto.

129:12 a Kos 7:13 b Ma 31:17Ne bwe balikuza abaana baabwe,

ndibabaggyako bonna.


bwe ndibavaako.

139:13 Ez 27:3Nalaba Efulayimu

ng’asimbiddwa mu kifo ekirungi, nga Ttuulo bw’ali.

Naye Efulayimu alifulumya

abaana be ne battibwa.

149:14 nny 11; Luk 23:29Bawe Ayi Mukama Katonda.

Olibawa ki?

Leetera embuto zaabwe okuvaamu

obawe n’amabeere amakalu.

159:15 a Kos 4:15 b Kos 7:2 c Is 1:23; Kos 4:9; 5:2Olw’ebibi byabwe byonna mu Girugaali,

kyennava mbakyayira eyo.

Olw’ebikolwa byabwe ebitali bya butuukirivu,

kyendiva mbagoba mu nnyumba yange.

Siribaagala nate;

abakulembeze baabwe bonna bajeemu.

169:16 a Kos 5:11 b Kos 8:7 c nny 12Efulayimu balwadde,

emirandira gyabwe gikaze,

tebakyabala bibala.

Ne bwe balizaala abaana baabwe,

nditta ezzadde lyabwe lye baagala ennyo.

179:17 a Kos 4:10 b Ma 28:65; Kos 7:13Katonda wange alibavaako

kubanga tebamugondedde;

baliba momboze mu mawanga.