Ezekiel 46 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 46:1-24

1The Lord and King says, “On the six working days of each week you must keep the east gate of the inner courtyard of the temple shut. But open it on Sabbath days and during New Moon feasts. 2The prince must enter the temple area through the porch of the gateway. He must stand by the gatepost. The priests must sacrifice his burnt offering and friendship offerings. He must bow down in worship at the entrance of the gateway. Then he must leave. But the gate will not be shut until evening. 3On Sabbath days and during New Moon feasts the people of the land must gather together. They must gather at the entrance of the temple gateway. That is where they must worship me. 4The prince must bring a burnt offering to me on the Sabbath day. It will be six male lambs and a ram. They must not have any flaws. 5He must offer 35 pounds of grain along with the ram. The grain he offers along with the lambs can be as much as he wants to give. He must also offer four quarts of olive oil for every 35 pounds of grain. 6On the day of the New Moon feast the prince must make another offering. He must offer a young bull, six lambs and a ram. They must not have any flaws. 7He must offer 35 pounds of grain along with the bull or ram. The grain he offers along with the lambs can be as much as he wants to give. He must also offer four quarts of olive oil for every 35 pounds of grain. 8Here is how the prince must enter the temple area. He must go in through the porch of the gateway. And he must leave the same way.

9“The people of the land must worship me at the appointed feasts. Those who enter through the north gate must leave through the south gate. Those who enter through the south gate must leave through the north gate. They must not leave through the same gate they entered. Each one must go out the opposite gate. 10The prince must be among them. He must go in when they go in. And he must leave when they leave. 11At the yearly feasts and other appointed feasts there must be grain offerings. The prince must offer 35 pounds of grain along with a bull or ram. The grain he offers along with the lambs can be as much as he wants to give. He must also offer four quarts of olive oil for every 35 pounds of grain.

12“He may also bring another offering to me because he chooses to. It might be a burnt offering or friendship offering. When he brings it, the east gate must be opened for him. He will bring his offering just as he does on the Sabbath day. Then he will leave. After he has gone out, the gate must be shut.

13“Every day you must provide a lamb that is a year old. It must not have any flaws. It is a burnt offering to me. You must provide it every morning. 14You must also offer grain along with it every morning. Bring six pounds of grain. Also bring one and a half quarts of olive oil to make the flour a little wet. So you will give the grain offering to me. That will be a law that will last for all time to come. 15Provide the lamb, grain offering and oil every morning. They will be used for a regular burnt offering.”

16The Lord and King says, “Suppose the prince makes a gift from his share of land. And he gives it to one of his sons. Then the property will also belong to his sons after him. It will be handed down to them. 17But suppose he makes a gift from his share of land to one of his servants. Then the servant may keep it until the Year of Jubilee. After that, it will be returned to the prince. His property may be handed down only to his sons. It belongs to them. 18The prince must not take any share of land that belongs to the people. He must not drive them off their property. He must give his sons their share out of his own property. Then not one of my people will be separated from their property.”

19The man brought me through the entrance at the side of the north building. That’s where the priests’ sacred rooms were located. He showed me a place west of the building. 20He said to me, “This is where the priests must cook the guilt offerings and sin offerings. They must also bake the grain offerings here. Then they will not have to bring the offerings into the outer courtyard. That will keep the people from touching the offerings and becoming holy.”

21Then the man brought me to the outer courtyard. He led me around to its four corners. In each corner I saw another smaller courtyard. 22So in the four corners of the outer courtyard were walled courtyards. Each one was 70 feet long and 53 feet wide. All of them were the same size. 23Around the inside of each of the four courtyards was a stone ledge. Places for fire were built all around under each ledge. 24The man said to me, “These are the kitchens. Those who serve at the temple must cook the people’s sacrifices here.”

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エゼキエル書 46:1-24


1神である主はこう語ります。「東の内側の門は、労働をする週日の六日間は閉ざし、安息日と新月祭のときだけ開けるようにしなさい。 2君主は外側の門の玄関から入り、内側の壁のすぐ手前まで進まなければならない。そのとき、祭司は焼き尽くすいけにえと和解のいけにえとをささげるのだ。君主は門の内側で礼拝したら、その入口まで戻らなければならない。入口は、日が暮れるまで閉じてはならない。 3一般の民は、安息日と新月祭に、この入口の手前で礼拝しなさい。 4君主が安息日に神にささげる焼き尽くすいけにえは、傷のない子羊六頭と傷のない雄羊一頭である。 5雄羊一頭につき小麦粉一エパ、子羊については各自が喜んでささげられる量だけをささげるようにすること。オリーブ油は小麦粉一エパごとに一ヒンの割合でささげる。 6新月祭には、完全な状態の若い雄牛一頭、傷のない子羊六頭、傷のない雄羊一頭をささげる。 7若い雄牛とともに小麦粉一エパを穀物のささげ物とし、雄羊にも小麦粉一エパをささげる。子羊のために、各自が喜んでささげられる量だけをささげる。また、小麦粉一エパごとにオリーブ油一ヒンをささげる。 8君主は門の玄関から入り、同じ所から出て行かなければならない。

9しかし、一般の民は祭りの期間中、北の門から入り、ささげ物をしたら、南の門を通って出て行かなければならない。南の門から入って来た者は、北の門から出て行かなければならない。要するに、入って来た門から出てはならないのであって、必ず反対側の門から出る。 10君主も、こうした祭りの期間には、一般の民といっしょに入り、また出るようにすべきである。

11特別の祭りや神聖な祝いのときには、穀物のささげ物は、若い雄牛一頭につき一エパ、雄羊一頭につき一エパ、子羊については、君主が喜んでささげられる量だけをささげるようにしなさい。また、小麦粉一エパごとにオリーブ油一ヒンをささげる。 12君主が神に、特別の焼き尽くすいけにえや和解のいけにえをささげるときには、東の内側の門を開け、彼はそこから入って、安息日にするのと同じように、そのいけにえをささげる。そして、同じ門から出て行く。彼が出たら、門は閉じる。

13毎朝、一歳の子羊を一頭、焼き尽くすいけにえとして神にささげなければならない。 14-15それと同時に、毎朝、穀物のささげ物として、小麦粉六分の一エパと、それに混ぜる油三分の一ヒンをささげなければならない。これは永久に変わらない定めである。毎朝、日ごとのささげ物として、子羊と穀物のささげ物とオリーブ油を整えなければならない。」

16主がこう語ります。「君主がその子に土地を贈与するなら、その土地は永遠にその子のものとなる。 17しかし、奴隷の一人に贈与した場合には、彼が自由の身とされる七年目ごとの解放の年まで、彼のものとなるだけである。その後、その土地は君主に返される。永続するのは息子に贈与されたものだけだ。 18また、君主は力ずくで人の土地を取り上げてはならない。その子には自分の土地を与えなければならない。わたしの民が土地を失って、追い出されるような事態になることをわたしは望まないからだ。」


21-22それから、私は再び外庭に連れ出され、その四隅に連れて行かれました。四隅には、それぞれ縦四十キュビト、横三十キュビトの、壁に囲まれた庭がありました。 23壁の内側にれんが製のかまどが並んでいて、調理ができるようになっています。 24その人は、「この庭は神殿で祭司を助けるレビ人のもので、人々が持って来たいけにえを料理する場所だ」と話してくれました。