Ezekiel 43 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 43:1-27

The Glory of God Returns to the Temple

1Then the man brought me to the east gate. 2There I saw the glory of the God of Israel. He was coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters. His glory made the land shine brightly. 3The vision I saw was like the one I had when he came to destroy the city. It was also like the visions I had seen by the Kebar River. I fell with my face toward the ground. 4The glory of the Lord entered the temple through the east gate. 5Then the Spirit lifted me up. He brought me into the inner courtyard. The glory of the Lord filled the temple.

6The man was standing beside me. I heard someone speaking to me from inside the temple. 7He said, “Son of man, this is the place where my throne is. The stool for my feet is also here. I will live here among the people of Israel forever. They will never again treat my name as if it were not holy. They and their kings will not serve other gods anymore. The people will no longer make funeral offerings for their kings. 8The people of Israel placed their own doorway next to my holy doorway. They put their doorposts right beside mine. Nothing but a thin wall separated us. They treated my name as if it were not holy. I hated it when they did that. So I became angry with them and destroyed them. 9Now let them stop serving other gods. Let them stop making funeral offerings for their kings. If they obey me, I will live among them forever.

10“Son of man, tell the people of Israel about the temple. Then they will be ashamed of their sins. Let them think carefully about how perfect it is. 11What if they are ashamed of everything they have done? Then show them all the plans of the temple. Explain to them how it is laid out. Tell them about its exits and entrances. Show them exactly what it will look like. Give them all its rules and laws. Write everything down so they can see it. Then they will be faithful to its plan. And they will obey all its rules.

12“Here is the law of the temple. The whole area on top of Mount Zion will be very holy. That is the law of the temple.”

The Great Altar Is Rebuilt

13The man said, “Here is the size of the altar. The standard measurement I am using is 21 inches. The altar has a drain on the ground. The drain is 21 inches deep and 21 inches wide. It has a rim that is nine inches wide around the edge. Here is how high the altar is. 14From the drain to the lower ledge is three and a half feet. The lower ledge goes around the altar and is 21 inches wide. From the lower ledge to the upper ledge is seven feet. The upper ledge also goes around the altar and is 21 inches wide. 15The top part of the altar is where the sacrifices are burned. It is seven feet high. A horn sticks out from each of its four corners. 16The top part of the altar is square. It is 21 feet long and 21 feet wide. 17The upper ledge is also square. It is 25 feet long and 25 feet wide. The drain goes all the way around the altar. The rim of the drain is 11 inches wide. The steps leading up to the top of the altar face east.”

18Then the man said to me, “Son of man, the Lord and King speaks. He says, ‘Here are the rules for the altar when it is built. Follow them when you sacrifice burnt offerings and splash blood against it. 19Give a young bull to the priests as a sin offering. They are Levites from the family of Zadok. They approach me to serve me,’ announces the Lord and King. 20‘Get some of the bull’s blood. Put it on the four horns of the altar. Also put it on the four corners of the upper ledge of the altar and all around the rim. That will make the altar pure and “clean.” 21Use the bull for the sin offering. Burn it in the proper place outside the temple.

22“ ‘On the second day offer a male goat. It must not have any flaws. It is a sin offering to make the altar pure and “clean.” So do the same thing with the goat that you did with the bull. 23When you finish making the altar pure, offer a young bull and a ram from the flock. They must not have any flaws. 24Offer them to me. The priests must sprinkle salt on them. Then they must sacrifice them as a burnt offering to me.

25“ ‘Provide a male goat each day for seven days. It is a sin offering. Also provide a young bull and a ram from the flock. They must not have any flaws. 26For seven days the priests must make the altar pure and “clean.” That is how they will set it apart to me. 27From the eighth day on, the priests must bring your burnt offerings and friendship offerings. They must sacrifice them on the altar. Then I will accept you,’ announces the Lord and King.”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

以西結書 43:1-27


1後來,那人帶我來到東門, 2只見以色列上帝的榮光從東方而來,祂的聲音如澎湃的洪濤,大地也因祂的榮耀而發出光芒。 3這異象如同我從前在祂毀滅耶路撒冷時看見的異象,也像我在迦巴魯河邊看見的異象,我便俯伏在地。 4耶和華的榮光從東門進入聖殿。 5上帝的靈把我舉起,帶我進入內院,耶和華的榮光充滿聖殿。

6那人仍然站在我身旁,我聽見有一位從殿中對我說: 7「人子啊,這裡是我的寶座,是我踏腳的地方,我要與以色列人永遠同住。以色列的君民必不再因不忠貞或在高處為他們死去的君王立碑而玷污我的聖名。 8他們不再在我聖殿旁邊建廟宇,使它們的門檻和門柱緊挨著我的門檻和門柱,以致我與它們只有一牆之隔。他們曾經行可憎的事,玷污我的聖名,所以我發怒消滅他們。 9現在,他們要停止祭拜偶像和他們死去的君王,我就永遠住在他們當中。

10「人子啊,你要向以色列人描述所看見的聖殿,讓他們思考聖殿的設計,使他們為自己的罪惡而羞愧。 11他們若為自己的行為感到羞愧,你就把殿的構造、出入口等整個設計,以及殿中的一切律例和法則告訴他們,並且當著他們的面寫下來,讓他們忠於設計,遵守律例。 12殿所在的山頂周圍都是至聖之地,這是有關殿的法則。

13「以下是祭壇的尺寸,底槽深五十釐米,與四邊的寬度相等,周圍環繞著一條二十二釐米高的邊框, 14從底座到下層臺座高一米,邊寬五十釐米,下層臺座到上一層高二米,邊寬五十釐米。 15最高一層是祭台,高二米,祭台上的四角向上突起。 16祭台是方形的,長寬各六米, 17下面的臺座是方形的,長寬各七米,周圍環繞著一條二十五釐米高的邊框。底座四圍的邊寬五十釐米,上祭台的石階在東面。」

18祂對我說:「人子啊,主耶和華這樣說,『祭壇建成後,要按以下的規矩在上面獻燔祭和灑血。 19你要將一頭公牛犢作為贖罪祭給撒督後裔中做祭司的利未人,他們可以前來事奉我。這是主耶和華說的。 20取些公牛犢的血抹在祭壇的四角、臺座的四角和四邊,使祭壇潔淨,為祭壇贖罪, 21並把贖罪用的公牛犢拿到聖所外指定的地方焚燒。 22第二天,你要獻上一頭毫無殘疾的公山羊作贖罪祭,就像獻公牛一樣,使祭壇潔淨。 23祭壇潔淨後,你要取來一頭毫無殘疾的公牛犢和一隻毫無殘疾的公綿羊, 24祭司要把鹽撒在祭牲上,作為燔祭獻在耶和華面前。 25一連七天,每天都要獻上一隻公山羊、一頭公牛犢和一隻公綿羊作贖罪祭,都不可有殘疾。 26在這七天之內,他們要為祭壇贖罪,使壇潔淨,成為聖壇。 27從第八天開始,祭司要在祭壇上獻你們的燔祭和平安祭,我必悅納你們。這是主耶和華說的。』」