Exodus 32 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 32:1-35

Israel Worships a Golden Calf

1The people saw that Moses took a long time to come down from the mountain. So they gathered around Aaron. They said to him, “Come. Make us a god that will lead us. This fellow Moses brought us up out of Egypt. But we don’t know what has happened to him.”

2Aaron answered them, “Take the gold earrings off your wives, your sons and your daughters. Bring the earrings to me.” 3So all the people took off their earrings. They brought them to Aaron. 4He took what they gave him and made it into a metal statue of a god. It looked like a calf. Aaron shaped it with a tool. Then the people said, “Israel, here is your god who brought you up out of Egypt.”

5When Aaron saw what they were doing, he built an altar in front of the calf. He said, “Tomorrow will be a feast day to honor the Lord.” 6So the next day the people got up early. They sacrificed burnt offerings and brought friendship offerings. They sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to dance wildly in front of their god.

7The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, “Go down. Your people you brought up out of Egypt have become very sinful. 8They have quickly turned away from what I commanded them. They have made themselves a metal statue of a god in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down and sacrificed to it. And they have said, ‘Israel, here is your god who brought you up out of Egypt.’

9“I have seen these people,” the Lord said to Moses. “They are stubborn. 10Now leave me alone. I will destroy them because of my great anger. Then I will make you into a great nation.”

11But Moses asked the Lord his God to have mercy on the people. “Lord,” he said, “why should you destroy your people in anger? You used your great power and mighty hand to bring them out of Egypt. 12Why should the Egyptians say, ‘He brought them out to hurt them. He wanted to kill them in the mountains. He wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth’? Turn away from your great anger. Please take pity on your people. Don’t destroy them! 13Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel. You made a promise to them in your own name. You said, ‘I will make your children after you as many as the stars in the sky. I will give them all this land I promised them. It will belong to them forever.’ ” 14Then the Lord took pity on his people. He didn’t destroy them as he had said he would.

15Moses turned and went down the mountain. He had the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands. Words were written on both sides of the tablets, front and back. 16The tablets were the work of God. The words had been written by God. They had been carved on the tablets.

17Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting. So he said to Moses, “It sounds like war in the camp.”

18Moses replied,

“It’s not the sound of winning.

It’s not the sound of losing.

It’s the sound of singing that I hear.”

19As Moses approached the camp, he saw the calf. He also saw the people dancing. So he was very angry. He threw the tablets out of his hands. They broke into pieces at the foot of the mountain. 20He took the calf the people had made. He burned it in the fire. Then he ground it into powder. He scattered it on the water. And he made the Israelites drink it.

21He said to Aaron, “What did these people do to you? How did they make you lead them into such terrible sin?”

22“Please don’t be angry,” Aaron answered. “You know how these people like to do what is evil. 23They said to me, ‘Make us a god that will lead us. This fellow Moses brought us up out of Egypt. But we don’t know what has happened to him.’ 24So I told them, ‘Anyone who has any gold jewelry, take it off.’ They gave me the gold. I threw it into the fire. And out came this calf!”

25Moses saw that the people were running wild. Aaron had let them get out of control. The people had become a joke to their enemies. 26Moses stood at the entrance to the camp. He said, “Anyone on the Lord’s side, come to me.” All the Levites joined him.

27Then he spoke to them. He said, “The Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘Each man must put on his sword. Then he must go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other. Each man must kill his brother and friend and neighbor.’ ” 28The Levites did as Moses commanded. About 3,000 of the people died that day. 29Then Moses said to the Levites, “You have been set apart for the Lord today. You fought against your own sons and brothers. And he has blessed you this day.”

30The next day Moses said to the people, “You have committed a terrible sin. But now I will go up to the Lord. Maybe if I pray to him, he will forgive your sin.”

31So Moses went back to the Lord. He said, “These people have committed a terrible sin. They have made a god out of gold for themselves. 32Now please forgive their sin. But if you won’t, then erase my name out of the book you have written.”

33The Lord replied to Moses. The Lord said, “I will erase out of my book only the names of those who have sinned against me. 34Now go. Lead the people to the place I spoke about. My angel will go ahead of you. But when the time comes for me to punish, I will punish them for their sin.”

35The Lord struck the people with a plague. That’s because of what they did with the calf Aaron had made.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

出エジプト記 32:1-35





そこで、男も女も子どもたちもみな言われたとおりにしました。 4アロンはその金を火で溶かし、鋳型に入れ、道具を使って子牛の形にしました。イスラエルの民は、「イスラエルばんざい! これこそ、われわれをエジプトから連れ出した神だ」と言って、喜び叫びました。 5アロンはこれを見て、子牛の前に祭壇を築いて人々に告げました。「明日は主のために盛大な祝いをしよう。」


7それを知った主は、モーセに命じました。「急いで山を下りなさい。あなたがエジプトから連れ出した者たちが、かってなことを始めている。目に余る有様だ。 8わたしのおきてをもう捨ててしまったのか。子牛の像を造って拝み、それにいけにえまでささげ、『これこそ、イスラエル人をエジプトから連れ出した神だ』と言っている。」

9主はまたモーセに言いました。「イスラエル人がどんなに強情で恩知らずの民か、よくわかった。 10もう容赦はしない。こうなったら彼らを滅ぼし尽くす。じゃまをしてはならない。モーセよ、あの者たちの代わりに、あなたを大きな国民にしよう。」

11しかし、モーセは必死で嘆願しました。「主よ、あなたご自身があれほど大きなお力を示し、すばらしい奇跡をもって、ご自分の民をエジプトから救い出されたのではありませんか。その民に、なぜそのようにお怒りになるのでしょう。 12そのようなことをなさったら、エジプト人は何と言うでしょう。『それ見ろ。イスラエルの神は彼らをだまして山へ連れ出したのだ。その証拠に、彼らは一人残らず殺されてしまった』とあざけるかもしれません。どうぞ怒りを収めてください。そんな恐ろしいさばきは思いとどまってください。 13あなたのしもべアブラハム、イサク、イスラエル(ヤコブ)に約束されたことを思い出していただきたいのです。『あなたの子孫を空の星のように増やそう。約束の地をすべてあなたの子孫に与え、永遠に受け継がせよう。』こう誓われたではありませんか。」


15モーセは山を下りました。手には、十戒を表と裏の両面に記した二枚の石板を持っています。 16神が自らその板に記されたのです。 17やがて、ふもとの方から人々のどよめきが聞こえてきました。ヨシュアはモーセに言いました。「まるで戦いでもしているような騒ぎです。」


19野営地に近づくと、子牛の偶像と踊り狂っている人々の姿が目に入りました。それを見たモーセは怒りがこみ上げ、思わず石板を地面に投げつけ、山のふもとで砕きました。 20彼はやにわに子牛の像をつかみ、火にくべて溶かし、粉々にして水の上にまき散らし、イスラエル人にむりやり飲ませました。

21それからアロンに向き直り、きびしく問い詰めました。「いったい何があったのです! ただごとではありませんよ。兄さんも兄さんだ。いっしょになってこんな恐ろしい罪を犯すとは、どういうつもりなんですか!」

22「まあ、そんなに興奮しないでくれ。あなたも知っているだろう。この民はひどい者たちなんだ。 23『おれたちを導く神を造ってくれ。エジプトからおれたちを連れ出したモーセはきっとどうかなってしまったに違いない』と詰め寄ってくるのだ。 24それで、『みんなから金のイヤリングをはずして、持って来い』と言ってやった。するとどうだ。彼らは持って来るじゃないか。それを火に投げ込んだら、この子牛が出て来たというわけなんだ。」

25アロンにはまるで反省の色がありません。人々の醜態をなすがままにしていたので、敵方の物笑いになっていました。 26モーセは野営地の入口に立って叫びました。「主につく者、私と行動を共にする者は、ここに集まってくれ。」すると、レビ族が全員集まって来ました。 27モーセは彼らに言いました。「イスラエルの神、主が言われる。『剣を持って野営地中を回り、兄弟だろうが、友人だろうが、知り合いだろうが、子牛を礼拝した者を殺しなさい』と。」 28彼らは命令どおりにしたので、その日、約三千人が死にました。



31モーセは主のもとに戻って言いました。「主よ、あの者たちは大きな罪を犯しました。金で偶像を造ったのです。 32けれども、あえてお願いします。どうか罪を赦してやってください。もし、どうしてもだめだと言われるのなら、あなたが書き記される書から、私の名前を消してください。」

33すると、主は答えました。「わたしに罪を犯した者はみな、わたしの書から名前を消される。 34今は黙って、わたしが話しておいた地に民を導くのだ。わたしの使いが必ずあなたの前を行くようにする。だが、今度のことは見逃すわけにはいかない。彼らの罪は罰する。」
