Esther 1 – NIRV & KLB

New International Reader’s Version

Esther 1:1-22

Vashti Is Removed From Her Position as Queen

1King Xerxes ruled over the 127 territories in his kingdom. They reached from India all the way to Cush. Here is what happened during the time Xerxes ruled over the whole Persian kingdom. 2He was ruling from his royal throne in the fort of Susa. 3In the third year of his rule King Xerxes gave a feast. It was for all his nobles and officials. The military leaders of Persia and Media were there. So were the princes and the nobles of the territories he ruled over.

4Every day for 180 days he showed his guests the great wealth of his kingdom. He also showed them how glorious his kingdom was. 5When those days were over, the king gave another feast. It lasted for seven days. It was held in the garden of the king’s courtyard. It was for all the people who lived in the fort of Susa. Everyone from the least important person to the most important was invited. 6The garden was decorated with white and blue linen banners. They hung from ropes that were made out of white linen and purple cloth. The ropes were connected to silver rings on marble pillars. There were gold and silver couches in the garden. They were placed on a floor that was made out of small stones. The floor had purple crystal, marble, mother-of-pearl and other stones of great value. 7Royal wine was served in gold cups. Each cup was different from all the others. There was plenty of wine. The king always provided as much as his guests wanted. 8He commanded that they should be allowed to drink as much or as little as they wished. He directed all his servants to give his guests what they asked for.

9Queen Vashti also gave a feast. Only women were invited. It was held in the royal palace of King Xerxes.

10On the seventh day Xerxes was in a good mood because he had drunk a lot of wine. So he gave a command to the seven officials who served him. They were Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar and Karkas. 11King Xerxes told them to bring Queen Vashti to him. He wanted her to come wearing her royal crown. He wanted to show off her beauty to the people and nobles. She was lovely to look at. 12The attendants told Queen Vashti what the king had ordered her to do. But she refused to come. So the king became very angry.

13It was the king’s practice to ask for advice about matters of law and fairness. So he spoke with the wise men who understood what was going on at that time. 14They were the men closest to the king. Their names were Karshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena and Memukan. They were the seven nobles of Persia and Media. They were the king’s special advisers and the most important men in the kingdom.

15“You know the law,” the king said. “What should I do to Queen Vashti? She hasn’t obeyed my command. The officials told her what I ordered her to do, didn’t they?”

16Then Memukan gave a reply to the king and the nobles. He said, “Queen Vashti has done what is wrong. But she didn’t do it only against you, King Xerxes. She did it also against all the nobles. And she did it against the people in all the territories you rule over. 17All the women will hear about what the queen has done. Then they won’t respect their husbands. They’ll say, ‘King Xerxes commanded Queen Vashti to be brought to him. But she wouldn’t come.’ 18Here is what will start today. The leading women in Persia and Media who have heard about the queen’s actions will act in the same way. They’ll disobey all your nobles, just as she disobeyed you. They won’t have any respect for their husbands. They won’t honor them.

19“So if it pleases you, send out a royal order. Let it be written down in the laws of Persia and Media. Those laws can never be changed. Let the royal order say that Vashti can never see you again. Also let her position as queen be given to someone who is better than she is. 20And let your order be announced all through your entire kingdom. Then all women will have respect for their husbands, from the least important to the most important.”

21The king and his nobles were pleased with that advice. So he did what Memukan had suggested. 22The king sent messages out to every territory in the kingdom. He sent them to each territory in its own writing. He sent them to every nation in its own language. The messages announced that every man should rule over his own family, using his own language.

Korean Living Bible

에스더 1:1-22

황후 와스디의 폐위

1이것은 인도에서부터 1:1 원문에는 ‘구스’에티오피아까지 127도를 다스린 메디아 – 페르시아 제국 의 1:1 또는 ‘아하수에로왕’크셀크세스황제 당시에 일어난 일이다.

2-3크셀크세스황제는 수산궁에서 즉위한 지 3년 만에 성대한 잔치를 베풀고 그의 모든 신하들과 고위 관리, 그리고 메디아와 페르시아의 군 지휘관들과 각 도의 총독과 귀족들을 모두 초대하였다.

4꼬박 6개월 동안 계속된 그 잔치에서 황제는 부강한 자기 제국의 화려함과 위엄을 과시하였다.

5그 잔치가 끝나자 황제는 다시 수산성에 사는 모든 일반 백성을 위해 궁전 뜰에서 7일 동안 잔치를 베풀었다.

6그 뜰에는 흰 휘장과 푸른 휘장이 쳐져 있었는데 그것들은 자색의 가는 베줄로 대리석 기둥의 은고리에 매여 있었다. 그리고 금과 은으로 만든 긴 의자들이 검고 붉고 희고 노란 갖가지 대리석이 깔린 뜰에 놓여 있었다.

7황제는 황실의 술을 한없이 내놓아 모든 사람에게 모양이 각기 다른 금술잔으로 마시게 했으며

8황실 관리에게 명령하여 손님들에게 술을 억지로 권하지 말고 자기들이 먹고 싶은 대로 자유롭게 마실 수 있도록 하였다.

9한편 황후 와스디도 황실에 있는 여자들을 위해 잔치를 베풀었다.

10잔치 마지막 날에 황제는 얼근하게 취하자 기분이 좋아 그를 시중드는 일곱 내시, 곧 므후만, 비스다, 하르보나, 빅다, 아박다, 세달, 가르가스를 불러

11황후 와스디에게 면류관을 씌워 데려오라고 명령하였다. 이것은 황후가 아름다우므로 잔치에 모인 모든 사람들에게 그녀의 미모를 보이고 싶었기 때문이었다.

12그러나 황후 와스디가 내시들의 말을 듣고 오기를 거절하므로 황제는 화가 나서 견딜 수 없었다.

13이 당시에 황제는 법적인 문제에 대하여 전문가들에게 물어 보는 것이 상례로 되어 있었다.

14그래서 그는 자기 측근에 있는 법률 문제 담당 자문관들을 불렀다. 그들은 가르스나, 세달, 아드마다, 다시스, 메레스, 마르스나, 므무간이었으며 이들 일곱 사람은 메디아 – 페르시아 제국에서 가장 높은 지위를 가진 사람들이었다.

15황제가 그들에게 물었다. “황후 와스디는 내시들을 통해 전한 이 크셀크세스황제의 명령에 복종하지 않았다. 이럴 경우 어떻게 하면 좋겠느냐? 법에서는 무엇이라고 규정하고 있느냐?”

16그러자 므무간이 대답하였다. “와스디황후는 황제에게만 잘못한 것이 아니라 황제께서 다스리시는 각 도의 모든 귀족들과 백성들에게도 잘못하였습니다.

17황후가 행한 일이 제국 안의 모든 부인들에게 알려지게 되면 그들이 자기 남편을 무시하며 ‘크셀크세스황제가 와스디황후에게 오라고 명령해도 황후는 가지 않았어요’ 하고 대꾸할 것입니다.

18오늘이라도 페르시아와 메디아의 귀부인들이 황후가 행한 일을 들으면 그들의 남편에게 그런 식으로 말하여 남편을 멸시할 것이며 남편들은 분노를 느낄 것입니다.

19그러므로 황제 폐하께서 좋게 여기신다면 칙령을 내려 와스디를 다시는 황제 앞에 나타나지 못하게 하고 그것을 페르시아와 메디아의 국법으로 정하여 변경할 수 없게 하며 황후의 위를 그보다 나은 사람에게 주십시오.

20황제의 칙령이 이 광대한 제국 곳곳에 발표되면 빈부 귀천을 막론하고 모든 부인들이 자기 남편을 존경할 것입니다.”

21황제와 그의 모든 자문관들이 이것을 좋게 여기므로 황제는 므무간의 조언에 따라

22각 민족의 언어로 모든 도에 칙령을 내려 모든 남편은 가장으로서의 권위를 가지고 자기 집안을 다스리라고 하였다.