Daniel 5 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Daniel 5:1-31

A Hand Writes on the Palace Wall

1King Belshazzar gave a huge banquet. He invited a thousand of his nobles to it. He drank wine with them. 2While Belshazzar was drinking his wine, he gave orders to his servants. He commanded them to bring in some gold and silver cups. They were the cups his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem. Belshazzar had them brought in so everyone could drink from them. That included the king himself, his nobles, his wives and his concubines. 3So the servants brought in the gold cups. The cups had been taken from God’s temple in Jerusalem. The king and his nobles drank from them. So did his wives and concubines. 4As they drank the wine, they praised their gods. The statues of those gods were made out of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood or stone.

5Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared. They wrote something on the plaster of the palace wall. It happened near the lampstand. The king watched the hand as it wrote. 6His face turned pale. He was so afraid that his legs became weak. And his knees were knocking together.

7The king sent for those who try to figure things out by using magic. He also sent for those who study the heavens. All of them were wise men in Babylon. Then the king spoke to them. He said, “I want one of you to read this writing. I want you to tell me what it means. Whoever does this will be dressed in purple clothes. A gold chain will be put around his neck. And he will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”

8Then all the king’s wise men came in. But they couldn’t read the writing. They couldn’t tell him what it meant. 9So King Belshazzar became even more terrified. His face grew more pale. And his nobles were bewildered.

10The queen heard the king and his nobles talking. So she came into the dining hall. “King Belshazzar, may you live forever!” she said. “Don’t be afraid! Don’t look so pale! 11I know a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him. He has understanding and wisdom and good sense just like the gods. He was chief of those who tried to figure things out by using magic. And he was in charge of those who studied the heavens. Your father, King Nebuchadnezzar, appointed him to that position. 12King Nebuchadnezzar did this because he saw what the man could do. This man’s name is Daniel. Your father called him Belteshazzar. He has a clever mind and knowledge and understanding. He is also able to tell what dreams mean. He can explain riddles and solve hard problems. Send for him. He’ll tell you what the writing means.”

13So Daniel was brought to the king. The king said to him, “Are you Daniel? Are you one of the prisoners my father the king brought here from Judah? 14I have heard that the spirit of the gods is in you. I’ve also heard that you have understanding and good sense and special wisdom. 15The wise men and those who practice magic were brought to me. They were asked to read this writing and tell me what it means. But they couldn’t. 16I have heard that you are able to explain things and solve hard problems. I hope you can read this writing and tell me what it means. If you can, you will be dressed in purple clothes. A gold chain will be put around your neck. And you will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”

17Then Daniel answered the king. He said, “You can keep your gifts for yourself. You can give your rewards to someone else. But I will read the writing for you. I’ll tell you what it means.

18“Your Majesty, the Most High God was good to your father Nebuchadnezzar. He gave him authority and greatness and glory and honor. 19God gave him a high position. Then people from every nation became afraid of the king. That was true no matter what language they spoke. The king put to death anyone he wanted to. He spared anyone he wanted to spare. He gave high positions to anyone he wanted to. And he brought down anyone he wanted to bring down. 20But his heart became very stubborn and proud. So he was removed from his royal throne. His glory was stripped away from him. 21He was driven away from people. He was given the mind of an animal. He lived with the wild donkeys. He ate grass just as an ox does. His body became wet with the dew of heaven. He stayed that way until he recognized that the Most High God rules over all kingdoms on earth. He puts anyone he wants to in charge of them.

22“But you knew all that, Belshazzar. After all, you are Nebuchadnezzar’s son. In spite of that, you are still proud. 23You have taken your stand against the Lord of heaven. You had your servants bring cups from his temple to you. You and your nobles drank wine from them. So did your wives and concubines. You praised your gods. The statues of those gods are made out of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood or stone. They can’t see or hear or understand anything. But you didn’t honor God. He holds in his hand your very life and everything you do. 24So he sent the hand that wrote on the wall.

25“Here is what was written.

mene, mene, tekel, parsin

26“And here is what these words mean.

“The word Mene means that God has limited the time of your rule. He has brought it to an end.

27“The word Tekel means that you have been weighed on scales. And you haven’t measured up to God’s standard.

28“The word Peres means that your authority over your kingdom will be taken away from you. It will be given to the Medes and Persians.”

29Then Belshazzar commanded his servants to dress Daniel in purple clothes. So they did. They put a gold chain around his neck. And he was made the third highest ruler in the kingdom.

30That very night Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, was killed. 31His kingdom was given to Darius the Mede. Darius was 62 years old.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

ダニエル書 5:1-31



1ベルシャツァル王は、千人の高位高官を招いて大宴会を催し、ふんだんにぶどう酒をふるまいました。 2-4王はぶどう酒を飲みながら、ずっと以前、ネブカデネザル王の治世にエルサレムの神殿からバビロンに持って来た、金と銀の杯のことを思い出しました。そこで、この聖なる杯を宴席に持って来るよう命じました。杯が運ばれて来ると、王と王子たち、妻とそばめたちは、金や銀、青銅や鉄、木や石で作られた偶像のために、その杯で乾杯したのです。

5すると突然、居並ぶ者たちの目の前に人の手の指が現れ、燭台の向こうの塗り壁に何かを書いたのです。王も確かにその指を見ました。 6恐ろしさのあまり、王の顔は蒼白となりひざはがくがくと震えだし、その場に座り込んでしまいました。 7王は叫びました。「呪文師、占星学者を呼べ。カルデヤ人を呼べ。だれでも、壁に書かれた文字を読み、その意味を解き明かすなら、王室の栄誉を帯びた紫の衣を着せ、首に金の鎖をかけ、この国の第三の支配者としよう!」 8しかし、呼び集められた者のうち、一人としてその文字を読み、意味を解き明かせる者はいません。 9王はますます興奮し、恐怖におびえています。居並ぶ高官たちも、うろたえるばかりです。

10このことを聞いた王母は、すぐ宴会場に駆けつけ、王に言いました。「王よ、落ち着いてください。そんな顔をしたり、おびえたりするのはおやめください。 11あなたの王国には、聖なる神の霊が宿っている人がいるではありませんか。あなたの父上、ネブカデネザル王の時代に、その人は、まるで神のように知恵と理解力に満ちていました。それで父上の治世に、バビロン全土の呪文師、占星学者、カルデヤ人、占い師の長とされたのです。 12その人はダニエルという者です。父上はベルテシャツァルと呼んでおられました。その人を召してください。その頭脳は神の知恵と理解力に満ちています。それで、夢を解き明かし、なぞを解き、どんな難問も解決できるのです。あの壁に書かれた文字の意味も教えてくれましょう。」

13ダニエルは、すぐさま王のもとに召されました。王はダニエルに尋ねました。「ネブカデネザル王がイスラエルから捕虜として連れて来たダニエルというのは、おまえか。 14おまえのうちには神の霊が宿り、知恵と理解力にすぐれていると聞いている。 15私の知者や占星学者たちは、あの壁に書かれた文字を読み、その意味を解き明かそうとしたが、できなかった。 16おまえは、どんななぞも解くことができるそうだな。この文字を解き明かしてくれるなら、紫の衣を着せ、首に金の鎖をかけ、おまえをこの国で第三の支配者としよう。」

17「ありがたい仰せですが、その褒美は、ご自分のために取っておかれるか、ほかの者に与えてください。とにかく、壁の文字の意味はお教えします。 18王よ。いと高き神は、先王ネブカデネザルに、偉大な王国と、それにふさわしい威厳と光栄とを与えました。 19その威厳はたいへんなもので、世界の国々はみな、王の前に震えおののいたものです。先王は気に入らない者は殺し、気に入る者は生かすというふうに、気の向くままに人を用いたり、捨てたりなさいました。 20こうして、先王の心がおごり高ぶった時、神は先王を位から退け、栄光を奪ったのです。 21先王は宮殿から野に追われ、心も感情も動物と同じようになり、野ろばと共に住み、牛のように草を食べ、体は天の露にぬれました。そして先王もついに、いと高き方が人間の国々を支配し、御心にかなう者に国々を支配させることを悟ったのです。 22その後継者であるあなたは、そのことをみな知っていながら、へりくだることをなさいませんでした。 23それどころか、天の主に逆らい、主の神殿の杯をここに持って来させました。王も、高官たちも、王妃やそばめたちも、その杯でぶどう酒を飲み、金、銀、青銅、鉄、木、石でできた、見ることも聞くことも、悟ることもできない神々をほめたたえました。こうして、王にいのちの息を与え、王の人生を手中に握っている神をほめたたえなかったのです。 24-25それで神は手の指を送り、この文字を書かせたのです。その文字は、『メネ』『メネ』『テケル』『パルシン』と読みます。 26意味はこうです。『メネ』は、数えられたという意味で、神が王の治世の日数を数えて、その日がもう尽きたということです。 27『テケル』は、はかりで量られたという意味で、王が神のはかりで量られ、審査に落ちたということです。 28『パルシン』は、分割されたという意味で、王の国が分割されて、メディヤとペルシヤに与えられるということです。」


30その夜のうちに、カルデヤ人の王ベルシャツァルは殺され、 31メディヤ人ダリヨスが都に入り、その国を支配するようになりました。時に、ダリヨスは六十二歳でした。