Daniel 12 – NIRV & CCL

New International Reader’s Version

Daniel 12:1-13

The Time of the End

1“At that time Michael will appear. He is the great prince of the angels. He guards your people. There will be a time of terrible suffering. Things will be worse than at any time since nations began. But at that time of suffering your people will be saved. Their names are written in the book of life. 2Many people who lie dead in their graves will wake up. Some will rise up to life that will never end. Others will rise up to shame that will never end. 3Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the sky. Those who lead many others to do what is right will be like the stars for ever and ever. 4But I want you to roll up this scroll, Daniel. Seal it until the time of the end. Many people will go here and there to increase their knowledge.”

5Then I looked up and saw two other angels. One was on this side of the Tigris River. And one was on the other side. 6The man who was dressed in linen was above the waters of the river. One of the angels spoke to him. He asked, “How long will it be before these amazing things come true?”

7The man raised both hands toward heaven. I heard him make a promise in the name of the God who lives forever. He answered me, “Three and a half years. Then the power of the holy people will finally be broken. And all these things will come true.”

8I heard what he said. But I didn’t understand it. So I asked, “My master, what will come of all this?”

9He answered, “Go on your way, Daniel. The scroll is rolled up. It is sealed until the time of the end. 10Many people will be made pure in the fire. They will be made spotless. But sinful people will continue to be evil. Not one sinful person will understand. But those who are wise will.

11“The daily sacrifices will be stopped. And the hated thing that destroys will be set up. After that, there will be 1,290 days. 12Blessed are those who wait for the 1,335 days and reach the end of them.

13“Daniel, go on your way until the end. Your body will rest in the grave. Then at the end of the days you will rise from the dead. And you will receive what God has appointed for you.”

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Danieli 12:1-13

Nthawi Yotsiriza

1“Pa nthawi imeneyo Mikayeli, mngelo wamkulu amene amateteza anthu a mtundu wako, adzabwera. Imeneyi idzakhala nthawi ya mavuto aakulu omwe sanaonekepo kuyambira pachiyambi cha mitundu ya anthu mpaka nthawi ikudzayo. Komatu pa nthawiyi anthu a mtundu wako, aliyense amene dzina lake lidzapezeke lolembedwa mʼbuku adzapulumutsidwa. 2Ambiri mwa amene akugona mʼnthaka adzadzuka: ena adzapita ku moyo wosatha, ena ku malo amanyazi ndi chilango chosatha. 3Amene ali anzeru mʼnjira ya chilungamo adzawala ngati kuwala kwa mlengalenga, ndipo amene alondolera ambiri ku njira yolungama, adzawala ngati nyenyezi ku nthawi zosatha. 4Koma iweyo, Danieli, sungitsa mawuwa, umate bukuli kufikira nthawi ya chimaliziro. Anthu ambiri adzapita uku ndi uko ndipo nzeru zidzanka zikukulirakulira.”

5Kenaka ine Danieli poyangʼana ndinaona anthu ena awiri atayima, wina tsidya lino la mtsinje, wina tsidya linalo. 6Mmodzi mwa awiriwo anafunsa munthu wovala chovala chosalala amene anali mʼmbali mwa madzi a mu mtsinje uja kuti, “Kodi padzapita nthawi yayitali bwanji kuti zodabwitsazi zidzakwaniritsidwe?”

7Munthu wovala chovala chosalala, amene anali mʼmbali mwa madzi a mu mtsinje uja, anakweza dzanja lake lamanja ndi lamanzere kumwamba, ndipo ndinamumva akulumbira mʼdzina la Wamoyo ku nthawi zonse uja kuti, “Zidzachitika patapita zaka zitatu ndi theka. Zinthu zonsezi zidzachitika akadzatha masautso amene agwera anthu olungama.”

8Ndinamva, koma sindinamvetsetse. Choncho ndinafunsa kuti, “Mbuye wanga, nanga matsiriziro a zonsezi adzakhala chiyani?”

9Ndipo anandiyankha kuti, “Pita iwe Danieli, pakuti mawuwa ndi osungidwa ndi omatidwa kufikira nthawi ya chimaliziro. 10Anthu ambiri adzayeretsedwa nakhala olungama wopanda chodetsa, koma oyipa adzakhala chiyipire. Palibe mmodzi wa anthu oyipa amene adzamvetsetsa koma okhawo amene ali anzeru adzamvetsetsa.

11“Kuyambira pamene nsembe ya tsiku ndi tsiku idzathetsedwa ndi kukhazikitsa kwa chonyansa chobweretsa chisokonezo chija, padzapita masiku 1,290. 12Wodala munthu amene adikirabe nadzafika pa mapeto a masiku 1,335.

13“Koma iweyo Danieli, pitiriza ndipo ulimbikire mpaka matsiriziro. Kenaka udzamwalira. Koma mʼmasiku otsiriza udzauka kuti ulandire gawo lako.”