Acts 15 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Acts 15:1-41

Church Leaders Meet in Jerusalem

1Certain people came down from Judea to Antioch. Here is what they were teaching the believers. “Moses commanded you to be circumcised,” they said. “If you aren’t, you can’t be saved.” 2But Paul and Barnabas didn’t agree with this. They argued strongly with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed to go up to Jerusalem. Some other believers were chosen to go with them. They were told to ask the apostles and elders about this question. 3The church sent them on their way. They traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria. There they told how the Gentiles had turned to God. This news made all the believers very glad. 4When they arrived in Jerusalem, the church welcomed them. The apostles and elders welcomed them too. Then Paul and Barnabas reported everything God had done through them.

5Some of the believers were Pharisees. They stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised. They must obey the law of Moses.”

6The apostles and elders met to consider this question. 7After they had talked it over, Peter got up and spoke to them. “Brothers,” he said, “you know that some time ago God chose me. He appointed me to take the good news to the Gentiles. He wanted them to hear the good news and believe. 8God knows the human heart. By giving the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles, he showed that he accepted them. He did the same for them as he had done for us. 9God showed that there is no difference between us and them. That’s because he made their hearts pure because of their faith. 10Now then, why are you trying to test God? You test him when you put a heavy load on the shoulders of Gentiles. Our people of long ago couldn’t carry that load. We can’t either. 11No! We believe we are saved through the grace of our Lord Jesus. The Gentiles are saved in the same way.”

12Everyone became quiet as they listened to Barnabas and Paul. They were telling about the signs and wonders God had done through them among the Gentiles. 13When they finished, James spoke up. “Brothers,” he said, “listen to me. 14Simon Peter has explained to us what God has now done. He has chosen some of the Gentiles to be among his very own people. 15The prophets’ words agree with that. They say,

16“ ‘After this I will return

and set up again David’s fallen tent.

I will rebuild what was destroyed.

I will make it what it used to be.

17Then everyone else can look to the Lord.

This includes all the Gentiles who belong to me, says the Lord.

The Lord is the one who does these things.’ (Amos 9:11,12)

18The Lord does things that have been known from long ago.

19“Now here is my decision. We should not make it hard for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20Here is what we should write to them. They must not eat food that has been made impure by being offered to statues of gods. They must not commit sexual sins. They must not eat the meat of animals that have been choked to death. And they must not drink blood. 21These laws of Moses have been preached in every city from the earliest times. They are read out loud in the synagogues every Sabbath day.”

A Letter Is Written to Gentile Believers

22Then the apostles, the elders and the whole church decided what to do. They would choose some of their own men who were leaders among the believers. They would send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. So they chose Judas Barsabbas and Silas. They were leaders among the believers. 23Here is the letter they sent with them.

The apostles and elders, your brothers, are writing this letter.

We are sending it to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia.


24We have heard that some of our people came to you and caused trouble. You were upset by what they said. But we had given them no authority to go. 25So we all agreed to send our dear friends Barnabas and Paul to you. We chose some other men to go with them. 26Barnabas and Paul have put their lives in danger. They did it for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27So we are sending Judas and Silas with them. What they say will agree with this letter. 28Here is what seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us. We will not give you a load that is too heavy. So here are a few basic rules. 29Don’t eat food that has been offered to statues of gods. Don’t drink blood. Don’t eat the meat of animals that have been choked to death. And don’t commit sexual sins. You will do well to keep away from these things.


30So the men were sent down to Antioch. There they gathered the church together. They gave the letter to them. 31The people read it. They were glad for its message of hope. 32Judas and Silas were prophets. They said many things to give strength and hope to the believers. 33-34Judas and Silas stayed there for some time. Then the believers sent them away with the blessing of peace. They sent them back to those who had sent them out. 35Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch. There they and many others taught and preached the word of the Lord.

Paul and Barnabas Do Not Agree

36Some time later Paul spoke to Barnabas. “Let’s go back to all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord,” he said. “Let’s visit the believers and see how they are doing.” 37Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with them. 38But Paul didn’t think it was wise to take him. Mark had deserted them in Pamphylia. He hadn’t continued with them in their work. 39Barnabas and Paul strongly disagreed with each other. So they went their separate ways. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus. 40But Paul chose Silas. The believers asked the Lord to give his grace to Paul and Silas as they went. 41Paul traveled through Syria and Cilicia. He gave strength to the churches there.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

使徒の働き 15:1-41



1パウロとバルナバがアンテオケにいた時のこと、ユダヤから来た人たちが、「古いユダヤの慣習どおり割礼を受けなければ救われない」と教え始めました。 2パウロとバルナバは、このことで彼らと激しく対立し、大論争が持ち上がりました。それでとうとう、何人かの信者と共にパウロとバルナバをエルサレムに送り、この問題について使徒や長老たちと協議することになりました。 3一行は、町の外で、教会員全員の見送りを受けて出発しました。途中フェニキヤとサマリヤの町に立ち寄り、外国人も次々に主イエスを信じるようになったということを話して、クリスチャンを大いに喜ばせました。

4エルサレムに着くと、教会と指導者たち――使徒全員と長老たち――に迎えられました。そこで、パウロとバルナバは、今回の伝道旅行で神がどんなことをしてくださったかを報告しました。 5しかし、主イエスを信じる以前はパリサイ派だった人たちのうちの何人かが立ち上がり、外国人といえども、クリスチャンになった以上は割礼を受け、ユダヤの慣習や儀式を残らず守るべきだと主張しました。 6そこで使徒と長老たちは、この問題に決着をつけるため、会議を開きました。

7激しい論争が続いたあと、ペテロが立ち上がり、意見を述べました。「皆さん、お忘れですか。ずっと以前、外国人も福音のことばを聞いて信じるために、神様が私をお選びになったことを。 8人の心の中をご存じの神様は、ご自分が外国人をも受け入れておられることをわからせようと、私たちと同じように、彼らにも聖霊を与えてくださったのではありませんか。 9神様は、外国人とユダヤ人を少しも差別なさいません。だからこそ、私たちと同じように、信仰によって彼らの心もきよめてくださったのです。 10それなのにどうして、私たちも、私たちの先祖も負いきれなかった重荷を、彼らに負わせようとするのですか。そんなことをしたら、それこそ、神様がなさったことを訂正するようなものです。 11私たちは、すべての人が同じ方法で、すなわち、主イエスが一方的に与えてくださった恵みによって救われる、と信じているのではありませんか。」


13話が終わると、ヤコブが発言するために立ち上がりました。「皆さん、お聞きください。 14今しがたペテロが、神様が初めて外国人に目をとめ、その中から神の御名をあがめる者たちを起こされた時のことを話してくれました。 15この事実は、次のように書いてあるとおり、預言者たちの預言とも一致します。







19ですから、これはあくまで私の判断ですが、神に立ち返る外国人に、ユダヤ人のおきてを押しつけるべきではありません。 20ただ、偶像に供えた肉を食べること、あらゆる不品行、しめ殺した動物の肉を血を抜かないまま食べること、また、血を食べることはやめるように言うべきだと思います。 21どこの町でも、ユダヤ人の会堂では安息日ごとに、何代にもわたって、このことに反対する教えが語られてきたからです。」



24こちらから行った何人かのクリスチャンが、いろいろなことを言って皆様をまどわせ、救いにまで疑問をいだかせたことを、確かに聞きました。しかし、誤解なさらないでください。私たちがそのような指示を与えたわけではありません。 25それでこの際、愛するバルナバとパウロと共に、二人の正式な代表を派遣するのが最もよい方法だと、全会一致で決議しました。 26-27代表のユダとシラスは、主イエス・キリストのために、いのちを危険にさらしてきた人たちです。この人たちが、今回の問題についての決定を口頭でお伝えするはずです。


30四人はすぐにアンテオケに向かい、教会の人々を召集して、この手紙を手渡しました。 31人々が、この手紙でたいへん慰められ、喜びにあふれたことは言うまでもありません。


33こうして数日が過ぎました。ユダとシラスは、エルサレム教会への感謝とあいさつを託されて帰って行き、 34-35パウロとバルナバは、そのままアンテオケにとどまりました。そこで説教したり教えたりしている人たちに協力したのです。


36しばらくたつと、パウロはバルナバに、「以前に宣教した各地の町で、クリスチャンたちがその後どうしているか、ぜひこの目で確かめようじゃないか」と誘いました。 37バルナバも、これに賛成でした。ところが、問題はだれを連れて行くかでした。バルナバはマルコを考えていました。 38しかし、パウロは反対でした。というのも、彼はこの前、パンフリヤで、さっさと一人だけ先に帰ってしまったからです。 39この件でのパウロとバルナバの対立は激しく、ついに別行動をとることになりました。バルナバはマルコを連れて、船でキプロスに渡りました。 40-41一方、パウロはシラスに白羽の矢を立てました。二人は人々の祝福を受けて、陸路シリヤとキリキヤに向かい、諸教会を力づけました。