2 Kings 7 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Kings 7:1-20

1Elisha replied, “Listen to a message from the Lord. He says, ‘About this time tomorrow, flour won’t cost very much. Even 12 pounds of the finest flour will cost less than half of an ounce of silver. You will also be able to buy 20 pounds of barley for the same price. That’s all you will have to pay for those things at the gate of Samaria.’ ”

2The king was leaning on an officer’s arm. The officer spoke to the man of God. The officer said, “Suppose the Lord opens the sky and pours down food on us. Even if he does, could what you are saying really happen?”

“You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha. “But you won’t eat any of it!”

The Attack on Samaria Ends

3There were four men who had a skin disease. They were at the entrance of the gate of Samaria. They said to one another, “Why should we stay here until we die? 4Suppose we say, ‘We’ll go into the city.’ There isn’t any food there, and we’ll die. But if we stay here, we’ll die anyway. So let’s go over to Aram’s army camp. Let’s give ourselves up. If they spare us, we’ll live. If they kill us, we’ll die.”

5At sunset they got up and went to Aram’s army camp. They arrived at the edge of it. But no one was there. 6The Lord had caused the soldiers of Aram to hear a noise. It sounded like chariots and horses and a huge army. So the soldiers said to one another, “Listen! The king of Israel has hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings. He has paid them to attack us!” 7So the soldiers of Aram had run away at sunset. They had left their tents and horses and donkeys behind. They had left the camp just as it was. And they had run for their lives.

8The men who had a skin disease arrived at the edge of the camp. They entered one of the tents. They ate and drank. Then they took silver, gold and clothes. They went off and hid them. They returned and entered another tent. They took some things from it and hid them also.

9But then they said to one another, “What we’re doing isn’t right. This is a day of good news. And we’re keeping it to ourselves. If we wait until sunrise, we’ll be punished. Let’s go at once. Let’s report this to the royal palace.”

10So they went. They called out to the people who were guarding the city gates. They told them, “We went into Aram’s army camp. No one was there. We didn’t hear anyone. The horses and donkeys were still tied up. The tents were left just as they were.” 11The people who guarded the gates shouted the news. It was reported inside the palace.

12The king of Israel got up in the night. He spoke to his officers. He said, “I’ll tell you what the men of Aram have done to us. They know we are very hungry. So they have left the camp to hide in the countryside. They are thinking, ‘We are sure they’ll come out. Then we’ll take them alive. And we’ll get into the city.’ ”

13One of the king’s officers said, “A few horses are still left in the city. Have some men get five of them. Those men won’t be any worse off than all the other Israelites who are left here. In fact, all of us will soon be dead anyway. So let’s send the men to find out what happened.”

14The men chose two chariots and their horses. The king sent them out to look for Aram’s army. He commanded the drivers, “Go and find out what has happened.” 15They followed the trail of Aram’s soldiers all the way to the Jordan River. They found clothes and supplies all along the road. The soldiers had thrown them down when they ran away. So the men who were sent out returned. They reported to the king what they had seen. 16Then the people went out of the city. They took everything of value from Aram’s army camp. So 12 pounds of the finest flour sold for less than half of an ounce of silver. And 20 pounds of barley sold for the same price. That’s exactly what the Lord had said would happen.

17The king had put an officer in charge of the city gate. He was the officer on whose arm the king leaned. On their way out of the city, the people knocked the officer down. In the entrance of the gate he was crushed as they walked on top of him. And so he died. That’s exactly what the man of God had said would happen. He had said it when the king came down to his house. 18What Elisha, the man of God, had told the king came true. Elisha had said, “About this time tomorrow, flour won’t cost very much. Even 12 pounds of the finest flour will cost less than half of an ounce of silver. You will also be able to buy 20 pounds of barley for the same price. That’s all you will have to pay for those things at the gate of Samaria.”

19The officer had spoken to the man of God. The officer had said, “Suppose the Lord opens the sky and pours down food on us. Even if he does, could what you are saying really happen?” The man of God had replied, “You will see it with your own eyes. But you won’t eat any of it!” 20And that’s exactly what happened to the officer. On their way out of the city, the people knocked him down. In the entrance of the gate he was crushed as they walked on top of him. And so he died.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

列王記Ⅱ 7:1-20





3そのころ、町の門の外に四人のツァラアトに冒された人が座って、こう話し合っていました。「死ぬまで、ここにじっと座っていてもしかたない。 4ここにいても飢え死にするだけだし、町に入っても同じことだ。それなら、いっそ出て行って、シリヤの陣営に投降しよう。助かればもうけものだし、殺されても、もともとだ。」

5話がまとまり、夕方、そろってシリヤの陣営に行きましたが、驚いたことに、そこにはだれもいませんでした。 6主がシリヤ軍に、戦車の向かって来る音と馬のいななき、大軍勢が攻め寄せる音を聞かせたからです。それで、彼らは口々に、「イスラエルの王がヘテ人やエジプト人を雇って攻めて来たに違いない!」と言い、 7あわてふためいて、その夜のうちに、彼らの天幕も馬もろばも何もかも置き去りにして、いのちからがら逃げ出したのです。

8ツァラアトに冒された人たちは陣営の端まで来ると、天幕を次から次へと回って食べたり飲んだりし、金や銀や衣服を持ち出して、それらを隠しました。 9そうこうしているうち、彼らは互いに言いました。「こんなことをしていてはいけない。この良い知らせを、まだ、だれにも伝えていないではないか。明日の朝まで黙っていようものなら、きっと恐ろしい罰を受けるだろう。さあ、宮殿にいる人々に知らせよう。」

10そこで四人は町に戻り、見張り人に、「シリヤ軍の陣営に行ってみると、人っ子ひとりおらず、馬やろばはつながれたままで、天幕もそっくりそのままだった」と報告しました。 11見張り人は、大声でこの知らせを宮中の人々に伝えました。 12王は起き上がると、家臣たちに言いました。「これは罠に違いない。シリヤ軍は、われわれが飢えているのを知って、わざと陣営をからにし、野に隠れているのだ。われわれをおびき出す作戦だ。うっかり出て行ったら、たちまち生け捕りにされ、町も占領されてしまうだろう。」


14そこで二台分の戦車用の馬が引き出され、王は敵陣偵察に二人の兵士を送りました。 15彼らは大急ぎで、逃げたシリヤ軍のあとを追い、ヨルダン川まで行きましたが、道の至るところに衣服や武器がいっぱい捨ててあるではありませんか。彼らは帰って、このことを王に報告しました。

16そうとわかると、サマリヤの人々は、われ先にシリヤ軍の陣営に殺到し、略奪をほしいままにしました。そのため主のことばどおり、その日のうちに、小麦粉一セアと大麦二セアが一シェケルで売られるようになったのです。 17王は、「そんなことが起こるはずはない」と言ったあの侍従を、門の出入りの監視に当たらせました。ところが彼は、なだれのように殺到する人々に押し倒され、踏みつけられて、死んでしまいました。前の日、王がエリシャを捕らえに行った時、エリシャが語ったとおりでした。 18預言者が王に、「明日になったら、小麦粉と大麦が安く売られるようになる」と言った時、 19その侍従が、「たとえ主が天に窓をお作りになっても、そんなことが起こるはずはない」と答えたので、預言者は、「あなたは自分の目でそのようになるのを見るが、それを食べることはできない」と言ったのでした。 20そのとおりのことが実現し、人々は門のところで彼を踏みつけ、殺してしまったのです。