2 Kings 3 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

2 Kings 3:1-27

Moab’s King Refuses to Obey Israel’s King

1Joram became king of Israel in Samaria. It was in the 18th year that Jehoshaphat was king of Judah. Joram ruled for 12 years. He was the son of Ahab. 2Joram did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. But he wasn’t as bad as his father and mother had been. Joram’s father had made a sacred stone used to worship the god named Baal. Joram got rid of it. 3But he kept on committing the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat. Jeroboam had also caused Israel to commit those same sins. Joram didn’t turn away from them.

4Mesha raised sheep. He was king of Moab. He had to pay the king of Israel 100,000 lambs a year. He also had to pay him with the wool of 100,000 rams a year. 5After Ahab died, Moab’s king refused to obey the next king of Israel. 6So at that time King Joram started out from Samaria. He gathered together all of Israel’s troops. 7He also sent a message to Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. Joram said, “The king of Moab is refusing to obey me. Will you go with me to fight against Moab?”

“Yes. I’ll go with you,” Jehoshaphat replied. “My men will go with you. My horses will also go with you.”

8“What road should we take to attack Moab?” Joram asked.

“The one that goes through the Desert of Edom,” Jehoshaphat answered.

9So the king of Israel marched out. The king of Judah and the king of Edom went with him. Their armies marched around the southern end of the Dead Sea. After seven days they ran out of water. There wasn’t any water for the men or their animals.

10“What should we do now?” exclaimed the king of Israel. “The Lord has called us three kings together. Did he do it only to hand us over to Moab?”

11But Jehoshaphat asked, “Isn’t there a prophet of the Lord here? Can’t we ask the Lord for advice through him?”

An officer of the king of Israel answered, “Elisha is here. He’s the son of Shaphat. Elisha used to serve Elijah.”

12Jehoshaphat said, “The Lord speaks through him.” So the king of Israel went down to see Elisha. Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom also went there.

13Elisha said to the king of Israel, “Why do you want to come to me? Go to your father’s prophets. Go to your mother’s prophets.”

“No,” the king of Israel answered. “The Lord called us three kings together. He did it to hand us over to Moab.”

14Elisha said, “I serve the Lord who rules over all. You can be sure that he lives. And you can be just as sure that I have respect for Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t pay any attention to you. 15But now bring me someone who plays the harp.”

While that person was playing the harp, the Lord’s power came on Elisha. 16Elisha announced, “The Lord says, ‘I will fill this valley with pools of water.’ 17This will happen because the Lord says, ‘You will not see wind or rain. But this valley will be filled with water. Then you, your cattle and your other animals will have water to drink.’ 18This is an easy thing for the Lord to do. He will also hand Moab over to you. 19You will destroy every city that has high walls around it. You will destroy every major town. You will cut down every good tree. You will stop up all the springs of water. And you will cover every good field with stones.”

20The next day, the time came to offer the morning sacrifice. And then it happened! Water was flowing from the direction of Edom! In fact, the land was filled with water!

21Now all the people of Moab had heard that the kings had come to fight against them. So the king of Moab sent for all Moab’s fighting men. It didn’t matter whether they were young or old. He sent for everyone who could carry a weapon. All of them were stationed at the border. 22They got up early in the morning. The sun was already shining on the water. Across the way, the water looked red to the men of Moab. It looked like blood. 23“That’s blood!” they said. “Those kings must have fought and killed each other. Let’s go, Moab! Let’s take everything that has any value.”

24So the men of Moab went to the camp of Israel. Just as they arrived there, the men of Israel got ready to fight. They fought against the men of Moab until those men ran away. The men of Israel marched into the land and attacked it. They killed the people of Moab. 25They destroyed the towns. Each man threw a large stone on every good field. They did that until the fields were covered. They stopped up all the springs of water. And they cut down every good tree. The only town left with any stones in place was Kir Hareseth. But some of the Israelites armed with slings surrounded it. Then they attacked it.

26The king of Moab saw that the battle had gone against him. So he took with him 700 men who had swords. They tried to break through the battle lines to the king of Edom. But they couldn’t do it. 27Then the king of Moab took his oldest son. He was the son who would become the next king of Moab. But the king offered his son as a sacrifice on the city wall. That shocked and terrified the men of Israel. So they pulled back and returned to their own land.

O Livro

2 Reis 3:1-27

Moabe revolta-se

1Jorão, o filho de Acabe, começou o seu reinado sobre Israel, quando corria o décimo oitavo ano do reinado de Jeosafá sobre Judá. E reinou 12 anos em Samaria, a capital. 2Fez o que era mau aos olhos do Senhor, mas não tanto quanto o seu pai e a sua mãe, porque deitou abaixo o pilar que o pai erguera em honra de Baal. 3Contudo, aderiu ao pecado de Jeroboão, o filho de Nebate, que tinha levado o povo de Israel ao culto dos ídolos.

4O rei Messa de Moabe e o seu povo eram negociantes de gado. Pagavam a Israel um tributo anual de 100 000 cordeiros e mais a lã de 100 000 carneiros. 5Contudo, após a morte de Acabe, o rei de Moabe rebelou-se contra Israel. 6Por isso, o rei Jeorão mobilizou o seu exército. 7Mandou mensageiros a Jeosafá, rei de Judá: “O rei de Moabe revoltou-se contra mim. Ajudas-me a combatê-lo?” Jeosafá respondeu: “Com certeza que sim. Podes dispor do meu povo e da minha cavalaria. 8Quais são os teus planos de combate?” Jorão respondeu: “Atacaremos a partir do deserto de Edom.”

9Dessa forma, os dois exércitos, reforçados com as tropas de Edom, fizeram uma marcha de sete dias através do deserto, para rodearem o inimigo. No entanto, faltou-lhes a água para os homens e para os animais.

10“O que vamos fazer agora?”, gritava o rei de Israel. “O Senhor trouxe-nos aqui para sermos derrotados pelo rei de Moabe!”

11Jeosafá perguntou: “Não há nenhum profeta do Senhor entre a nossa gente? Se houvesse, saberíamos o que fazer!” Um dos oficiais do rei de Israel respondeu: “Há Eliseu!” E acrescentou: “Era o assistente de Elias.”

12Jeosafá respondeu: “É o homem de que precisamos; ele fala a mensagem do Senhor.” E os três reis, de Israel, Judá e Edom, foram consultar Eliseu.

13“Não tenho nada a ver contigo”, disse Eliseu ao rei Jorão de Israel. “Vai ter com os falsos profetas do teu pai e da tua mãe!” Mas o rei respondeu: “Não. Porque foi o Senhor quem nos enviou até aqui para sermos destruídos pelo rei de Moabe!”

14“Tão certo como vive o Senhor dos exércitos, em cuja presença eu sirvo, que, se não fosse pela presença do rei Jeosafá, de Judá, não me incomodaria um bocadinho sequer contigo”, retorquiu Eliseu. 15“Tragam-me então alguém que toque a harpa.” Quando o músico começou a tocar, Eliseu recebeu a mensagem do Senhor: 16“O Senhor ordena que façam covas em todo este vale seco. 17Não hão de ver nem vento, nem chuva; mas este vale encher-se-á de água e poderão saciar-se, tanto os homens como os animais! 18Isto é só uma pequena amostra do que o Senhor pode fazer; ele vos tornará vitoriosos sobre as tropas de Moabe! 19Conquistarão o melhor das suas povoações, mesmo as que são fortificadas, e encherão de pedras todos os bons campos.”

20Com efeito, no dia seguinte, por altura em que o sacrifício da manhã deveria ser oferecido, apareceu água. Corria, vinda do lado de Edom, e em breve havia água por toda a parte.

21Entretanto, quando o povo moabita ouviu falar dos três exércitos que vinham contra ele, mobilizaram todos os homens válidos para a guerra, velhos e novos, e dispuseram-se ao longo da fronteira. 22Logo cedo, na manhã seguinte, o Sol refletindo nas águas dava-lhes um tom vermelho de sangue. 23“É sangue!”, começaram a gritar. “Os três exércitos, com toda a certeza, voltaram-se uns contra os outros e estão a matar-se mutuamente! Vamos depressa à presa!”

24Quando chegaram ao acampamento militar dos israelitas, estes caíram sobre eles e começaram a matá-los. A tropa moabita fugiu. Os israelitas avançaram pela terra de Moabe, destruindo tudo à sua frente. 25Arrasaram povoações, lançaram entulho sobre as terras e para dentro dos poços, cortaram as árvores frutíferas. No fim, apenas a fortaleza de Quir-Haresete tinha ficado de pé e mesmo essa acabou também por ser tomada pelos soldados, armados com fundas.

26Quando o rei de Moabe viu que a batalha tinha sido perdida, reuniu 700 dos seus homens que melhor lutavam à espada e, num esforço desesperado, tentou ainda confrontar-se com o rei de Edom, mas não conseguiu. 27Pegou então no seu filho mais velho, que estava destinado a suceder-lhe no trono e, perante o horror do exército Israelita, matou-o e sacrificou-o sobre a muralha. O exército de Israel regressou indignado para a sua terra.