2 Chronicles 28 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 28:1-27

Ahaz King of Judah

1Ahaz was 20 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for 16 years. He didn’t do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He didn’t do what King David had done. 2He followed the ways of the kings of Israel. He also made statues of gods that were named Baal. 3He burned sacrifices in the Valley of Ben Hinnom. He sacrificed his children in the fire to other gods. He followed the practices of the nations. The Lord hates these practices. The Lord had driven out those nations to make room for the people of Israel. 4Ahaz offered sacrifices and burned incense at the high places. He also did it on the tops of hills and under every green tree.

5So the Lord his God handed him over to the king of Aram. The men of Aram won the battle over him. They took many of his people as prisoners. They brought them to Damascus.

God also handed Ahaz over to Pekah. Pekah was king of Israel. His army wounded or killed many of the troops of Ahaz. 6In one day Pekah, the son of Remaliah, killed 120,000 soldiers in Judah. That’s because Judah had deserted the Lord, the God of their people. 7Zikri was a fighting man from Ephraim. He killed Maaseiah, Azrikam and Elkanah. Maaseiah was the king’s son. Azrikam was the officer who was in charge of the palace. And Elkanah was next in command after the king. 8The men of Israel captured 200,000 wives, sons and daughters from their relatives in Judah. They also took a large amount of goods. They carried all of it back to Samaria.

9But a prophet of the Lord was there. His name was Oded. When the army returned to Samaria, he went out to meet them. He said to them, “The Lord is the God of your people. He was very angry with Judah. So he handed them over to you. But you have killed them. Your anger reached all the way to heaven. 10Now you are planning to make the men and women of Judah and Jerusalem your slaves. But aren’t you also guilty of sins against the Lord your God? 11Listen to me! You have taken your relatives from Judah as prisoners. The Lord is very angry with you. So send your relatives back.”

12Then some of the leaders in Ephraim stood up to those who were returning from the war. The leaders were Azariah, Berekiah, Jehizkiah and Amasa. Azariah was the son of Jehohanan. Berekiah was the son of Meshillemoth. Jehizkiah was the son of Shallum. And Amasa was the son of Hadlai. 13“Don’t bring those prisoners here,” they said. “If you do, we’ll be guilty in the sight of the Lord. Do you really want to add to our sin and guilt? We’re already very guilty. The Lord is very angry with Israel.”

14So the soldiers gave up the prisoners and the goods they had taken. They did it in front of the officials and the whole community. 15Azariah, Berekiah, Jehizkiah and Amasa received the prisoners. From the goods that had been taken, they gave clothes to everyone who was naked. They gave them clothes, sandals, food, drink and healing lotion. They put all the weak people on donkeys. They took them back to their relatives at Jericho. Then they returned to Samaria. Jericho was also known as the City of Palm Trees.

16At that time King Ahaz sent men to the king of Assyria to get help. 17The men of Edom had come and attacked Judah again. They had carried away prisoners. 18At the same time the Philistines had attacked towns in the western hills and in the Negev Desert of Judah. They had captured Beth Shemesh, Aijalon and Gederoth. They had also captured Soko, Timnah and Gimzo and the villages around them. They had settled down in all of them. 19The Lord had made Judah less powerful because of Ahaz, their king. Ahaz had stirred up the people of Judah to do evil things. He hadn’t been faithful to the Lord at all. 20Tiglath-Pileser came to Ahaz. But he gave Ahaz trouble instead of help. Tiglath-Pileser was king of Assyria. 21Ahaz took some things from the Lord’s temple. He also took some from the royal palace and from the officials. He gave all of them to the king of Assyria. But that didn’t help Ahaz.

22When King Ahaz was in trouble, he became even more unfaithful to the Lord. 23Ahaz offered sacrifices to the gods of Damascus. They had won the battle over him. Ahaz thought, “The gods of the kings of Aram have helped them. So I’ll sacrifice to those gods. Then they’ll help me.” But those gods only caused his ruin. In fact, those gods caused the ruin of the whole nation of Israel.

24Ahaz gathered together everything that belonged to God’s temple. He cut all of it in pieces. Ahaz shut the doors of the Lord’s temple. He set up altars at every street corner in Jerusalem. 25In every town in Judah he built high places. Sacrifices were burned there to other gods. That made the Lord, the God of his people, very angry.

26The other events of the rule of Ahaz and all his evil practices from beginning to end are written down. They are written in the records of the kings of Judah and Israel. 27Ahaz joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in the city of Jerusalem. But he wasn’t placed in the tombs of the kings of Israel. Ahaz’s son Hezekiah became the next king after him.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

歴代誌Ⅱ 28:1-27



1アハズは二十歳で王となり、十六年間エルサレムで治めました。彼は父祖ダビデとは違って、主の目にかなわない悪王でした。 2イスラエルの王たちの悪い例にならって、バアルの偶像を拝んだのです。 3王はベン・ヒノムの谷で盛大に偶像礼拝を行いましたが、香をたくだけにとどまらず、その谷で、主がイスラエルのために追放した異教徒のように、自分の子どもたちをいけにえとして火に投げ込んだのです。 4それだけではありません。高台の偶像の宮や、すべての茂った木の下でいけにえをささげたり、香をたいたりもしました。

5そういうわけで、主は、シリヤの王がアハズ王を打ち、国民の多くを捕虜としてダマスコへ引いて行くままにしました。イスラエル軍もユダに攻め入り、大損害を与えました。 6たった一日で、レマルヤの子、イスラエルの王ペカは、ユダの勇士十二万人を殺したほどでした。彼らが父祖の神を捨てたからです。 7エフライムの大勇士ジクリは、ユダの王子マアセヤ、宮内長官アズリカム、王の補佐官エルカナを殺しました。 8イスラエル軍は、ユダの婦人と子ども合わせて二十万人を捕虜とし、たくさんの戦利品を手に入れて、サマリヤに帰りました。

9しかし、サマリヤにいた主の預言者オデデが、帰って来たイスラエル軍を出迎えて、こう言いました。「あなたがたの父祖の神は、ユダを怒ってあなたがたの手にお渡しになった。ところが、あなたがたは、天も驚くほどの残忍さで彼らを手にかけた。 10しかも、ユダとエルサレムから連れて来た人々を奴隷にしようとしている。そうやって、あなたがた自身も主に罪を犯しているのではないか。 11私の言うことを聞き、同胞であるユダの人々を家へ帰してやりなさい。そうでないと、主の燃えるような怒りがあなたがたにも下ることになる。」

12エフライム族の長である、ヨハナンの子アザルヤ、メシレモテの子ベレクヤ、シャルムの子ヒゼキヤ、ハデライの子アマサも同じ意見でした。 13「捕虜を連れて来たら、主はお怒りになる。私たちの多くの罪に、さらにこの罪が加わる。もうこれ以上、神を煩わせてはならない。」

14そこで兵士たちは、捕虜と戦利品のことは政治的指導者に任せることにしました。 15先に名を挙げた四人は、戦利品の中にあった多くの衣服を、捕虜の中で困っている婦人や子どもたちに配り、くつをはかせ、パンを食べさせ、ぶどう酒を飲ませました。また、病人や老人をろばに乗せて、なつめやしの町エリコにいる家族のもとへ送り届けました。それから、護送の任に当たった者たちはサマリヤに帰りました。

16-17そのころ、エドム人がユダを侵略し、大ぜいの住民を奴隷として連れ去ったので、ユダの王アハズはエドム軍と戦うため、アッシリヤの王に援助を求めました。 18一方、ペリシテ人は低地の町々や南のネゲブに侵入し、ベテ・シェメシュ、アヤロン、ゲデロテやソコ、ティムナ、ギムゾとそれぞれ周辺の村々を占領し、そこに住みつきました。 19このようになったのは、ユダの民の信仰心を破壊し、主に不信の罪を犯したアハズ王のためでした。主はそのことを反省させようとしたのです。 20しかし、アッシリヤの王ティグラテ・ピレセルは、アハズ王を助けるどころか、かえって悩ますことになりました。 21アハズ王は神殿の金や王宮の宝物を彼に贈りましたが、何の効果もありませんでした。

22こうした大きな試練の中で、アハズ王はますます堕落に陥りました。 23彼は、自分を打ったダマスコの神々にいけにえをささげました。そうすればその神々が、シリヤの王を助けたように、自分たちをも助けてくれると思ったのです。しかし、代わりに、その神々はアハズ王とその民を堕落させただけでした。 24彼は神殿から金の鉢を取り出して切り刻み、神殿の扉に釘を打ちつけて、だれもそこで礼拝できないようにしたのです。また、エルサレムのあらゆる町かどに、異教の神々のための祭壇を築きました。 25さらに、ユダの町という町でもすべて同じようにして、ついに父祖の神、主の激しい怒りを招きました。

26アハズ王の生涯と行いは、『ユダとイスラエル諸王の年代記』にくわしく記されています。 27彼は死んでエルサレムに葬られましたが、王室墓地には入れられませんでした。代わってその子ヒゼキヤが新しく王となりました。