1 Timothy 5 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 Timothy 5:1-25

Instructions About Widows, Elders and Slaves

1Correct an older man in a way that shows respect. Make an appeal to him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as if they were your brothers. 2Treat older women as if they were your mothers. Treat younger women as if they were your sisters. Be completely pure in the way you treat them.

3Take care of the widows who really need help. 4But suppose a widow has children or grandchildren. They should first learn to put their faith into practice. They should care for their own family. In that way they will pay back their parents and grandparents. That pleases God. 5A widow who really needs help and is left all alone puts her hope in God. Night and day she keeps on praying. Night and day she asks God for help. 6But a widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she is still living. 7Give these instructions to the people. Then no one can be blamed. 8Everyone should provide for their own relatives. Most of all, everyone should take care of their own family. If they don’t, they have left the faith. They are worse than someone who doesn’t believe.

9No widow should be put on the list of widows unless she is more than 60 years old. She must also have been faithful to her husband. 10She must be well known for the good things she does. That includes bringing up children. It includes inviting guests into her home. It includes washing the feet of the Lord’s people. It includes helping those who are in trouble. A widow should spend her time doing all kinds of good things.

11Don’t put younger widows on that kind of list. They might want pleasure more than they want Christ. Then they would want to get married again. 12If they do that, they will be judged. They have broken their first promise. 13Besides, they get into the habit of having nothing to do. They go around from house to house. They waste their time. They also bother other people and say things that make no sense. They shouldn’t say those things. 14So here is the advice I give to younger widows. Get married. Have children. Take care of your own homes. Don’t give the enemy the chance to tell lies about you. 15In fact, some have already turned away to follow Satan.

16Suppose a woman is a believer and takes care of widows. She should continue to help them. She shouldn’t let the church pay the expenses. Then the church can help the widows who really need it.

17The elders who do the church’s work well are worth twice as much honor. That is true in a special way of elders who preach and teach. 18Scripture says, “Do not stop an ox from eating while it helps separate the grain from the straw.” (Deuteronomy 25:4) Scripture also says, “Workers are worthy of their pay.” (Luke 10:7) 19Don’t believe a charge against an elder unless two or three witnesses bring it. 20But those elders who are sinning should be corrected in front of everyone. This will be a warning to the others. 21I command you to follow these instructions. I command you in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels. Treat everyone the same. Don’t favor one person over another.

22Don’t be too quick to place your hands on others to set them apart to serve God. Don’t take part in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.

23Stop drinking only water. If your stomach is upset, drink a little wine. It can also help the other sicknesses you often have.

24The sins of some people are easy to see. They are already being judged. Others will be judged later. 25In the same way, good works are easy to see. But even good works that are hard to see can’t stay hidden forever.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

提摩太前书 5:1-25


1不要斥责年长的,要像对待父亲一样劝他们;对待青年男子要情同手足; 2对待年长的妇女要情同母亲;对待青年女子要心思纯正,视她们如姊妹。

3要敬重和帮助那些真正有需要的寡妇。 4如果寡妇有儿孙,就要叫她们的儿孙在家中学习尽孝道,奉养她们,以报答养育之恩,这是上帝所悦纳的。 5真正有需要、无依无靠的寡妇仰赖上帝的帮助,昼夜不住地祷告祈求。 6但贪图享受的寡妇虽然活着,却已经死了。 7你当教导众人这些事,好叫他们无可指责。 8谁不照顾自己的亲属,尤其是不照顾自己的家人,就是违背真道,比不信的人还坏。

9列入名册的寡妇必须年满六十岁,在婚姻上从一而终, 10并且在善事上有好名声,如教养儿女、接待外人、服侍圣徒、救助困苦、竭力做各种善事。

11不要把年轻的寡妇列入名册,因为当她们情欲冲动,无法持守对基督的委身时,就想再嫁, 12以致违背了起初的誓言而受审判。 13况且,她们不仅懒散成性,四处串门,还说长道短,好管闲事,搬弄是非。 14所以,我建议年轻的寡妇再嫁,生儿育女,料理家务,不要给仇敌毁谤的机会, 15因为有些人已经偏离正道,去追随撒旦了。 16女信徒的家里若有寡妇,就应该自己照顾她们,免得加重教会的负担,这样教会才能照顾那些真正无依无靠的寡妇。

17那些善于管理教会的长老,尤其是那些辛勤传道和教导人的,理当得到加倍的尊敬和报酬。 18因为圣经上说:“牛在踩谷时,不可笼住它的嘴。”又说:“做工的得报酬是应该的。” 19若有人向你控告长老,必须有两三个证人,否则不要受理。 20那些一直犯罪的人,你要当众责备他们,以警戒众人。

21我在上帝和主耶稣基督以及蒙拣选的众天使面前吩咐你:要遵行这些话,不要有成见,不要偏心。 22为人行按手礼,不要操之过急。不要沾染别人的罪,要洁身自好。


24有些人的罪很明显,自招审判,有些人的罪日后才暴露出来。 25同样,有些善行很明显,不明显的也不会被长久埋没。