1 Samuel 21 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 21:1-15

David at Nob

1David went to Ahimelek the priest at Nob. Ahimelek trembled with fear when he met him. He asked David, “Why are you alone? Why isn’t anyone with you?”

2David answered Ahimelek the priest, “The king gave me a special job to do. He said to me, ‘I don’t want anyone to know what I’m sending you to do. So don’t say anything about it.’ I’ve told my men to meet me at a certain place. 3Do you have anything for us to eat? Give me five loaves of bread, or anything else you can find.”

4But the priest answered David, “I don’t have any bread that isn’t holy. I only have some holy bread here. But it’s for men who haven’t slept with women recently.”

5David replied, “Well, we haven’t slept with women recently. That’s the way it is every time I lead my men out to battle. We keep ourselves holy even when we do jobs that aren’t holy. And that’s even more true today.” 6So the priest gave him the holy bread. It was the only bread he had. It had been removed from the table that was in front of the Lord. On the same day, hot bread had been put in its place.

7One of Saul’s servants was there that day. He had been made to stay at the holy tent for a while. He was Doeg from Edom. Doeg was Saul’s chief shepherd.

8David asked Ahimelek, “Don’t you have a spear or sword here? I haven’t brought my sword or any other weapon. That’s because the job the king gave me to do had to be done right away.”

9The priest replied, “The sword of Goliath, the Philistine, is here. You killed him in the Valley of Elah. His sword is wrapped in a cloth. It’s behind the sacred linen apron. If you want it, take it. It’s the only sword here.”

David said, “There isn’t any sword like it. Give it to me.”

David at Gath

10That day David ran away from Saul. He went to Achish, the king of Gath. 11But the servants of Achish spoke to him. They said, “Isn’t this David, the king of the land? Isn’t he the one the Israelites sing about when they dance? They sing,

“ ‘Saul has killed thousands of men.

David has killed tens of thousands.’ ”

12David paid close attention to what the servants were saying. He became very much afraid of what Achish, the king of Gath, might do. 13So he pretended to be out of his mind when he was with them. As long as he was in Gath, he acted like a crazy person. He made marks on the doors of the city gate. He let spit run down his beard.

14Achish said to his servants, “Just look at the man! He’s out of his mind! Why are you bringing him to me? 15Don’t I have enough crazy people around me already? So why do you have to bring this fellow here? Just look at how he’s carrying on in front of me! Why do you have to bring this man into my house?”

O Livro

1 Samuel 21:1-15

David em Nobe

1David foi à cidade de Nobe visitar o sacerdote Aimeleque. Este ficou a tremer quando o viu. “Porque é que vens só? Porque não vem ninguém contigo?”

2“O rei enviou-me cá para um assunto confidencial”, mentiu David. “Disse-me que ninguém deveria saber que estou aqui. Os meus homens sabem onde me hão de encontrar mais tarde. 3Para já, tens alguma coisa que se coma? Dá-me uns cinco pães ou outra coisa qualquer.”

4“Nós aqui não temos pão nenhum, a não ser o pão sagrado, que suponho podem levar, contanto que os teus moços se tenham abstido de mulheres.”

5“Sim, podes estar descansado. Há três dias que os meus homens mantêm a santidade ritual, embora estejamos numa simples campanha. Assim irão mantê-la com muito mais razão!”

6Como não havia ali outro alimento, o sacerdote deu-lhe daquele pão santo, o pão da Presença que estava colocado perante o Senhor no tabernáculo. Tinha, aliás, sido substituído por pão fresco naquele mesmo dia.

7Aconteceu que Doegue, edomita, o mais valente dos pastores de Saul, se encontrava ali naquela altura, para se purificar cerimonialmente.

8David pediu ainda a Aimeleque se tinha à mão uma flecha ou uma espada que pudesse utilizar: “O serviço do rei exigiu-me tamanha pressa que tive de partir precipitadamente e vim desarmado!”

9“O que eu tenho aqui é a própria espada de Golias, o filisteu, que mataste no vale de Elá. Está embrulhada num pano ali no armário. Leva-a se quiseres, pois aqui não tenho mais nada.”

David respondeu: “Era mesmo disso que eu precisava! Dá-ma já.”

David em Gate

10David foi-se logo embora, pois estava com medo de Saul e veio ter com o rei Aquis de Gate. 11Contudo, os conselheiros deste não ficaram satisfeitos com a sua presença: “Afinal, não é este um chefe máximo de Israel?”, perguntavam. “Não é aquele a quem o povo honrava com danças e cantando que Saul matou um milhar e David dez milhares?”

12Ao ouvir estes comentários, David receava o que o rei Aquis lhe pudesse fazer. 13Então pensou fazer-se passar por louco. Punha-se a arranhar as portas e deixava a baba escorrer-lhe pela boca até à barba. 14Até que finalmente o rei Aquis disse para a sua gente: “Olhem para este homem louco. Por que razão mo trouxeram até mim? 15Faltam-me cá doidos para que me tragam ainda mais um? Para que me serve um maluco destes aqui na minha casa?”