1 Samuel 14 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 14:1-52

1One day Jonathan, the son of Saul, spoke to the young man carrying his armor. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s go over to the Philistine army camp on the other side of the pass.” But he didn’t tell his father about it.

2Saul was staying just outside Gibeah. He was under a pomegranate tree in Migron. He had about 600 men with him. 3Ahijah was one of them. He was wearing a sacred linen apron. He was a son of Ichabod’s brother Ahitub. Ahitub was the son of Eli’s son Phinehas. Eli had been the Lord’s priest in Shiloh. No one was aware that Jonathan had left.

4Jonathan planned to go across the pass to reach the Philistine camp. But there was a cliff on each side of the pass. One cliff was called Bozez. The other was called Seneh. 5One cliff stood on the north side of the pass toward Mikmash. The other stood on the south side toward Geba.

6Jonathan spoke to the young man carrying his armor. He said, “Come on. Let’s go over to the camp of those fellows who aren’t circumcised. Perhaps the Lord will help us. If he does, it won’t matter how many or how few of us there are. That won’t keep the Lord from saving us.”

7“Go ahead,” the young man said. “Do everything you have in mind. I’m with you all the way.”

8Jonathan said, “Come on, then. We’ll go across the pass toward the Philistines and let them see us. 9Suppose they say to us, ‘Wait there until we come to you.’ Then we’ll stay where we are. We won’t go up to them. 10But suppose they say, ‘Come up to us.’ Then we’ll climb up. That will show us that the Lord has handed them over to us.”

11So Jonathan and the young man let the soldiers in the Philistine camp see them. “Look!” said the Philistines. “Some of the Hebrews are crawling out of the holes they were hiding in.” 12The men in the Philistine camp shouted to Jonathan and the young man carrying his armor. They said, “Come on up here. We’ll teach you a thing or two.”

So Jonathan said to the young man, “Climb up after me. The Lord has handed them over to Israel.”

13Using his hands and feet, Jonathan climbed up. The young man was right behind him. Jonathan struck down the Philistines. The young man followed him and killed those who were still alive. 14In that first attack, Jonathan and the young man killed about 20 men. They did it in an area of about half an acre.

Israel Chases the Philistines Away

15Then panic struck the whole Philistine army. It struck those who were in the camp and those in the field. It struck those who were at the edge of the camp. It also struck those who were in the groups that had been sent out to attack Israel. The ground shook. It was a panic that God had sent.

16Saul’s lookouts at Gibeah in the land of Benjamin saw what was happening. They saw the Philistine army melting away in all directions. 17Then Saul spoke to the men with him. He said, “Bring the troops together. See who has left our camp.” When they did, they discovered that Jonathan and the young man carrying his armor weren’t there.

18Saul said to Ahijah the priest, “Bring the ark of God.” At that time it was with the Israelites. 19While Saul was talking to the priest, the noise in the Philistine camp got louder and louder. So Saul said to the priest, “Stop what you are doing.”

20Then Saul and all his men gathered together. They went to the battle. They saw that the Philistines were in total disorder. They were striking one another with their swords. 21At an earlier time some of the Hebrews had been on the side of the Philistines. They had gone up with them to their camp. But now they changed sides. They joined the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan. 22Some of the Israelites had hidden in the hill country of Ephraim. They heard that the Philistines were running away. They quickly joined the battle and chased after them. 23So on that day the Lord saved Israel. And the fighting continued on past Beth Aven.

Jonathan Eats Honey

24The Israelites became very hungry that day. That’s because Saul had forced the army to make a promise. He had said, “None of you must eat any food before evening comes. You must not eat until I’ve paid my enemies back for what they did. If you do, may you be under a curse!” So none of the troops ate any food at all.

25The whole army entered the woods. There was honey on the ground. 26When they went into the woods, they saw the honey dripping out of a honeycomb. No one put any of the honey in his mouth. They were afraid of the curse that would come if they broke their promise. 27But Jonathan hadn’t heard that his father had forced the army to make a promise. Jonathan had a long stick in his hand. He reached out and dipped the end of it into the honeycomb. He put some honey in his mouth. It gave him new life. 28Then one of the soldiers told him, “Your father forced the army to make a promise that everyone must obey. He said, ‘None of you must eat any food today. If you do, may you be under a curse!’ That’s why the men are weak and ready to faint.”

29Jonathan said, “My father has made trouble for the country. See how I gained new life after I tasted a little of this honey. 30Our soldiers took food from their enemies today. Suppose they had eaten some of it. How much better off they would have been! Even more Philistines would have been killed.”

31That day the Israelites struck down the Philistines. They killed them from Mikmash to Aijalon. By that time they were tired and worn out. 32They grabbed what they had taken from their enemies. They killed some of the sheep, cattle and calves right there on the ground. They ate the meat while the blood was still in it. 33Then someone said to Saul, “Look! The men are sinning against the Lord. They’re eating meat that still has blood in it.”

Saul said to them, “You have broken your promise. Roll a large stone over here at once.” 34He continued, “Go out among the men. Tell them, ‘Each of you bring me your cattle and sheep. Kill them here and eat them. Don’t sin against the Lord by eating meat that still has blood in it.’ ”

So that night everyone brought the ox he had taken and killed it there. 35Then Saul built an altar to honor the Lord. It was the first time he had done that.

36Saul said, “Let’s go down and chase after the Philistines tonight. Let’s not leave even one of them alive. Let’s take everything they have before morning.”

“Do what you think is best,” they replied.

But the priest said, “Let’s ask God for advice first.”

37So Saul asked God, “Should I go down and chase after the Philistines? Will you hand them over to Israel?” But God didn’t answer him that day.

38Saul said to the leaders of the army, “Come here. Let’s find out what sin has been committed today. 39The Lord is the one who rescues Israel. You can be sure that the Lord lives. And you can be just as sure that the sinner must die. He must die even if he’s my son Jonathan.” But no one said anything.

40Then Saul said to all the Israelites, “You stand over there. I and my son Jonathan will stand over here.”

“Do what you think is best,” they replied.

41Then Saul prayed to the Lord, the God of Israel. He said, “Why haven’t you answered your servant today? If I or my son Jonathan is to blame, answer with Urim. But if the Israelites are to blame, answer with Thummim.” Jonathan and Saul were chosen by casting lots. The other men were cleared of blame. 42Saul said, “Cast the lot to find out whether I or my son Jonathan is to blame.” And Jonathan was chosen.

43Then Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done.”

So Jonathan told him, “I used the end of my stick to get a little honey and taste it. And now do I have to die?”

44Saul said, “Jonathan, I must certainly put you to death. If I don’t, may God punish me greatly.”

45But the men said to Saul, “Should Jonathan be put to death? Never! He has saved Israel in a wonderful way. He did it today with God’s help. You can be sure that the Lord lives. And you can be just as sure that not even one hair on Jonathan’s head will fall to the ground.” So the men rescued Jonathan. He wasn’t put to death.

46Then Saul stopped chasing the Philistines. They went back to their own land.

47After Saul became the king of Israel, he fought against Israel’s enemies who were all around them. He went to war against Moab, Ammon and Edom. He fought against the kings of Zobah and the Philistines. No matter where he went, he punished his enemies. 48He fought bravely. He won the battle over the Amalekites. He saved Israel from the power of those who had carried off what belonged to Israel.

Saul’s Family

49Saul’s sons were Jonathan, Ishvi and Malki-Shua. Saul’s older daughter was named Merab. His younger daughter was named Michal. 50Saul’s wife was named Ahinoam. She was the daughter of Ahimaaz. The commander of Saul’s army was named Abner. He was the son of Ner. Ner was Saul’s uncle. 51Saul’s father Kish and Abner’s father Ner were sons of Abiel.

52As long as Saul was king, he had to fight hard against the Philistines. So every time Saul saw a strong or brave man, he took him into his army.

O Livro

1 Samuel 14:1-52

Jónatas ataca os filisteus

1Uns dias mais tarde, disse Jónatas ao moço que lhe levava as armas: “Vamos atravessar o vale até à guarnição dos filisteus.” Mas não avisou o pai do que tencionava fazer.

2Saul mais os seus 600 homens continuavam acampados nos limites de Gibeá, no sítio da romeira de Migrom. 3Entre a sua gente encontrava-se o sacerdote Aías que era filho de Aitube, irmão de Icabode; Aitube era neto de Fineias e bisneto de Eli, o sacerdote do Senhor em Silo.

Ninguém se deu conta da ausência de Jónatas. 4Para chegar à guarnição inimiga, Jónatas era obrigado a passar por um intervalo entre duas rochas muito íngremes, às quais se tinha dado o nome de Bozez e Sené. 5A rocha a norte estava defronte de Micmás e a sul diante de Gibeá.

6“Vamos ter com estes pagãos”, disse Jónatas ao seu escudeiro. “Talvez o Senhor faça um milagre a nosso favor. Para ele não conta o número das tropas inimigas que aqui se encontram!”

7“Está certo!”, replicou o escudeiro. “Faz como melhor entenderes. Estou contigo de alma e coração seja qual for a tua decisão.”

8“Então vamos fazer assim: Quando eles nos virem, 9se disserem, ‘Fiquem onde estão, se não matamos-vos!’, deixamo-nos ficar e esperamos que eles se cheguem. 10Mas se disserem, ‘Venham, subam até aqui!’, faremos o que nos disserem, pois será o sinal de que Deus nos ajudará a derrotá-los.”

11Quando os filisteus os viram aproximar-se, gritaram: “Os israelitas já estão a surgir das tocas para onde fugiram!” 12E disseram para Jónatas e para o seu escudeiro: “Subam até aqui para que vos demos uma boa lição!”

“Anda, trepa atrás de mim”, disse Jónatas ao moço escudeiro, “porque Deus vai ajudar-nos a vencê-los!”

13Então amarinharam, apoiando-se nos pés e nas mãos, e chegando junto dos filisteus começaram a atacá-los. Jónatas derrubava-os e o escudeiro, atrás dele, acabava de os matar. 14Assim, uns vinte homens foram abatidos no espaço dum simples campo.

Israel derrota os filisteus

15Foi o suficiente para que repentinamente o pânico se apoderasse de todo o exército filisteu e até da própria tropa de choque. A terra tremeu e um grande medo de Deus caiu sobre todos.

16As sentinelas de Saul, em Gibeá, no território de Benjamim, olharam e viram aquele vasto exército inimigo dispersando e fugindo em todas as direções.

17“Vejam quem é que falta, dos nossos”, mandou Saul. Fizeram a chamada e verificaram que era Jónatas e o seu escudeiro. 18“Tragam aqui a arca de Deus!”, ordenou Saul a Aías. Nessa altura, a arca andava entre o povo. 19Enquanto Saul falava com o sacerdote, os gritos e o alvoroço no campo dos filisteus ia aumentando cada vez mais, pelo que lhe disse: “Já não há tempo!”

20Então Saul e os homens que com ele estavam avançaram para a peleja e deram com os filisteus a matarem-se uns aos outros numa tremenda confusão. 21Até havia, do lado dos filisteus, hebreus que tinham estado com eles e que agora se juntavam aos israelitas. 22Finalmente, todos aqueles que se tinham escondido nas montanhas, quando viram os filisteus a fugir, vieram também e puseram-se a persegui-los. 23Foi assim que o Senhor salvou a Israel nesse dia e a batalha continuou para além de Bete-Aven.

Saul profere uma maldição

24-26Saul declarou: “Maldito todo aquele que ingerir seja o que for antes do anoitecer, antes que me tenha vingado completamente dos meus inimigos.” Por isso, ninguém comeu nada durante esse dia, mesmo quando ao chegarem a um bosque encontraram muito mel pelo chão, porque toda a gente receava a maldição de Saul.

27Jónatas não tinha ouvido a ordem do pai e, pegando num pau, levou algum mel à boca e sentiu-se muito melhor. 28Foi só nessa altura que alguém lhe comunicou que o seu pai tinha amaldiçoado quem comesse alguma coisa antes do anoitecer. Por isso, todos os homens estavam esgotados e desfaleciam.

29“É ridículo!”, exclamou Jónatas. “Uma ordem dessas só serve para vos retirar as forças. Vejam como eu me sinto muito mais renovado agora que comi aquele pedaço de mel. 30Se o povo tivesse tido autorização para comer os alimentos que tivessem encontrado entre os nossos inimigos, poderíamos ter feito uma matança muito maior!”

31Mesmo assim, cansados e com fome, continuaram a perseguir e a matar filisteus, todo esse dia, desde Micmás até Aijalom, até não poder mais, devido à falta de forças. 32Por fim, lançaram-se sobre os despojos da batalha, mataram ovelhas, bois, vacas e bezerros e comeram-nos mesmo com sangue. 33Alguém veio dar a notícia a Saul, dizendo-lhe o que estava a acontecer, que o povo pecava contra o Senhor ao comer carne com o sangue.

“Isso é uma infâmia!”, exclamou Saul. “Tragam para aqui uma grande pedra. 34Vão por entre as tropas e digam para trazerem os bois e os cordeiros e que os comam então, mas depois de terem escorrido o sangue; que não pequem contra o Senhor comendo-o.” Assim fizeram. 35E Saul construiu um altar. Foi o primeiro altar que edificou ao Senhor.

36Depois declarou o seguinte: “Vamos perseguir os filisteus durante toda a noite e não deixemos um só com vida!”

“De acordo!”, disseram os que estavam com ele. “Faz como melhor entenderes.”

No entanto, o sacerdote lembrou: “Temos primeiro de consultar a Deus.”

37Saul perguntou a Deus: “Deveremos ir atrás dos filisteus? Ajudar-nos-ás a derrotá-los?” Mas Deus nada respondeu durante toda a noite.

38Então Saul dirigiu-se aos chefes do povo: “Há qualquer coisa de errado! Temos de saber que pecado foi cometido hoje. 39Tão certo como vive o Senhor, que salvou a Israel, que mesmo que se trate do meu próprio filho Jónatas, certamente morrerá!” Mas ninguém entre o povo lhe disse de que perturbação se tratava.

40Saul propôs o seguinte: “Jónatas e eu próprio nos poremos aqui e vocês estarão aí defronte de nós.” Todo o povo concordou.

41Depois Saul dirigiu-se ao Senhor, Deus de Israel: “Porque é que não respondeste à minha pergunta? O que é que está errado? Seremos nós, Jónatas e eu culpados, ou estará o pecado do lado dos outros? Mostra-nos de quem é a culpa.” Jónatas e Saul foram escolhidos, pelas sortes sagradas, como sendo os culpados e o povo foi declarado inocente.

42Saul então acrescentou: “Sendo assim lancem de novo sortes entre mim e Jónatas.” E desta vez foi Jónatas o escolhido como culpado.

43“Diz-me o que foi que fizeste”, pediu ele ao filho.

“Provei um bocado de mel”, confessou Jónatas. “Foi apenas uma pequena porção na ponta dum pau e agora sei que devo morrer.”

44“Sim, Jónatas, deves morrer. Que Deus me tire a vida a mim, se não fores efetivamente executado por causa do que fizeste.”

45No entanto, o povo interveio. “Jónatas, que salvou hoje a Israel, ter de morrer? Isso nunca! Tão certo como vive o Senhor, que não se tocará num só cabelo da sua cabeça, porque foi usado por Deus para fazer hoje um grande milagre entre nós.” Desta forma, o povo o salvou. 46Saul mandou recolher o exército. Os filisteus deixaram de ser perseguidos e regressaram às suas próprias terras.

47Já seguro como rei de Israel, Saul enviou o exército lutar contra Moabe, Amon, Edom, os reis de Zobá e os filisteus. Para onde se voltasse triunfava. 48Cometeu grandes feitos e conquistou os amalequitas, salvando Israel daqueles que antes tinham sido seus conquistadores.

A família de Saul

49Saul tinha três filhos: Jónatas, Isvi e Malquisua; e duas filhas: Merabe e Mical que era a mais nova. 50A mulher de Saul chamava-se Ainoã e era filha de Aimaaz. O general comandante do exército era o seu primo Abner, filho de Ner, tio de Saul. 51Ner, o pai de Abner, e Cis, o pai de Saul, eram irmãos, filhos de Abiel.

52Durante todo o tempo do reinado de Saul, os israelitas combateram os filisteus. E sempre que Saul via um homem valente e forte alistava-o no seu exército.