1 Samuel 11 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 11:1-15

Saul Rescues the City of Jabesh Gilead

1Nahash was the king of Ammon. He and his army went up to Jabesh Gilead. They surrounded it and got ready to attack it. All the men of Jabesh spoke to Nahash. They said, “Make a peace treaty with us. Then we’ll be under your control.”

2Nahash, the king of Ammon, replied, “I will make a peace treaty with you. But I’ll do it only on one condition. You must let me put out the right eye of every one of you. I want to bring shame on the whole nation of Israel.”

3The elders of Jabesh said to him, “Give us seven days to report back to you. We’ll send messengers all through Israel. If no one comes to save us, we’ll hand ourselves over to you.”

4The messengers came to Gibeah of Saul. They reported to the people the terms Nahash had required. Then all the people wept out loud. 5Just then Saul was coming in from the fields. He was walking behind his oxen. He asked, “What’s wrong with everyone? Why are they weeping?” He was told what the men of Jabesh had said.

6When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came powerfully on him. He became very angry. 7He got a pair of oxen and cut them into pieces. He sent the pieces by messengers all through Israel. They announced, “You must follow Saul and Samuel. If you don’t, this is what will happen to your oxen.” The terror of the Lord fell on the people. So all of them came together with one purpose in mind. 8Saul brought his army together at Bezek. There were 300,000 men from Israel and 30,000 from Judah.

9The messengers who had come were told, “Go back and report to the men of Jabesh Gilead. Tell them, ‘By the hottest time of the day tomorrow, you will be rescued.’ ” The messengers went and reported it to the men of Jabesh. It made those men very happy. 10They said to the people of Ammon, “Tomorrow we’ll hand ourselves over to you. Then you can do to us whatever you like.”

11The next day Saul separated his men into three groups. While it was still dark, they broke into the camp of the Ammonite army. They kept killing the men of Ammon until the hottest time of the day. Those who got away were scattered. There weren’t two of them left together anywhere.

The People Agree to Have Saul as King

12The people said to Samuel, “Who asked, ‘Is Saul going to rule over us?’ Turn these men over to us. We’ll put them to death.”

13But Saul said, “No one will be put to death today! After all, this is the day the Lord has rescued Israel.”

14Then Samuel said to the people, “Come on. Let’s go to Gilgal. There we’ll agree again to have Saul as our king.” 15So all the people went to Gilgal. There, with the Lord as witness, they made Saul their king. There they sacrificed friendship offerings to the Lord. And there Saul and all the Israelites celebrated with great joy.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

撒母耳记上 11:1-15


1亚扪拿辖率军上来围困基列·雅比,城内的居民对拿辖说:“你与我们立约吧!我们愿意服从你。” 2亚扪拿辖说:“好,但有一个条件,我要挖去你们每一个人的右眼作为对全体以色列人的羞辱。” 3雅比的长老说:“请宽限我们七天,我们好派遣使者去以色列全境。要是没有人来营救我们,我们就向你投降。” 4雅比的使者来到扫罗的家乡基比亚,把他们的情况告诉众人,大家听了放声大哭。 5那时扫罗刚好赶着牛从田间回来,便问道:“发生了什么事?为什么大家都在哭?”百姓把雅比的情况告诉了他。 6扫罗听后,上帝的灵降在他身上,他勃然大怒, 7牵来两头牛,把它们切成碎块,然后派使者把碎块分发到以色列全境,并且宣布:“谁拒绝跟随扫罗撒母耳出战,他的牛就要被砍成这样。”上帝使百姓充满恐惧,他们都同心合意地响应。 8扫罗比色统计以色列人,共有三十万,从犹大来的有三万。 9他们让雅比的使者回去告诉基列·雅比人,说:“明天中午,你们必得拯救。”使者回去告诉雅比人,他们非常欢喜, 10便对亚扪人说:“明天我们会出来归顺你们,你们怎样对待我们都可以。” 11第二天,扫罗以色列人分成三队,在黎明时分突袭亚扪人的军营,把他们杀得大败,直到中午才收兵。亚扪人的残兵四散奔逃。

12以色列人对撒母耳说:“是谁说扫罗不该做王?把他们带来,我们要处死他们。” 13扫罗却说:“今天不可杀人,因为今天耶和华拯救了以色列。” 14撒母耳对民众说:“来吧,我们到吉甲去,在那里重新立国。” 15于是,他们来到吉甲,在耶和华面前立扫罗为王,又向耶和华献上平安祭。扫罗和全体以色列人都非常欢喜。