1 Corinthians 11 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 Corinthians 11:1-34

1Follow my example, just as I follow the example of Christ.

Proper Worship

2I praise you for being faithful in remembering me. I also praise you for staying true to the teachings of the past. You have stayed true to them, just as I gave them to you. 3But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ. The head of the woman is the man. And the head of Christ is God. 4Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered brings shame on his head. 5But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered brings shame on her head. It is the same as having her head shaved. 6What if a woman does not cover her head? She might as well have her hair cut off. But it is shameful for her to cut her hair or shave her head. So she should cover her head.

7A man should not cover his head. He is the likeness and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man. 8Man did not come from woman. Woman came from man. 9Also, man was not created for woman. Woman was created for man. 10That’s why a woman should have authority over her own head. She should have this because of the angels. 11But here is how things are for those who belong to the Lord. Woman is not independent of man. And man is not independent of woman. 12Woman came from man, and man is born from woman. But everything comes from God.

13You be the judge. Is it proper for a woman to pray to God without covering her head? 14Suppose a man has long hair. Doesn’t the very nature of things teach you that it is shameful? 15And suppose a woman has long hair. Doesn’t the very nature of things teach you that it is her glory? Long hair is given to her as a covering. 16If anyone wants to argue about this, we don’t have any other practice. And God’s churches don’t either.

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper in the Right Way

17In the following matters, I don’t praise you. Your meetings do more harm than good. 18First, here is what people are telling me. When you come together as a church, you take sides. And in some ways I believe it. 19Do you really think you need to take sides? You probably think God favors one side over the other! 20So when you come together, it is not the Lord’s Supper you eat. 21As you eat, some of you go ahead and eat your own private meals. Because of this, one person stays hungry and another gets drunk. 22Don’t you have homes to eat and drink in? You are shaming those in the church who have nothing. Do you think so little of God’s church that you do this? What should I say to you? Should I praise you? Certainly not about the Lord’s Supper!

23I passed on to you what I received from the Lord. On the night the Lord Jesus was handed over to his enemies, he took bread. 24When he had given thanks, he broke it. He said, “This is my body. It is given for you. Every time you eat it, do it in memory of me.” 25In the same way, after supper he took the cup. He said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Every time you drink it, do it in memory of me.” 26You eat the bread and drink the cup. When you do this, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again.

27Eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in the right way. Don’t do it in a way that isn’t worthy of him. If you do, you will be guilty. You’ll be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28Everyone should take a careful look at themselves before they eat the bread and drink from the cup. 29Whoever eats and drinks must recognize the body of Christ. If they don’t, judgment will come upon them. 30That is why many of you are weak and sick. That is why a number of you have died. 31We should think more carefully about what we are doing. Then we would not be found guilty for this. 32When the Lord judges us in this way, he corrects us. Then in the end we will not be judged along with the rest of the world.

33My brothers and sisters, when you come together to eat, you should all eat together. 34Anyone who is hungry should eat something at home. Then when you come together, you will not be judged.

When I come, I will give you more directions.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

哥林多前书 11:1-34




3我希望你们知道,基督是男人的头,丈夫是妻子的头,上帝是基督的头。 4男人在祷告和讲道时,若蒙着头,就是羞辱自己的头。 5但妇女在祷告和讲道时,若不蒙着头,就是羞辱自己的头,因为她就像剃光了头发一样。 6因此,如果妇女不愿意把头蒙起来,就该把头发剪掉。如果她觉得剪发或剃头是羞耻的,就应该蒙头。 7然而,男人不该蒙头,因为男人是上帝的形象和荣耀,而女人是男人的荣耀。 8因为男人并非出自女人,而女人却是出自男人。 9并且男人不是为女人而造的,女人却是为男人而造的。

10因此为了天使的缘故,女人在头上应该有服权柄的记号。 11不过在主里面,女人不可没有男人,男人不可没有女人。 12因为女人是从男人而来,男人又是女人生的,但万物都是来自上帝。

13你们自行斟酌吧,女人向上帝祷告时不蒙头合适吗? 14按着人的天性,难道你们不知道男人留长发是他的羞辱, 15女人留长发是她的荣耀吗?因为头发是用来给女人盖头的。 16如果有谁想反驳这些话,我只能说,这是我们和上帝的众教会向来遵守的规矩。


17现在我有话要吩咐你们,不是称赞你们,因为你们聚会不但无益,反而有害。 18首先,我听说你们在聚会的时候拉帮结派,我相信这些话有几分真实。 19你们中间必然会有分裂的事,好显出谁是经得起考验的。

20你们聚会的时候,不是在吃主的晚餐。 21因为你们进餐的时候,各人只顾吃自己的,结果有些人挨饿,有些人醉酒。 22难道你们不可以在家里吃喝吗?还是你们轻看上帝的教会,存心羞辱那些贫穷的弟兄姊妹呢?我该说什么呢?称赞你们吗?不可能!

23我把从主领受的传给了你们,就是:主耶稣被出卖的那天晚上,祂拿起一个饼来, 24向上帝祝谢后掰开,说,“这是我的身体,是为你们掰开的,你们要这样做,为的是纪念我。” 25晚餐后,祂又照样拿起杯来,说,“这杯是用我的血立的新约。你们每逢喝的时候,要这样做,为的是纪念我。” 26所以,每当你们吃这饼、喝这杯的时候,就是宣告主的死,一直到主再来。

27因此,无论是谁,若以不正确的心态吃主的饼、喝主的杯,就是得罪主的身体和主的血。 28所以,人要先自我省察,才可以吃这饼喝这杯。 29因为守圣餐的时候,若有人随便吃喝,忘记了这是主的身体,他就是自招审判。 30正因如此,你们当中有许多人身体软弱,疾病缠身,死亡的也不少。 31如果我们先自我省察,就不会遭受审判了。 32主审判我们,是对我们的管教,免得我们和世人一同被定罪。

33因此,我的弟兄姊妹,当你们吃圣餐时,要彼此等候。 34如果有人饥饿,可以在家中先吃,免得你们聚会的时候自招审判。至于其余的事,等我到了以后再安排。