1 Chronicles 29 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

1 Chronicles 29:1-30

Gifts Are Brought for Building the Temple

1Then King David spoke to the whole community. He said, “God has chosen my son Solomon. But Solomon is young. He’s never done anything like this before. The task is huge. This grand and wonderful temple won’t be built for human beings. It will be built for the Lord God. 2With all my riches I’ve done everything I could for the temple of my God. I’ve provided gold for the gold work and silver for the silver work. I’ve provided bronze for the bronze work and iron for the iron work. I’ve given wood for the things that will be made out of wood. I’ve given onyx and turquoise for the settings. I’ve given stones of different colors and all kinds of fine stone and marble. I’ve provided everything in huge amounts. 3With all my heart I want the temple of my God to be built. So I’m giving my personal treasures of gold and silver for it. I’m adding them to everything else I’ve provided for the holy temple. 4I’m giving 110 tons of gold and 260 tons of pure silver. Cover the walls of the buildings with it. 5Use it for the gold work and the silver work. Use it for everything the skilled workers will do. How many of you are willing to set yourselves apart to the Lord today?”

6Many people were willing to give. They included the leaders of families and the officers of the tribes of Israel. They included the commanders of thousands of men and commanders of hundreds. They also included the officials who were in charge of the king’s work. 7All of them gave to the work on God’s temple. They gave more than 190 tons of gold and 380 tons of silver. They also gave 675 tons of bronze and 3,800 tons of iron. 8Anyone who had valuable jewels added them to the treasure for the Lord’s temple. Jehiel was in charge of the temple treasure. He was from the family line of Gershon. 9The people were happy when they saw what their leaders had been willing to give. The leaders had given freely. With their whole heart they had given everything to the Lord. King David was filled with joy.

David’s Prayer

10David praised the Lord in front of the whole community. He said,

Lord, we give you praise.

You are the God of our father Israel.

We give you praise for ever and ever.

11Lord, you are great and powerful.

Glory, majesty and beauty belong to you.

Everything in heaven and on earth belongs to you.

Lord, the kingdom belongs to you.

You are honored as the one who rules over all.

12Wealth and honor come from you.

You are the ruler of all things.

In your hands are strength and power.

You can give honor and strength to everyone.

13Our God, we give you thanks.

We praise your glorious name.

14“But who am I? And who are my people? Without your help we wouldn’t be able to give this much. Everything comes from you. We’ve given back to you only what comes from you. 15We are outsiders and strangers in your sight. So were all of our people who lived long ago. Our days on this earth are like a shadow. We don’t have any hope. 16Lord our God, we’ve given more than enough. We’ve provided it to build you a temple where you will put your holy Name. But all of it comes from you. All of it belongs to you. 17My God, I know that you tested our hearts. And you are pleased when we are honest. I’ve given all these things just because I wanted to. When I did it, I was completely honest with you. Your people here have also been willing to give to you. And I’ve been happy to see this. 18Lord, you are the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Keep these desires and thoughts in the hearts of your people forever. Keep their hearts faithful to you. 19Help my son Solomon serve you with all his heart. Then he will keep your commands and rules. He will do what you require. He’ll do everything to build the grand and wonderful temple I’ve provided for.”

20Then David said to the whole community, “Praise the Lord your God.” So all of them praised the Lord. He’s the God of their people who lived long ago. The whole community bowed low. They fell down flat with their faces toward the ground. They did it in front of the Lord and the king.

Solomon Becomes the Next King

21The next day they offered sacrifices to the Lord. They brought burnt offerings to him. They sacrificed 1,000 bulls, 1,000 rams and 1,000 male lambs. They also brought the required drink offerings. And they offered many other sacrifices for the whole community of Israel. 22They ate and drank with great joy that day. They did it in front of the Lord. Then they announced a second time that Solomon was king. He was the son of David. They anointed Solomon in front of the Lord. They anointed him to be ruler. They also anointed Zadok to be priest.

23So Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord. He ruled as king in place of his father David. Things went well with him. All the people of Israel obeyed him. 24All the officers and warriors promised to be completely faithful to King Solomon. So did all of King David’s sons.

25The Lord greatly honored Solomon in the sight of all the people. He gave him royal majesty. Solomon was given more glory than any king over Israel ever had before.

David Dies

26David was king over the whole nation of Israel. He was the son of Jesse. 27He ruled over Israel for 40 years. He ruled for seven years in Hebron and for 33 years in Jerusalem. 28He died when he was very old. He had enjoyed a long life. He had enjoyed wealth and honor. David’s son Solomon became the next king after him.

29The events of King David’s rule from beginning to end are written down. They are written in the records of Samuel, Nathan and Gad, the prophets. 30The records tell all about David’s rule and power. They tell about what happened concerning him and Israel and the kingdoms of all the other lands.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

1. Krønikebog 29:1-30

David og forsamlingen bringer gaver til Herren

1Henvendt til hele forsamlingen sagde David: „Min søn Salomon, som Gud har udvalgt til at efterfølge mig på Israels trone, er endnu ung og uerfaren. Den opgave, der er ham betroet, er stor, for det er ikke et palads til et menneske, han skal bygge, men Herrens eget hus! 2Jeg har derfor gjort, hvad der stod i min magt for at forberede arbejdet. Jeg har samlet alt det guld, sølv, bronze, jern og træ, der skal bruges, foruden alle slags farvede smykkesten og mængder af marmor. 3For at bevise mit stærke ønske om at se Herrens hus blive bygget giver jeg derudover, hvad jeg personligt ejer af guld og sølv: 4-5100 tons rent guld og 240 tons rent sølv til at overtrække bygningens vægge med og til anden udsmykning i templet. Hvem iblandt jer vil følge mit eksempel og bringe gaver til Herren?”

6-7Straks kom stamme- og slægtsoverhovederne, officererne og de ledende embedsmænd frivilligt og gav følgende til opførelsen af Herrens hus: 170 tons guld og 10.000 guldmønter, 340 tons sølv, 610 tons bronze og 3400 tons jern. 8De, som ejede smykkesten, gav dem til Herrens hus, og de blev opbevaret i templets skatkammer under Jehiels varetægt. 9Alle glædede sig over at få lov at give, for de gav af hele deres hjerte til Herren, og David var rørt af glæde.

Davids takkesang til Herren

10David brød ud i lovsang til Herren i hele folkets påhør:

„Priset være du, Israels Gud,

vores fædres Gud fra evighed til evighed.

11Storhed og magt, ære og herlighed tilhører dig, Herre,

for alt i himlen og på jorden er dit.

Du er den almægtige hersker,

højt ophøjet over alt og alle.

12Rigdom og ære kommer fra dig,

du regerer over alle mennesker.

Du giver storhed og styrke til hvem, du vil.

13Du er vores Gud, og vi priser dig.

Vi lovsynger dit herlige navn.”

14David fortsatte: „I virkeligheden kan hverken jeg eller mit folk give dig noget som helst, for alt, hvad vi ejer, har vi fået af dig, så vi giver dig kun, hvad der allerede er dit. 15Vi er kun gæster på besøg i denne verden, ligesom vores forfædre var det. Vores liv på jorden er som en skygge, der passerer forbi. 16Al den rigdom, som vi nu har skaffet til veje for at bygge dit hus, kom fra dig. Det hele tilhører dig. 17Min Gud, jeg ved, at du kender menneskers motiver og glæder dig over et oprigtigt hjerte. Jeg gav med glæde og uden bagtanke, og nu har jeg set, at hele dit folk har givet frivilligt og med glæde.

18Herre, Abrahams, Isaks og Jakobs Gud, jeg beder om, at dit folk altid må bevare den samme indstilling, og at du vil drage deres hjerter til dig. 19Giv også min søn Salomon et helhjertet ønske om at adlyde alle dine befalinger, love og forordninger, så han kan bygge det tempel, som jeg har gjort forberedelser til.”

20Derefter sagde David til hele forsamlingen: „Lovsyng Herren, jeres Gud!” Alle lovpriste nu deres fædres Gud og bøjede sig til jorden for Gud og for kongen.

Salomon anerkendes som konge

21Dagen efter bragte forsamlingen 1000 unge tyre, 1000 væddere og 1000 lam som slagtofre og brændofre til Herren. Der var også drikofre og takofre i massevis, så der var nok at spise til hele forsamlingen. 22Hele dagen spiste og drak de med stor glæde for Herrens ansigt. Derpå indsatte de endnu en gang kong Davids søn Salomon til konge. Ind for Herrens ansigt salvede de ham som regent, og de salvede samtidig Zadok som ypperstepræst. 23Efter sin fars død overtog Salomon tronen. Han fik stor fremgang, og hele Israels folk adlød ham. 24Alle landets ledere, hærens officerer og kong Davids andre sønner aflagde troskabsløfte over for ham. 25Herren gjorde ham til en populær konge i Israel, som fik større ære og fremgang end nogen anden konge i Israel før ham.

Davids død

26-27David var konge over Israel i 40 år. I syv år regerede han fra Hebron og i 33 år fra Jerusalem. 28Han døde i en høj alder som en velhavende og respekteret mand, og hans søn Salomon blev konge i hans sted. 29Beskrivelser af kong Davids liv og bedrifter findes i profeterne Samuel, Natan og Gads bøger. 30De fortæller i detaljer om hans regeringstid, og hvad der ellers skete med ham og Israels folk og nabolandene.