Ester 3 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Ester 3:1-15

Conspiración de Amán contra los judíos

1Después de estos acontecimientos, el rey Asuero honró a Amán, hijo de Hamedata, el descendiente de Agag, ascendiéndolo a un puesto más alto que el de todos los demás nobles que estaban con él. 2Todos los servidores de palacio asignados a la puerta del rey se postraban ante Amán, y le rendían homenaje, porque así lo había ordenado el rey. Pero Mardoqueo no se postraba ante él ni le rendía homenaje.

3Entonces los servidores de palacio asignados a la puerta del rey preguntaron a Mardoqueo: «¿Por qué desobedeces la orden del rey?». 4Día tras día se lo reclamaban; pero él no les hacía caso. Por eso lo denunciaron a Amán para ver si seguía tolerándose la conducta de Mardoqueo, ya que este les había confiado que era judío.

5Cuando Amán se dio cuenta de que Mardoqueo no se postraba ante él ni le rendía homenaje, se enfureció. 6Y, cuando le informaron a qué pueblo pertenecía Mardoqueo, desechó la idea de matarlo solo a él y buscó la manera de exterminar a todo el pueblo de Mardoqueo, es decir, a los judíos que vivían por todo el reino de Asuero.

7Para determinar el día y el mes, se echó el pur, es decir, la suerte, en presencia de Amán, en el mes primero, que es el mes de nisán, del año duodécimo del reinado de Asuero. Y la suerte cayó sobre3:7 Y la suerte cayó sobre (LXX); TM no incluye esta frase. el mes duodécimo, el mes de adar.

8Entonces Amán dijo al rey Asuero:

—Hay cierto pueblo disperso y separado entre los pueblos de todas las provincias del reino, cuyas leyes y costumbres son diferentes de las de todos los demás. ¡No obedecen las leyes del reino y a Su Majestad no le conviene tolerarlos! 9Si le parece bien, emita Su Majestad un decreto para aniquilarlos y yo depositaré en manos de los administradores diez mil talentos3:9 Es decir, aprox. 340 t. de plata para el tesoro real.

10Entonces el rey se quitó el anillo que llevaba su sello y se lo dio a Amán, hijo de Hamedata, descendiente de Agag y enemigo de los judíos.

11—Quédate con el dinero —dijo el rey a Amán—, y haz con ese pueblo lo que mejor te parezca.

12El día trece del mes primero se convocó a los secretarios del rey. Redactaron en la escritura de cada provincia y en el idioma de cada pueblo todo lo que Amán ordenaba a los sátrapas del rey, a los gobernadores de las varias provincias y a los nobles de los diferentes pueblos. Todo se escribió en nombre del rey Asuero y se selló con el anillo real. 13Luego se enviaron los documentos por medio de los mensajeros a todas las provincias del rey con la orden de exterminar, matar y aniquilar a todos los judíos —jóvenes y ancianos, mujeres y niños— y saquear sus bienes en un solo día: el día trece del mes duodécimo, es decir, el mes de adar. 14En cada provincia se debía emitir como ley una copia de la carta del edicto, el cual se comunicaría a todos los pueblos a fin de que estuvieran preparados para ese día.

15Los mensajeros partieron de inmediato por orden del rey y a la vez se publicó el edicto en la ciudad de Susa. Luego el rey y Amán se sentaron a beber, mientras que en la ciudad de Susa reinaba la confusión.

New International Reader’s Version

Esther 3:1-15

Haman Plans to Destroy the Jews

1After those events, King Xerxes honored Haman. Haman was the son of Hammedatha. He was from the family line of Agag. The king gave Haman a higher position than he had before. He gave him a seat of honor. It was higher than the positions any of the other nobles had. 2All the royal officials at the palace gate got down on their knees. They gave honor to Haman. That’s because the king had commanded them to do it. But Mordecai refused to get down on his knees. He wouldn’t give Haman any honor at all.

3The royal officials at the palace gate asked Mordecai a question. They said, “Why don’t you obey the king’s command?” 4Day after day they spoke to him. But he still refused to obey. So they told Haman about it. They wanted to see whether he would let Mordecai get away with what he was doing. Mordecai had told them he was a Jew.

5Haman noticed that Mordecai wouldn’t get down on his knees. He wouldn’t give Haman any honor. So Haman was very angry. 6But he had found out who Mordecai’s people were. So he didn’t want to kill only Mordecai. He also looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai’s people. They were Jews. He wanted to kill all of them everywhere in the kingdom of Xerxes.

7The lot was cast in front of Haman. The lot was called Pur. It was cast in the first month of the 12th year that Xerxes was king. That month was called Nisan. The lot was cast to choose a day and a month. The month chosen was the 12th month. That month was called Adar.

8Then Haman said to King Xerxes, “Certain people are scattered among the nations. They live in all the territories in your kingdom. They keep themselves separate from everyone else. Their practices are different from the practices of all other people. They don’t obey your laws. It really isn’t good for you to put up with them. 9If it pleases you, give the order to destroy them. I’ll even add 375 tons of silver to the king’s officials for the royal treasures.”

10So the king took his ring off his finger. The ring had his royal seal on it. He gave the ring to Haman. Haman was the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite. Haman was the enemy of the Jews. 11“Keep the money,” the king said to Haman. “Do what you want to with those people.”

12The king sent for the royal secretaries. It was the 13th day of the first month. The secretaries wrote down all Haman’s orders. They wrote them down in the writing of each territory in the kingdom. They also wrote them in the language of each nation. The orders were sent to the royal officials and to the governors of the territories. And the orders were also sent to the nobles of the nations. The orders were written in the name of King Xerxes himself. And they were stamped with his own official mark. 13They were carried by messengers. They were sent to all the king’s territories. The orders commanded people to destroy, kill and wipe out all the Jews. That included young people and old people alike. It included women and children. All the Jews were supposed to be killed on a single day. That day was the 13th day of the 12th month. It was the month of Adar. The orders also commanded people to take everything that belonged to the Jews. 14A copy of the order had to be sent out as law. It had to be sent to every territory in the kingdom. It had to be announced to the people of every nation. Then they would be ready for that day.

15The king commanded the messengers to go out. So they did. The order was sent out from the fort of Susa. Then the king and Haman sat down to drink wine. But the people in the city were bewildered.