Deuteronomio 8 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Deuteronomio 8:1-20

No te olvides del Señor tu Dios

1Cumple fielmente todos los mandamientos que hoy te mando para que vivas, te multipliques y tomes posesión de la tierra que el Señor juró a tus antepasados. 2Recuerda que durante cuarenta años el Señor tu Dios te llevó por todo el camino del desierto, para humillarte y ponerte a prueba. Así llegaría a conocer lo que había en tu corazón y vería si cumplirías o no sus mandamientos. 3Te humilló y te hizo pasar hambre, pero luego te alimentó con maná, comida que ni tú ni tus antepasados habían conocido, con lo que te enseñó que no solo de pan vive el hombre, sino de todo lo que sale de la boca del Señor. 4Durante esos cuarenta años no se te gastó la ropa que llevabas puesta ni se te hincharon los pies. 5Reconoce en tu corazón que, así como un padre disciplina a su hijo, también el Señor tu Dios te disciplina a ti.

6Cumple los mandamientos del Señor tu Dios; témelo y sigue sus caminos. 7Porque el Señor tu Dios te conduce a una tierra buena: tierra de arroyos y de fuentes de agua, con manantiales que fluyen en los valles y en las colinas; 8tierra de trigo y de cebada; de viñas, higueras y granados; de olivares, aceite y miel; 9tierra donde no escaseará el pan y donde nada te faltará; tierra donde las rocas son de hierro y de cuyas colinas sacarás cobre.

10Cuando hayas comido y estés satisfecho, alabarás al Señor tu Dios por la tierra buena que te habrá dado. 11Pero ten cuidado de no olvidar al Señor tu Dios. No dejes de cumplir sus mandamientos, leyes y estatutos que yo te encargo hoy. 12Y cuando hayas comido y te hayas saciado, cuando hayas edificado casas cómodas y las habites, 13cuando se hayan multiplicado tus vacas y tus ovejas, y hayan aumentado tu plata y tu oro y sean abundantes tus riquezas, 14no te vuelvas orgulloso ni olvides al Señor tu Dios, quien te sacó de Egipto, el país donde eras esclavo. 15Él te guio a través del vasto y horrible desierto, esa tierra reseca y sedienta, llena de serpientes venenosas y escorpiones; te dio el agua que hizo brotar de la más dura roca. 16En el desierto te alimentó con maná, comida que jamás conocieron tus antepasados. Así te humilló y te puso a prueba, para que a fin de cuentas te fuera bien. 17No se te ocurra pensar: «Esta riqueza es fruto de mi poder y de la fuerza de mis manos». 18Recuerda al Señor tu Dios, porque es él quien te da el poder para producir esa riqueza; así ha confirmado hoy su pacto que bajo juramento hizo con tus antepasados.

19Si llegas a olvidar al Señor tu Dios y sigues a otros dioses para adorarlos y postrarse ante ellos, testifico hoy en contra tuya que ciertamente serás destruido. 20Si no obedeces al Señor tu Dios, te sucederá lo mismo que a las naciones que el Señor irá destruyendo a tu paso.

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 8:1-20

Remember What the Lord Has Done

1Make sure you obey every command I’m giving you today. Then you will live, and there will be many of you. You will enter the land and take it as your own. It’s the land the Lord promised to your people of long ago. 2Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way. He guided you in the desert for these 40 years. He wanted to take your pride away. He wanted to test you to know what was in your hearts. He wanted to see whether you would obey his commands. 3He took your pride away. He let you go hungry. Then he gave you manna to eat. You and your parents had never even known anything about manna before. He tested you to teach you that man doesn’t live only on bread. He also lives on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. 4Your clothes didn’t wear out during these 40 years. Your feet didn’t swell. 5Here is what I want you to know in your hearts. The Lord your God guides you, just as parents guide their children.

6Obey the commands of the Lord your God. Live as he wants you to live. Have respect for him. 7The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land. It has brooks, streams and deep springs of water. Those springs flow in its valleys and hills. 8It has wheat, barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey. 9There is plenty of food in that land. You will have everything you need. Its rocks have iron in them. And you can dig copper out of its hills.

10When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God. Praise him for the good land he has given you. 11Make sure you don’t forget the Lord your God. Don’t fail to obey his commands, laws and rules. I’m giving them to you today. 12But suppose you don’t obey his commands. And suppose you have plenty to eat. You build fine houses and live in them. 13The number of your herds and flocks increases. You also get more and more silver and gold. And everything you have multiplies. 14Then your hearts will become proud. And you will forget the Lord your God. The Lord brought you out of Egypt. That’s the land where you were slaves. 15He led you through that huge and terrible desert. It was a dry land. It didn’t have any water. It had poisonous snakes and scorpions. The Lord gave you water out of solid rock. 16He gave you manna to eat in the desert. Your people had never even known anything about manna before. The Lord took your pride away. He tested you. He did it so that things would go well with you in the end. 17You might say to yourself, “My power and my strong hands have made me rich.” 18But remember the Lord your God. He gives you the ability to produce wealth. That shows he stands by the terms of the covenant he made with you. He promised it to your people of long ago. And he’s still faithful to his covenant today.

19Don’t forget the Lord your God. Don’t serve other gods. Don’t worship them and bow down to them. I am a witness against you today that if you do, you will certainly be destroyed. 20You will be destroyed just like the nations the Lord your God is destroying to make room for you. That’s what will happen if you don’t obey him.