Deuteronomio 28 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Deuteronomio 28:1-68

Bendiciones por la obediencia

1Si realmente escuchas al Señor tu Dios y cumples fielmente todos estos mandamientos que hoy te ordeno, el Señor tu Dios te pondrá por encima de todas las naciones de la tierra. 2Si obedeces al Señor tu Dios, todas estas bendiciones vendrán sobre ti y te acompañarán siempre:

3Bendito serás en la ciudad y bendito en el campo.

4Benditos serán el fruto de tu vientre, tus cosechas, las crías de tu ganado, los terneritos de tus manadas y los corderitos de tus rebaños.

5Benditas serán tu canasta y tu bandeja de amasar.

6Bendito serás en el hogar y bendito en el camino.28:6 en el hogar … en el camino. Lit. en tu entrar … en tu salir; también en v. 19.

7El Señor te concederá la victoria sobre tus enemigos. Avanzarán contra ti por un camino y huirán de ti por siete caminos.

8El Señor bendecirá tus graneros y todo el trabajo de tus manos. El Señor tu Dios te bendecirá en la tierra que te ha dado.

9El Señor te establecerá como su pueblo santo, conforme a su juramento, si cumples sus mandamientos y andas en sus caminos. 10Todas las naciones de la tierra te temerán al reconocerte como el pueblo del Señor. 11El Señor te concederá abundancia de bienes: multiplicará tus hijos, tu ganado y tus cosechas en la tierra que a tus antepasados juró que te daría.

12El Señor abrirá los cielos, su generoso tesoro, para derramar a su debido tiempo la lluvia sobre la tierra y para bendecir todo el trabajo de tus manos. Tú prestarás a muchas naciones, pero no tomarás prestado de nadie. 13El Señor te pondrá a la cabeza, nunca en la cola. Siempre estarás en la cima, nunca en el fondo, con tal de que prestes atención a los mandamientos del Señor tu Dios que hoy te ordeno y los obedezcas con cuidado. 14Jamás te apartes, ni a la derecha ni a la izquierda, de ninguna de las palabras que hoy te ordeno, para seguir y servir a otros dioses.

Maldiciones por la desobediencia

15Pero debes saber que, si no obedeces al Señor tu Dios ni cumples fielmente todos sus mandamientos y estatutos que hoy te ordeno, vendrán sobre ti y te alcanzarán todas estas maldiciones:

16Maldito serás en la ciudad y maldito en el campo.

17Malditas serán tu canasta y tu bandeja de amasar.

18Malditos serán el fruto de tu vientre, tus cosechas, los terneritos de tus manadas y los corderitos de tus rebaños.

19Maldito serás en el hogar y maldito en el camino.

20El Señor enviará contra ti maldición, confusión y reprensión en toda la obra de tus manos, hasta que en un abrir y cerrar de ojos quedes arruinado y exterminado por tu mala conducta y por haberme abandonado. 21El Señor te infestará de plagas, hasta acabar contigo en la tierra de la que vas a tomar posesión. 22El Señor te castigará con epidemias mortales, fiebres malignas e inflamaciones, con calor sofocante y sequía, y con plagas y pestes sobre tus cultivos. Te hostigará hasta que perezcas. 23Sobre tu cabeza, el cielo será como bronce; bajo tus pies, la tierra será como hierro. 24En lugar de lluvia, el Señor enviará sobre tus campos polvo y arena; del cielo lloverá ceniza, hasta que seas aniquilado.

25El Señor hará que te derroten tus enemigos. Avanzarás contra ellos por un camino y huirás de ellos por siete caminos. Todos los reinos de la tierra sentirán horror al verte. 26Tu cadáver servirá de alimento a las aves de los cielos y a las bestias de la tierra, y no habrá quien las espante. 27El Señor te afligirá con tumores y úlceras, como las de Egipto, y con sarna y comezón, y no podrás sanar. 28El Señor te hará sufrir de locura, ceguera y delirio. 29En pleno día andarás a tientas como ciego en la oscuridad. Fracasarás en todo lo que hagas; día tras día serás oprimido; te robarán y no habrá nadie que te socorra.

30Estarás comprometido para casarte, pero otro tomará a tu prometida y la violará. Construirás una casa y no podrás habitarla. Plantarás una viña, pero no podrás gozar de sus frutos. 31Ante tus propios ojos degollarán a tu buey y no probarás su carne. Te quitarán tu burro a la fuerza y no te lo devolverán. Tus ovejas pasarán a manos de tus enemigos y nadie te ayudará a rescatarlas. 32Tus hijos y tus hijas serán entregados a otra nación; te cansarás de buscarlos y no los podrás encontrar. 33Un pueblo desconocido se comerá los frutos de tu tierra y todo el producto de tu trabajo; para ti solo habrá opresión y malos tratos cada día. 34Tendrás visiones que te enloquecerán. 35El Señor te herirá en las rodillas y en las piernas, y con llagas malignas e incurables que te cubrirán todo el cuerpo, desde la planta del pie hasta la coronilla.

36El Señor hará que tú y el rey que hayas elegido para gobernarte sean deportados a un país que ni tú ni tus antepasados conocieron. Allí adorarás a otros dioses, dioses de madera y de piedra. 37Serás motivo de horror y objeto de burla y de ridículo en todas las naciones a las que el Señor te conduzca.

38Sembrarás en tus campos mucho, pero cosecharás poco porque las langostas devorarán tus plantíos. 39Plantarás viñas y las cultivarás, pero no cosecharás las uvas ni beberás el vino porque los gusanos se comerán tus vides. 40Tendrás olivares por todo tu territorio, pero no te ungirás con su aceite, porque se caerán las aceitunas. 41Tendrás hijos e hijas, pero no podrás retenerlos, porque serán llevados al cautiverio. 42Enjambres de langostas devorarán todos los árboles y las cosechas de tu tierra.

43Los extranjeros que vivan contigo alcanzarán cada vez más poder sobre ti, mientras que tú te irás hundiendo más y más. 44Ellos serán tus acreedores y tú serás su deudor. Ellos irán a la cabeza, y tú serás la cola.

45Todas estas maldiciones caerán sobre ti. Te perseguirán y te alcanzarán hasta destruirte, porque desobedeciste al Señor tu Dios y no cumpliste sus mandamientos y estatutos que te ordenó. 46Ellos serán señal y advertencia permanente para ti y para tus descendientes, 47pues no serviste al Señor tu Dios con gozo y alegría cuando tenías de todo en abundancia. 48Por eso sufrirás hambre y sed, desnudez y pobreza extrema, y serás esclavo de los enemigos que el Señor enviará contra ti. Ellos te pondrán un yugo de hierro sobre el cuello y te destruirán por completo.

49El Señor levantará contra ti una nación muy lejana, cuyo idioma no podrás entender; vendrá de los confines de la tierra, veloz como un águila. 50Esta nación tendrá un aspecto feroz y no respetará a los viejos ni se compadecerá de los jóvenes. 51Devorará las crías de tu ganado y las cosechas de tu tierra hasta aniquilarte. No te dejará trigo, ni vino nuevo, ni aceite, ni terneras en las manadas, ni corderos en los rebaños, hasta dejarte completamente arruinado. 52Te acorralará en todas las ciudades de tu tierra; te sitiará hasta que se derrumben esas murallas altas y fortificadas en las que has confiado. ¡Te asediará en toda la tierra y en las ciudades que el Señor tu Dios te ha dado!

53Tal será tu sufrimiento durante el sitio de la ciudad que acabarás comiéndote el fruto de tu vientre, ¡la carne misma de los hijos y las hijas que el Señor tu Dios te ha dado! 54Aun el más tierno y sensible de tus hombres no tendrá compasión de su propio hermano, ni de la esposa que ama, ni de los hijos que todavía le queden; 55a tal grado que no compartirá con ellos nada de la carne de sus hijos que esté comiendo, pues será todo lo que le quede. Tal será la angustia que te hará sentir tu enemigo durante el asedio de todas tus ciudades 56que aun la más tierna y sensible de tus mujeres, tan sensible y tierna que no se atrevería a rozar el suelo con la planta de los pies, no tendrá compasión de su propio esposo al que ama, ni de sus hijos ni de sus hijas. 57No compartirá el hijo que acaba de parir, ni su placenta, sino que se los comerá en secreto, pues será lo único que le quede. ¡Tal será la angustia que te hará sentir tu enemigo durante el asedio de todas tus ciudades!

58Si no te empeñas en practicar todas las palabras de esta ley, que están escritas en este libro, ni temes a este glorioso e imponente nombre del Señor tu Dios, 59el Señor enviará contra ti y contra tus descendientes plagas terribles y persistentes, y enfermedades malignas e incurables. 60Todas las horribles enfermedades de Egipto, que tanto espanto te causaron, vendrán sobre ti y no te darán respiro. 61El Señor también te enviará, hasta exterminarte, toda clase de enfermedades y desastres no registrados en este libro de la Ley. 62Y tú, que como pueblo fuiste tan numeroso como las estrellas del cielo, quedarás reducido a unos cuantos por no haber obedecido al Señor tu Dios. 63Así como al Señor le agradó multiplicarte y hacerte prosperar, también le agradará arruinarte y destruirte. ¡Serás arrancado de raíz, de la misma tierra que ahora vas a poseer!

64El Señor te dispersará entre todas las naciones, de uno al otro extremo de la tierra. Allí adorarás a otros dioses, dioses de madera y de piedra que ni tú ni tus antepasados conocieron. 65En esas naciones no hallarás paz ni descanso. El Señor mantendrá angustiado tu corazón; tus ojos se cansarán de anhelar y tu corazón perderá toda esperanza. 66Noche y día vivirás en constante zozobra, lleno de terror y nunca seguro de tu vida. 67Debido a las visiones que tendrás y al terror que se apoderará de ti, dirás en la mañana: «¡Si tan solo fuera de noche!», y en la noche: «¡Si tan solo fuera de día!». 68Y aunque el Señor te prometió que jamás volverías por el camino de Egipto, te hará volver en barcos. Allá te ofrecerás a tus enemigos como esclavo y no habrá nadie que quiera comprarte.

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 28:1-68

Blessings for Obeying the Lord

1Make sure you obey the Lord your God completely. Be careful to obey all his commands. I’m giving them to you today. If you do these things, the Lord will honor you more than all the other nations on earth. 2If you obey the Lord your God, here are the blessings that will come to you and remain with you.

3You will be blessed in the cities. You will be blessed out in the country.

4Your children will be blessed. Your crops will be blessed. The young animals among your livestock will be blessed. That includes your calves and lambs.

5Your baskets and bread pans will be blessed.

6You will be blessed no matter where you go.

7Enemies will rise up against you. But the Lord will help you win the battle over them. They will come at you from one direction. But they’ll run away from you in every direction.

8The Lord your God will bless your barns with plenty of grain and other food. He will bless everything you do. He’ll bless you in the land he’s giving you.

9The Lord your God will make you his holy people. He will set you apart for himself. He promised to do this. He promised to do it if you would keep his commands and live exactly as he wants you to live. 10All the nations on earth will see that you belong to the Lord. And they will be afraid of you. 11The Lord will give you more than you need. You will have many children. Your livestock will have many little ones. Your crops will do very well. All of that will happen in the land he promised to give you. He promised this to your people of long ago.

12The Lord will open up the heavens. That’s where he stores his riches. He will send rain on your land at just the right time. He’ll bless everything you do. You will lend money to many nations. But you won’t have to borrow from any of them. 13The Lord your God will make you leaders, not followers. Pay attention to his commands that I’m giving you today. Be careful to obey them. Then you will always be on top. You will never be on the bottom. 14Don’t turn away from any of the commands I’m giving you today. Don’t turn to the right or the left. Don’t follow other gods. Don’t worship them.

Curses for Not Obeying the Lord

15But suppose you don’t obey the Lord your God. And you aren’t careful to obey all his commands and rules I’m giving you today. Then he will send curses on you. They’ll catch up with you. Here are those curses.

16You will be cursed in the cities. You will be cursed out in the country.

17Your baskets and bread pans will be cursed.

18Your children will be cursed. Your crops will be cursed. Your calves and lambs will be cursed.

19You will be cursed no matter where you go.

20The Lord will send curses on you. You won’t know what’s going on. In everything you do, he will be angry with you. You will be destroyed suddenly and completely. This will happen because you did an evil thing when you deserted the Lord. 21He will send all kinds of sicknesses on you. He’ll send them until he has destroyed you. He’ll remove you from the land you are entering to take as your own. 22The Lord will make you sick and very weak. He will strike you with fever and swelling. He’ll send burning heat. There won’t be any rain. The hot winds will completely dry up your crops. All those things will happen until you die. 23The sky above you will be like bronze. The ground beneath you will be like iron. 24The Lord will turn the rain of your country into dust and powder. It will come down from the skies until you are destroyed.

25The Lord will help your enemies win the battle over you. You will come at them from one direction. But you will run away from them in every direction. All the kingdoms on earth will be completely shocked when they see you. 26Birds and wild animals will eat up your dead bodies. There won’t be anyone left to scare them away. 27The Lord will send boils on you, just like the ones he sent on the Egyptians. You will have growths in your bodies and boils on your skin. You will itch all over. No one will be able to heal you. 28The Lord will make you lose your mind. He will make you blind. You won’t know what’s going on. 29Even at noon you will have to feel your way around like a blind person in the dark. You won’t have success in anything you do. Day after day you will be robbed and treated badly. No one will be able to save you.

30You and a woman will promise to marry each other. But another man will take her and rape her. You will build a house. But you won’t live in it. You will plant a vineyard. But you won’t eat a single grape from it. 31Your ox will be killed right in front of your eyes. But you won’t eat any of it. Your donkey will be taken away from you by force. And you will never get it back. Your sheep will be given to your enemies. No one will be able to save them. 32Your children will be given to another nation. Day after day you will watch for them to come back. But you will only wear out your eyes. You won’t be able to help your children. 33A nation you don’t know anything about will eat what you work to produce on your land. You will only be treated badly as long as you live. 34The things you see will make you lose your mind. 35The Lord will send painful boils on your knees and legs. No one will be able to heal them. They will cover you from head to toe.

36The Lord will drive you out of the land. And he will drive out the king you place over yourselves. All of you will go to another nation. You and your people of long ago didn’t know anything about them. There you will worship other gods. They will be made out of wood and stone. 37You will look very bad to all the nations where the Lord sends you. They will be completely shocked when they see you. They will mock you and make fun of you.

38You will plant many seeds in your field. But you will gather very little food. Locusts will eat it up. 39You will plant vineyards and take care of them. But you won’t drink the wine. You won’t gather the grapes. Worms will eat them up. 40You will have olive trees through your whole country. But you won’t use the oil. The olives will drop off the trees. 41You will have children. But you won’t be able to keep them. They’ll be taken away as prisoners. 42Large numbers of locusts will eat up the leaves on all your trees. They will also eat up the crops on your land.

43Outsiders who live among you will become your leaders. They will rise higher and higher. But you will sink lower and lower. 44They will lend money to you. But you won’t be able to lend money to them. They will be the leaders. But you will be the followers.

45The Lord your God will send all these curses on you. They will follow you everywhere. They’ll catch up with you. You will be under the Lord’s curse until you are destroyed. That’s because you didn’t obey him. You didn’t keep the commands and rules he gave you. 46These curses will remain as signs and awful judgments against you and your children after you forever. 47You didn’t serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness when times were good. 48So he will send enemies against you. You will have to serve them. You will be hungry and thirsty. You will be naked and poor. The Lord will put the iron chains of slavery around your necks until he has destroyed you.

49The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away. It will come from the ends of the earth. It will dive down on you like an eagle. You won’t understand that nation’s language. 50Its people will look mean. They won’t have any respect for old people. They won’t show any kindness to young people. 51They will eat up the young animals among your livestock. They’ll eat up the crops on your land. They’ll destroy you. They won’t leave you any grain, olive oil or fresh wine. They won’t leave you any calves or lambs. They’ll destroy you. 52They’ll surround all the cities throughout your whole land. They’ll attack those cities until the high, strong walls you trust in fall down. That’s what will happen to the cities in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

53Your enemies will surround you and attack you. They will make you suffer greatly. So you will eat your own children. You will eat the dead bodies of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you. 54There may be a gentle and caring man among you. But he will treat his own brother badly. He’ll be just as mean to the wife he loves and to any of his children who are still alive. 55He won’t give to a single one of them any part of the dead bodies of his children that he’s eating. It will be all he has left to eat. That’s how much your enemies will make you suffer when they surround all your cities and attack them. 56There may be a gentle and caring woman among you. She wouldn’t even touch the ground with her feet without first putting her sandals on. But she will not share anything with the husband she loves. She won’t share with her own children either. 57She will eat what comes out of her body after she has a baby. Then she’ll even eat her baby. She won’t share it with anyone in her family. In her great hunger she’ll plan to eat it in secret. There won’t be anything else for her to eat because the city she lives in will be surrounded. That’s an example of how much your enemies will make you suffer when they are attacking your cities.

58Be careful to follow all the words of this law. They are written in this scroll. Have respect for the glorious and wonderful name of the Lord your God. If you don’t, 59he will send terrible plagues on you and your children after you. He’ll send horrible and lasting troubles. He’ll make you very sick for a long time. 60He’ll bring on you all the sicknesses you were afraid of getting when you were in Egypt. You won’t be able to get rid of them. 61The Lord will also bring on you all other kinds of sickness and trouble. I haven’t even written those down in this Book of the Law. You will be destroyed. 62At one time you were as many as the stars in the sky. But there will only be a few of you left. That’s because you didn’t obey the Lord your God. 63It pleased the Lord to give you success and to cause there to be many of you. But it will please him just as much to wipe you out and destroy you. You will be removed from the land you are entering to take as your own.

64Then the Lord will scatter you among all the nations. He’ll spread you around from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship statues of gods made out of wood and stone. You and your people of long ago hadn’t known anything about those gods. 65Among those nations you won’t find any peace. There won’t be any place where you can make your home and rest your feet. The Lord will give you minds filled with worry. He’ll give you eyes worn out from looking for help. You won’t have any hope in your hearts. 66Your lives will always be in danger. You will be filled with fear night and day. You will never be sure you are safe. 67In the morning you will say, “We wish it were evening!” In the evening you will say, “We wish it were morning!” Your hearts will be filled with fear. The things you see will terrify you. 68The Lord will send you back to Egypt in ships. He’ll send you on a journey I said you should never have to make again. You will offer to sell yourselves to your enemies as slaves in Egypt. But no one will buy you.