ዮሐንስ 9 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ዮሐንስ 9:1-41

ኢየሱስ ዐይነ ስውር ሆኖ የተወለደውን ሰው ፈወሰ

1በመንገድ ሲያልፍም ከተወለደ ጀምሮ ዐይነ ስውር የሆነ ሰው አየ። 2ደቀ መዛሙርቱም፣ “ረቢ፤ ይህ ሰው ዐይነ ስውር ሆኖ እንዲወለድ ኀጢአት የሠራ ማን ነው? እርሱ ራሱ ወይስ ወላጆቹ?” ብለው ጠየቁት።

3ኢየሱስም እንዲህ ሲል መለሰ፤ “እርሱ ወይም ወላጆቹ ኀጢአት አልሠሩም፤ ይህ የሆነው ግን የእግዚአብሔር ሥራ በእርሱ ሕይወት እንዲገለጥ ነው። 4ቀን ሳለ፣ የላከኝን ሥራ መሥራት አለብን፤ ማንም ሊሠራ የማይችልበት ሌሊት ይመጣል፤ 5በዓለም ሳለሁ የዓለም ብርሃን እኔ ነኝ።”

6ይህን ካለ በኋላ፣ በምድር ላይ እንትፍ ብሎ በምራቁ ጭቃ አበጀ፤ የሰውየውንም ዐይን ቀባና፣ 7“ሄደህ በሰሊሆም መጠመቂያ ታጠብ” አለው፤ ሰሊሆም ማለት “የተላከ” ማለት ነው። ሰውየውም ሄዶ ታጠበ፤ እያየም ተመልሶ መጣ።

8ጎረቤቶቹና ከዚህ ቀደም ብሎ ሲለምን ያዩት ሰዎች፣ “ይህ ሰው ተቀምጦ ሲለምን የነበረው አይደለምን?” አሉ። 9አንዳንዶቹም፣ “በርግጥ እርሱ ነው” አሉ።

ሌሎችም፣ “ይመስለዋል እንጂ እርሱ አይደለም” አሉ።

እርሱ ግን፣ “እኔው ነኝ” አለ።

10እነርሱም፣ “ታዲያ ዐይኖችህ እንዴት ተከፈቱ?” ሲሉ ጠየቁት።

11እርሱም፣ “ኢየሱስ የሚሉት ሰው ጭቃ አድርጎ ዐይኔን ቀባኝ፤ ወደ ሰሊሆም ሄጄ እንድታጠብም ነገረኝ፤ ሄጄ ታጠብሁ፤ ማየትም ቻልሁ” ሲል መለሰ።

12እነርሱም፣ “ታዲያ፣ ያ ሰው የት አለ?” አሉት።

እርሱም፣ “እኔ አላውቅም” አለ።

ፈሪሳውያን ሰውየው እንዴት እንደ ተፈወሰ ማጣራት ቀጠሉ

13እነርሱም ዐይነ ስውር የነበረውን ሰው ወደ ፈሪሳውያን ወሰዱት። 14ኢየሱስ ጭቃ የሠራበት፣ የሰውየውንም ዐይን የከፈተበት ቀን ሰንበት ነበር። 15ስለዚህ ፈሪሳውያንም እንዴት ማየት እንደ ቻለ ጠየቁት። ሰውየውም፣ “እርሱ ዐይኔን ጭቃ ቀባኝ፤ እኔም ታጠብሁ፤ ይኸው አያለሁ” አላቸው።

16ከፈሪሳውያንም አንዳንዶቹ፣ “ይህ ሰው ሰንበትን ስለማያከብር፣ ከእግዚአብሔር አይደለም” አሉ።

ሌሎች ግን፣ “ኀጢአተኛ፣ እንዲህ ያሉትን ታምራዊ ምልክቶች እንዴት ሊያደርግ ይችላል?” አሉ። በመካከላቸውም አለመስማማት ተፈጠረ።

17ስለዚህ፣ ዐይነ ስውር ወደ ነበረው ሰው ተመልሰው፣ “ዐይንህን ስለ ከፈተው ሰው፣ እንግዲህ አንተ ምን ትላለህ?” አሉት።

ሰውየውም፣ “እርሱ ነቢይ ነው” አለ።

18አይሁድ ወደ ወላጆቹ ልከው እስኪያስጠሯቸው ድረስ፣ ሰውየው ዐይነ ስውር እንደ ነበረና እንዳየ አላመኑም ነበር። 19እነርሱም፣ “ዐይነ ስውር ሆኖ ተወልዷል የምትሉት ልጃችሁ ይህ ነውን? ታዲያ አሁን እንዴት ሊያይ ቻለ?” አሏቸው።

20ወላጆቹም እንዲህ ሲሉ መለሱ፤ “ልጃችን መሆኑንና ዐይነ ስውር ሆኖ መወለዱን እናውቃለን፤ 21አሁን ግን እንዴት ማየት እንደ ቻለና ዐይኖቹን ማን እንደ ከፈተለት እኛ አናውቅም። ሙሉ ሰው ስለሆነ፣ ስለ ራሱ መናገር ይችላልና እርሱን ጠይቁት።” 22ኢየሱስን፣ ክርስቶስ9፥22 ወይም መሲሑ ነው ብሎ የመሰከረ ሁሉ ከምኵራብ እንዲባረር አይሁድ አስቀድመው ወስነው ስለ ነበር፣ ወላጆቹ ይህን ያሉት አይሁድን ፈርተው ነው። 23ስለዚህ ወላጆቹ፣ “ሙሉ ሰው ስለሆነ እርሱን ጠይቁት” አሉ።

24ዐይነ ስውር የነበረውንም ሰው ዳግመኛ ጠርተው፣ “አንተ ሰው፤ እግዚአብሔርን አክብር9፥24 እውነት ለመናገር የሚደረግ መሐላ ነው (ኢያ 7፥19 ይመ)፤ ይህ ሰው ኀጢአተኛ መሆኑን እኛ እናውቃለን” አሉት።

25እርሱም፣ “ኀጢአተኛ መሆኑን እኔ አላውቅም፤ ነገር ግን ዐይነ ስውር እንደ ነበርሁ፤ አሁን ግን እንደማይ ይህን አንድ ነገር ዐውቃለሁ” አለ።

26እነርሱም፣ “ምን አደረገልህ? እንዴትስ ዐይንህን ከፈተ?” ብለው ጠየቁት።

27እርሱም፣ “አስቀድሜ ነገርኋችሁ፤ አላዳመጣችሁኝም፤ ለምን እንደ ገና መስማት ፈለጋችሁ? እናንተም ደግሞ ደቀ መዛሙርቱ ልትሆኑ ትሻላችሁ?” አለ።

28ከዚህ በኋላ በእርሱ ላይ የስድብ ናዳ በማውረድ እንዲህ አሉት፤ “የዚህ ሰው ደቀ መዝሙር አንተ ነህ፤ እኛስ የሙሴ ደቀ መዛሙርት ነን! 29እግዚአብሔር ሙሴን እንደ ተናገረው እናውቃለን፤ ይህ ሰው ግን ከየት እንደ መጣ እንኳ አናውቅም።”

30ሰውየውም እንዲህ ሲል መለሰላቸው፤ “እናንተ ከየት እንደ መጣ አለማወቃችሁ የሚያስደንቅ ነው፤ ይሁን እንጂ እርሱ ዐይኖቼን ከፈተልኝ። 31እግዚአብሔር የሚሰማው፣ የሚፈራውንና ፈቃዱን የሚያደርገውን እንጂ፣ ኀጢአተኞችን እንደማይሰማ እናውቃለን፤ 32ዐይነ ስውር ሆኖ የተወለደን ሰው ዐይን የከፈተ አለ ሲባል፣ ዓለም ከተፈጠረ ጀምሮ ማንም ሰምቶ አያውቅም። 33ይህ ሰው ከእግዚአብሔር ባይሆን ኖሮ ይህን ማድረግ ባልቻለ ነበር።”

34እነርሱም፣ “ሁለንተናህ በኀጢአት ተነክሮ የተወለድህ፣ አንተ እኛን ለማስተማር እንዴት ትደፍራለህ?” ሲሉ መለሱለት፤ አባረሩትም።

መንፈሳዊ ዕውርነት

35ኢየሱስም ሰውየውን እንዳባረሩት ሰማ፤ ባገኘውም ጊዜ፣ “በሰው ልጅ ታምናለህን?”9፥35 አንዳንድ የጥንት ቅጆች የእግዚአብሔር ልጅ ይላሉ። አለው።

36ሰውየውም፣ “ጌታዬ፤ አምንበት ዘንድ እርሱ ማን ነው?” ሲል ጠየቀው።

37ኢየሱስም፣ “አይተኸዋል፤ አሁንም ከአንተ ጋር የሚነጋገረው እርሱ ነው” አለው።

38ሰውየውም፣ “ጌታ ሆይ፤ አምናለሁ” አለ፤ ሰገደለትም።

39ኢየሱስም፣ “ዕውሮች እንዲያዩ፣ የሚያዩም እንዲታወሩ፣ ለፍርድ ወደዚህ ዓለም መጥቻለሁ” አለ።

40ከእርሱ ጋር ከነበሩት ፈሪሳውያን አንዳንዶቹ ይህን ሰምተው፣ “ምን ማለትህ ነው? ታዲያ እኛም ዕውሮች መሆናችን ነው?” አሉት።

41ኢየሱስም፣ “ዕውሮችስ ብትሆኑ ኀጢአት ባልሆነባችሁ ነበር፤ አሁን ግን እናያለን ስለምትሉ፣ ኀጢአታችሁ እንዳለ ይኖራል” አላቸው።

New International Reader’s Version

John 9:1-41

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

1As Jesus went along, he saw a man who was blind. He had been blind since he was born. 2Jesus’ disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned? Was this man born blind because he sinned? Or did his parents sin?”

3“It isn’t because this man sinned,” said Jesus. “It isn’t because his parents sinned. He was born blind so that God’s power could be shown by what’s going to happen. 4While it is still day, we must do the works of the one who sent me. Night is coming. Then no one can work. 5While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

6After he said this, he spit on the ground. He made some mud with the spit. Then he put the mud on the man’s eyes. 7“Go,” he told him. “Wash in the Pool of Siloam.” Siloam means Sent. So the man went and washed. And he came home able to see.

8His neighbors and people who had seen him earlier begging asked questions. “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” they asked. 9Some claimed that he was.

Others said, “No. He only looks like him.”

But the man who had been blind kept saying, “I am the man.”

10“Then how were your eyes opened?” they asked.

11He replied, “The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed. Then I could see.”

12“Where is this man?” they asked him.

“I don’t know,” he said.

The Pharisees Want to Know How the Blind Man Was Healed

13They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind. 14The day Jesus made the mud and opened the man’s eyes was a Sabbath day. 15So the Pharisees also asked him how he was able to see. “He put mud on my eyes,” the man replied. “Then I washed. And now I can see.”

16Some of the Pharisees said, “Jesus has not come from God. He does not keep the Sabbath day.”

But others asked, “How can a sinner do such signs?” So the Pharisees did not agree with one another.

17Then they turned again to the blind man. “What do you have to say about him?” they asked. “It was your eyes he opened.”

The man replied, “He is a prophet.”

18They still did not believe that the man had been blind and now could see. So they sent for his parents. 19“Is this your son?” they asked. “Is this the one you say was born blind? How is it that now he can see?”

20“We know he is our son,” the parents answered. “And we know he was born blind. 21But we don’t know how he can now see. And we don’t know who opened his eyes. Ask him. He is an adult. He can speak for himself.” 22His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. The leaders had already made this decision about Jesus. Anyone who said Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue. 23That was why the man’s parents said, “He is an adult. Ask him.”

24Again the Pharisees called the man who had been blind to come to them. “Give glory to God by telling the truth!” they said. “We know that the man who healed you is a sinner.”

25He replied, “I don’t know if he is a sinner or not. I do know one thing. I was blind, but now I can see!”

26Then they asked him, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?”

27He answered, “I have already told you. But you didn’t listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples too?”

28Then they began to attack him with their words. “You are this fellow’s disciple!” they said. “We are disciples of Moses! 29We know that God spoke to Moses. But we don’t even know where this fellow comes from.”

30The man answered, “That is really surprising! You don’t know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes. 31We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does what he wants them to do. 32Nobody has ever heard of anyone opening the eyes of a person born blind. 33If this man had not come from God, he could do nothing.”

34Then the Pharisees replied, “When you were born, you were already deep in sin. How dare you talk like that to us!” And they threw him out of the synagogue.

People Who Can’t See the Truth

35Jesus heard that the Pharisees had thrown the man out of the synagogue. When Jesus found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

36“Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me, so I can believe in him.”

37Jesus said, “You have now seen him. In fact, he is the one speaking with you.”

38Then the man said, “Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped him.

39Jesus said, “I have come into this world to judge it. I have come so that people who are blind will see. I have come so that people who can see will become blind.”

40Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this. They asked, “What? Are we blind too?”

41Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin. But since you claim you can see, you remain guilty.