ዘሌዋውያን 16 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ዘሌዋውያን 16:1-34

የስርየት ቀን

16፥2-34 ተጓ ምብ – ዘሌ 23፥26-32ዘኍ 29፥7-11

1በእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ፊት በቀረቡ ጊዜ ከሞቱት፣ ከሁለቱ የአሮን ልጆች ሞት በኋላ እግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ሙሴን ተናገረው። 2እግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ሙሴን እንዲህ አለው፤ “እኔ በስርየቱ መክደኛ ላይ በደመና ውስጥ እገለጣለሁና ወንድምህ አሮን በመጋረጃው ውስጥ ወዳለው ወደ ቅድስተ ቅዱሳን ማለት በታቦቱ ላይ ወዳለው ወደ ስርየቱ መክደኛ ፊት፣ በፈለገ ጊዜ ሁሉ እንዳይገባና እንዳይሞት ንገረው። 3ወደ ተቀደሰው ስፍራ በሚገባበት ጊዜ፣ አሮን እንዲህ ያድርግ፤ ለኀጢአት መሥዋዕት አንድ ወይፈን፣ ለሚቃጠል መሥዋዕት አንድ አውራ በግ ይዞ ይምጣ፤ 4የተቀደሰውን የበፍታ ቀሚስ ይልበስ፤ በሰውነቱ ላይ የሚያርፈውን ከበፍታ የተሠራውን የውስጥ ሱሪ ያጥልቅ፤ የበፍታውን መታጠቂያ ይታጠቅ፤ የበፍታውን መጠምጠሚያ ይጠምጥም፤ ልብሶቹ የተቀደሱ በመሆናቸው እነዚህን ከመልበሱ በፊት ሰውነቱን በውሃ ይታጠብ። 5ከእስራኤል ማኅበረ ሰብ ለኀጢአት መሥዋዕት ሁለት ተባዕት ፍየሎች፣ ለሚቃጠል መሥዋዕት አንድ አውራ በግ ይውሰድ።

6“አሮን ለራሱና ለቤተ ሰቡ ማስተስረያ ይሆን ዘንድ፣ ወይፈኑን የኀጢአት መሥዋዕት አድርጎ ስለ ራሱ ያቅርብ፤ 7ሁለቱንም አውራ ፍየሎች ወስዶ በመገናኛው ድንኳን ደጃፍ በእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ፊት ያቁማቸው። 8አሮንም አንዱን ዕጣ ለእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ)፣ ሌላውን ለሚለቀቀው ፍየል16፥8 የሚወገደው ፍየል ማለት ነው፤ ዕብራይሰጡ ዐዛዜል ይላል፤ እንዲሁም 10፡26 ይመ ለማድረግ በሁለቱ ፍየሎች ላይ ዕጣ ይጣል። 9በዕጣ ለእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) የደረሰውንም ፍየል አምጥቶ ለኀጢአት መሥዋዕት በማድረግ ይሠዋ። 10ወደ ምድረ በዳ ተለቅቆ ማስተስረያ ይሆን ዘንድ፣ እንዲለቀቅ ዕጣ የወጣበትን ፍየል ከነሕይወቱ በእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ፊት ያቅርብ።

11“አሮን ለራሱና ለቤተ ሰቡ ማስተስረያ ይሆን ዘንድ ወይፈኑን የኀጢአት መሥዋዕት አድርጎ ስለ ራሱ ያቅርብ፤ ወይፈኑንም ስለ ራሱ የኀጢአት መሥዋዕት አድርጎ ይረድ። 12በእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ፊት ካለው መሠዊያ ፍም ተወስዶ የተሞላበትን ጥና ይያዝ፤ ሁለት እጅ ሙሉ መልካም መዐዛ ያለው ዕጣን ይውሰድ፤ እነዚህንም ወደ መጋረጃው ውስጥ ይዞ ይግባ። 13እንዳይሞትም የዕጣኑ ጢስ በምስክሩ ላይ ያለውን ስርየት መክደኛ ይሸፍነው ዘንድ፣ በእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ፊት ዕጣኑን በእሳቱ ላይ ይጨምረው። 14ከወይፈኑም ደም ወስዶ በስርየቱ መክደኛ ፊተኛው ወገን ላይ በጣቱ ይርጭ፤ ደግሞም በስርየቱ መክደኛ ትይዩ በጣቱ ሰባት ጊዜ ይርጭ።

15“ፍየሉንም ለሕዝቡ የኀጢአት መሥዋዕት አድርጎ ይረደው፤ ደሙንም ወደ መጋረጃው ውስጥ ወስዶ በወይፈኑ ደም እንዳደረገው በዚህኛው ያድርግ፤ ደሙን በስርየቱ መክደኛ ላይ፣ እንዲሁም በመክደኛው ትይዩ ይርጭ። 16ከእስራኤላውያን ርኩሰትና ዐመፅ፣ ከየትኛውም ኀጢአታቸው ይነጻ ዘንድ በዚህ ሁኔታ ለቅድስተ ቅዱሳኑ ያስተሰርይለታል፤ በርኩሰታቸው መካከል በእነርሱ ዘንድ ላለችውም የመገናኛዋ ድንኳን እንደዚሁ ያደርጋል። 17አሮን ለማስተስረይ ወደ ቅድስተ ቅዱሳን ከገባበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ ለራሱ፣ ለቤተ ሰቡና ለእስራኤል ማኅበረ ሰብ ሁሉ አስተስርዮ እስኪወጣ ድረስ ማንም ሰው በመገናኛው ድንኳን ውስጥ አይገኝ።

18“ከዚያም መጥቶ በእግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ፊት ወዳለው መሠዊያ ይምጣ፤ ለመሠዊያውም ያስተስርይለት፤ ከወይፈኑና ከፍየሉ ደም ወስዶ የመሠዊያውን ቀንዶች ሁሉ ያስነካ፤ 19ከእስራኤላውያንም ርኩሰት መሠዊያውን ለማንጻትና ለመቀደስ ከደሙ ወስዶ በጣቱ ሰባት ጊዜ ይርጭበት።

20“አሮን ለቅድስተ ቅዱሳኑ፣ ለመገናኛው ድንኳንና ለመሠዊያው የሚያደርገውን ስርየት ከፈጸመ በኋላ፣ በሕይወት ያለውን ፍየል ወደ ፊት ያቅርበው። 21ሁለት እጆቹን በሕይወት ባለው ፍየል ራስ ላይ ይጫን፤ በላዩም የእስራኤላውያንን ክፋትና ዐመፅ፣ ኀጢአታቸውንም ሁሉ ይናዘዝበት፤ እነዚህንም በፍየሉ ራስ ላይ ይጫን፤ ፍየሉንም ለዚሁ ተግባር በተመደበ ሰው እጅ ወደ ምድረ በዳ ይስደደው። 22ፍየሉም ኀጢአታቸውን ሁሉ ተሸክሞ ወደ ምድረ በዳ ይሄዳል፤ ሰውየውም ፍየሉን ሰው ሊኖርበት በማይችል ስፍራ ይልቀቀው።

23“ከዚህ በኋላ አሮን ወደ መገናኛው ድንኳን ሄዶ፣ ወደ ቅድስተ ቅዱሳን ሊገባ ሲል የለበሳቸውን የበፍታ ልብሶች አውልቆ በዚያው ይተዋቸው። 24በተቀደሰውም ስፍራ ሰውነቱን በውሃ ይታጠብ፤ የዘወትር ልብሱንም ይልበስ፤ ከዚያም ወጥቶ ለራሱ ማስተስረያ የሚቃጠል መሥዋዕት ያቅርብ፤ ለሕዝቡም ማስተስረያ የሚቃጠል መሥዋዕት ያቅርብ። 25የኀጢአት መሥዋዕቱንም በመሠዊያው ላይ ያቃጥል።

26“የሚለቀቀውን ፍየል የወሰደው ሰው ልብሱን ይጠብ፤ ሰውነቱንም በውሃ ይታጠብ፤ ከዚህ በኋላ ወደ ሰፈር መግባት ይችላል። 27ደማቸው ለማስተስረያነት ወደ ቅድስተ ቅዱሳን የገባው፣ ለኀጢአት መሥዋዕት የቀረቡት ወይፈንና ፍየል ከሰፈር ውጭ ተወስደው ቈዳቸው፣ ሥጋቸውና ፈርሳቸው ይቃጠል። 28እነዚህንም የሚያቃጥል ሰው ልብሱን ይጠብ፤ ሰውነቱንም በውሃ ይታጠብ፤ ከዚህ በኋላ ወደ ሰፈር መግባት ይችላል።

29“ለእናንተ የተሰጣችሁ የዘላለም ሥርዐት ይህ ነው፦ ሰባተኛው ወር በገባ በዐሥረኛው ቀን ሰውነታችሁን አድክሙ፤16፥29 ወይም ጹሙ፤ እንዲሁም 31 ይመ የአገሩ ተወላጅም ሆነ በመካከላችሁ የሚኖር መጻተኛ ምንም ሥራ አይሥራ፤ 30የምትነጹበት ስርየት በዚህች ዕለት ይደረግላችኋልና፤ በእግዚአብሔርም (ያህዌ) ፊት ከኀጢአታችሁ ሁሉ ትነጻላችሁ። 31ይህች የፍጹም ዕረፍት ሰንበት ናት፤ ሰውነታችሁን አድክሙባት፤ የዘላለም ሥርዐት ናት። 32ሊቀ ካህናት ለመሆን አባቱን በመተካት የተቀባና የተሾመ ካህን ያስተስርይ፤ የተቀደሰውንም የበፍታ ልብስ ይልበስ፤ 33ለቅድስተ ቅዱሳኑ፣ ለመገናኛው ድንኳንና ለመሠዊያው፣ ለካህናቱና ለማኅበረ ሰቡ ሁሉ ያስተስርይ።

34“ይህ የዘላለም ሥርዐት ይሁናችሁ፤ በዚህም ሥርዐት መሠረት ለእስራኤላውያን ኀጢአት ሁሉ በዓመት አንድ ጊዜ ስርየት ይደረግ።” እግዚአብሔር (ያህዌ) ሙሴን እንዳዘዘ እንዲሁ ተደረገ።

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 16:1-34

The Day When Sin Is Paid For

1The Lord spoke to Moses after two of Aaron’s sons had died. They were the sons who died when they came near the Lord. 2The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to your brother Aaron. Tell him not to come into the Most Holy Room just anytime he wants to. Tell him not to come behind the curtain in front of the cover of the ark. The cover is the place where sin is paid for. If he comes behind the curtain, he will die. That is because I appear in the cloud over the cover.

3“Aaron must not enter the area of the Most Holy Room without bringing a sacrifice. He must bring a young bull for a sin offering. He must also bring a ram for a burnt offering. 4He must put on the sacred inner robe made out of linen. He must wear linen underwear next to his body. He must tie the linen belt around him. And he must put the linen turban on his head. Those are sacred clothes. So he must take a bath before he puts them on. 5The community of Israel must give him two male goats and a ram. The goats are for a sin offering. The ram is for a burnt offering.

6“Aaron must offer the bull for his own sin offering. It will pay for his own sin and the sin of his whole family. 7Then he must take the two goats and bring them to me at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 8He must cast lots for the two goats. One lot is for me. The other is for the goat that carries the people’s sins away. 9Aaron must bring the goat chosen for me by lot. He must sacrifice it for a sin offering. 10But the goat chosen by the other lot must remain alive. First, it must be brought in to me to pay for the people’s sins. Then, it must be sent into the desert as a goat that carries the people’s sins away.

11“Aaron must bring the bull for his own sin offering. It will pay for his own sin and the sin of his whole family. He must kill the bull for his own sin offering. 12He must take a shallow cup full of burning coals from the altar in my sight. He must get two handfuls of incense completely ground up. The incense must smell sweet. He must take the cup and the incense behind the curtain. 13He must put the incense on the fire in my sight. The smoke from the incense will hide the cover of the ark where the tablets of the covenant law are kept. The cover is the place where sin is paid for. Aaron must burn the incense so that he will not die. 14He must dip his finger in the bull’s blood. He must sprinkle it on the front of the cover of the ark. He must sprinkle some in front of the cover. He must do it seven times.

15“Then Aaron must kill the goat for the sin offering for the people. He must take its blood behind the curtain. There he must do the same thing with it as he did with the bull’s blood. He must sprinkle it on the cover of the ark. He must also sprinkle some in front of it. 16That is how he will make the Most Holy Room pure. He must do it because the Israelites are not ‘clean.’ They have not obeyed me. They have also committed other sins. Aaron must do the same for the tent of meeting because it stands in the middle of the camp. And the camp is ‘unclean.’ 17Aaron will go into the Most Holy Room to pay for the people’s sin. While Aaron is there, no one may be in the tent of meeting. No one may enter the tent until Aaron comes out. He will not come out until he has paid for his own sin and the sin of his whole family. He will not come out until he has also paid for the sin of the whole community of Israel.

18“Then he will come out to the altar for burnt offerings. It is in front of the tent where the ark of the Lord is. He will make the altar pure and clean. He will take some of the bull’s blood and some of the goat’s blood. Then he will put the blood on all the horns that stick out from the upper four corners of the altar. 19He will sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times. He will do it to make the altar pure. He will do it to set it apart from the Israelites. They are ‘unclean.’

20“Aaron will finish making the Most Holy Room pure and ‘clean.’ He will finish making the tent of meeting and the altar pure. Then he will bring out the live goat. 21He must place both of his hands on its head. While he does that, he must tell me about all the sins the Israelites have committed. He must tell me about all their evil acts and the times they did not obey me. In that way he puts their sins on the goat’s head. Then he will send the goat away into the desert. The goat will be led away by a man appointed to do it. 22The goat will carry all their sins on itself to a place where there are no people. And the man will set the goat free in the desert.

23“Then Aaron must go into the tent of meeting. He must take off the linen clothes he put on before he entered the Most Holy Room. He must leave them there. 24He must take a bath in the holy area. And he must put on his regular clothes. Then he will come out and sacrifice the burnt offering for himself. He will also sacrifice the burnt offering for the people. That will pay for his own sin and the people’s sin. 25He will also burn the fat of the sin offering on the altar.

26“The man who sets free the goat that carries the people’s sins away must wash his clothes. He must take a bath. After that, he can come back into the camp. 27The bull and the goat for the sin offerings must be taken outside the camp. Their blood was brought into the Most Holy Room. It paid for sin. The hides, meat and guts of the animals must be burned up. 28The man who burns them must wash his clothes. He must take a bath. After that, he can come back into the camp.

29“Here is a law for you that will last for all time to come. On the tenth day of the seventh month you must not eat anything. You must not do any work. It does not matter whether you are Israelites or outsiders. 30On that day your sin will be paid for. You will be made pure and clean. You will be clean from all your sins in my sight. 31That day is a sabbath for you. You must rest on it. You must not eat anything on that day. This is a law that will last for all time to come. 32The high priest must pay for sin. He must make everything pure and clean. He has been anointed and prepared to become the next high priest after his father. He must put on the sacred clothes that are made out of linen. 33He must make the Most Holy Room, the tent of meeting and the altar pure. And he must pay for the sin of the priests and all the members of the community.

34“Here is a law for you that will last for all time to come. Once a year you must pay for all the sin of the Israelites.”

So it was done, just as the Lord commanded Moses.