አስቴር 7 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

አስቴር 7:1-10

ሐማ ተሰቀለ

1ስለዚህ ንጉሡና ሐማ ከንግሥት አስቴር ጋር ለመጋበዝ ሄዱ፤ 2በሁለተኛውም ቀን የወይን ጠጅ እየጠጡ ሳለ፣ ንጉሡ እንደ ገና፣ “ንግሥት አስቴር ሆይ፤ የምትለምኚው ምንድን ነው? ይሰጥሻል፤ የምትጠይቂውስ ምንድን ነው? እስከ መንግሥቴ እኩሌታ እንኳ ቢሆን ይደረግልሻል” አላት።

3ከዚያም ንግሥት አስቴር እንዲህ ስትል መለሰች፤ “ንጉሥ ሆይ፤ በፊትህ ሞገስ አግኝቼና ግርማዊነትህን ደስ የሚያሰኝ ከሆነ፣ ሕይወቴን ታደጋት፤ ልመናዬ ይህ ነው፤ ሕዝቤን አትርፍ፤ ጥያቄዬም ይኸው ነው። 4እኔና ሕዝቤ ለጥፋት፣ ለዕርድና ለመደምሰስ ተሸጠናልና። ወንዶችና ሴቶች ባሮች ለመሆን የተሸጥን ቢሆን ኖሮ፣ ዝም ባልሁ ነበር፤ ምክንያቱም እንዲህ ያለው ጭንቀት ንጉሡን ለማስቸገር የሚበቃ አይደለም7፥4 ወይም፣ ዝም ባልሁም ነበር፤ ነገር ግን ባለጋራችን የሚሰጠው ካሣ ንጉሡ ከሚያጣው ነገር ጋር ከቶ አይነጻጸርም።”

5ንጉሥ ጠረክሲስም ንግሥት አስቴርን፣ “ለመሆኑ እርሱ ማን ነው? እንዲህ ያለውን ነገር ለማድረግ እስከዚህ የደፈረውስ ሰው የታለ?” ሲል ጠየቀ።

6አስቴርም፣ “ያ ባላጋራና ጠላት ይህ ክፉው ሐማ ነው” አለች።

ከዚያም ሐማ በንጉሡና በንግሥቲቱ ፊት እጅግ ደነገጠ። 7ንጉሡ ከተቀመጠበት በቍጣ ተነሣ፤ የወይን ጠጁንም ትቶ ወደ ቤተ መንግሥቱ የአትክልት ቦታ ሄደ። ሐማ ግን ንጉሡ ሊያጠፋው ቈርጦ መነሣቱን ስላወቀ፣ ንግሥት አስቴር ሕይወቱን እንድታተርፍለት ለመማጠን በዚያው ቀረ።

8ንጉሡ ከቤተ መንግሥቱ የአትክልት ቦታ ወደ ግብዣው አዳራሽ ሲመለስ አስቴር ደገፍ ባለችበት ድንክ ዐልጋ ላይ ሐማ ተደፍቶ ነበር።

ንጉሡም፣ “ይባስ ብሎ አብራኝ ያለችውን ንግሥት በገዛ ቤቴ ሊደፍራት ያስባልን?” ሲል ተናገረ።

ይህ ቃል ከንጉሡ አፍ ገና እንደ ወጣ፣ የሐማን ፊት ሸፈኑት። 9ከዚያም ንጉሡን በቅርብ ከሚያገለግሉት ጃንደረቦች አንዱ የሆነው ሐርቦና፣ “እነሆ ቁመቱ አምሳ ክንድ7፥9 23 ሜትር ያህል ነው። የሆነ ግንድ በሐማ ቤት አጠገብ ተተክሏል፤ ይህን ያዘጋጀው ንጉሡን ለማዳን በጎ ነገር ለተናገረው ለመርዶክዮስ ነው” አለ።

ንጉሡም፣ “በዚሁ ላይ ስቀሉት” አለ። 10ስለዚህ ለመርዶክዮስ ባዘጋጀው ግንድ ላይ ሐማን ሰቀሉት፤ ከዚያም የንጉሡ ቍጣ በረደ።

New International Reader’s Version

Esther 7:1-10

Haman Is Put to Death

1So the king and Haman went to Queen Esther’s feast. 2They were drinking wine on the second day. The king again asked, “What do you want, Queen Esther? I’ll give it to you. What do you want me to do for you? I’ll even give you up to half of my kingdom.”

3Then Queen Esther answered, “Your Majesty, I hope you will be pleased to let me live. That’s what I want. Please spare my people. That’s my appeal to you. 4My people and I have been sold to be destroyed. We’ve been sold to be killed and wiped out. Suppose we had only been sold as male and female slaves. Then I wouldn’t have said anything. That kind of suffering wouldn’t be a good enough reason to bother you.”

5King Xerxes asked Queen Esther, “Who is the man who has dared to do such a thing? And where is he?”

6Esther said, “The man hates us! He’s our enemy! He’s this evil Haman!”

Then Haman was terrified in front of the king and queen. 7The king got up. He was very angry. He left his wine and went out into the palace garden. But Haman realized that the king had already decided what he was going to do to him. So he stayed behind to beg Queen Esther for his life.

8The king returned from the palace garden to the dinner hall. Just then he saw Haman falling on the couch where Esther was lying.

The king shouted, “Will he even treat the queen like this? Will he harm her while she’s right here with me in the palace?”

As soon as the king finished speaking, his men covered Haman’s face. 9Then Harbona said, “There’s a pole standing near Haman’s house. He has prepared it for Mordecai. Mordecai is the one who spoke up to help you. Haman had planned to have him put to death. He was going to have the pole stuck through his body. Then he was going to set it up at a place where it would be 75 feet above the ground.” Harbona was one of the officials who attended the king.

The king said to his men, “Put Haman to death! Stick the pole through his body! Set it up where everyone can see it!” 10So they did. And they used the pole Haman had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king’s anger calmed down.