ምሳሌ 9 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ምሳሌ 9:1-18

ጠቢብነትና ተላላነት

1ጥበብ ቤቷን ሠራች፤

ሰባቱን ምሰሶዎቿንም ጠርባ አቆመች፤

2ፍሪዳዋን ዐረደች፤ የወይን ጠጇን ጠመቀች፤

ማእዷንም አዘጋጀች።

3ሴት አገልጋዮቿንም ላከች፤

ከከተማዪቱም ከፍተኛ ቦታ ተጣራች።

4እርሷም ማመዛዘን ለጐደላቸው፣

“ማስተዋል የሌላችሁ ሁሉ ወደዚህ ኑ” አለች።

5“ኑ፤ ምግቤን ተመገቡ፤

የጠመቅሁትንም የወይን ጠጅ ጠጡ።

6የሞኝነት መንገዳችሁን ተዉ፤ በሕይወት ትኖራላችሁ፤

በማስተዋልም መንገድ ተመላለሱ።”

7ፌዘኛን የሚገሥጽ ሁሉ ስድብን በራሱ ላይ ያመጣል፤

ክፉውን ሰው የሚዘልፍ ሁሉ ውርደት ያገኘዋል።

8ፌዘኛን አትዝለፈው፤ ይጠላሃል፤

ጠቢብን ገሥጸው፤ ይወድድሃል።

9ጠቢብን አስተምረው፣ ይበልጥ ጥበበኛ ይሆናል፤

ጻድቁን ሰው አስተምረው፤ ዕውቀቱን ይጨምራል።

10“የጥበብ መጀመሪያ እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት ነው፤

ቅዱሱንም ማወቅ ማስተዋል ነው።

11ዘመንህ በእኔ ምክንያት ይረዝማልና፤

ዕድሜም በሕይወትህ ላይ ይጨመርልሃል።

12ጠቢብ ብትሆን ጥበበኛነትህ ለራስህ ነው፤

ፌዘኛ ብትሆን የምትጐዳው ያው አንተው ነህ።”

13ጥበብ የለሽ ሴት ለፍላፊ ናት፤

እርሷም ስድና ዕውቀት የለሽ ናት።

14በቤቷ ደጃፍ ላይ ትጐለታለች፤

በከተማዪቱ ከፍተኛ ቦታ በመቀመጫ ላይ ትቀመጣለች።

15በዚያ የሚያልፉትን፣

መንገዳቸውን ይዘው የሚሄዱትን ትጣራለች።

16እርሷም ማመዛዘን ለጐደላቸው፣

“ማስተዋል የሌላችሁ ሁሉ ወደዚህ ኑ” ትላለች።

17“የስርቆት ውሃ ይጣፍጣል፤

ተሸሽገው የበሉት ምግብ ይጥማል።”

18እነርሱ ግን ሙታን በዚያ እንዳሉ፣

ተጋባዦቿም በሲኦል9፥18 ወይም መቃብር ጥልቀት ውስጥ እንደ ሆኑ አያውቁም።

New International Reader’s Version

Proverbs 9:1-18

Wisdom and Foolishness Call Out

1Wisdom has built her house.

She has set up its seven pillars.

2She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine.

She has also set her table.

3She has sent out her servants.

She calls out from the highest point of the city.

4She says, “Let all who are childish come to my house!”

She speaks to those who have no sense. She says,

5“Come and eat my food.

Drink the wine I have mixed.

6Leave your childish ways and you will live.

Walk in the way of understanding.”

7When you correct someone who makes fun of others, you might be laughed at.

When you warn a sinner, you might get hurt.

8Don’t warn those who make fun of others, or they will hate you.

Warn those who are wise, and they will love you.

9Teach a wise person, and they will become even wiser.

Teach a person who does right, and they will learn even more.

10If you want to become wise, you must begin by respecting the Lord.

To know the Holy One is to gain understanding.

11Through wisdom, you will live a long time.

Years will be added to your life.

12If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you.

If you make fun of others, you alone will suffer.

13The woman called Foolishness is wild.

She is childish and knows nothing.

14She sits at the door of her house.

She sits at the highest point of the city.

15She calls out to those who pass by.

She calls out to those who go straight on their way. She says,

16“Let all who are childish come to my house!”

She speaks to those who have no sense.

17She says, “Stolen water is sweet.

Food eaten in secret tastes good!”

18But they don’t know that dead people are there.

They don’t know that her guests are deep in the place of the dead.