Yona 4 – LCB & NIRV

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Yona 4:1-11

Obusungu bwa Yona n’Ekisa Kya Katonda

14:1 nny 4; Luk 15:28Naye Yona n’anyiiga nnyo. 24:2 a Yer 20:7-8 b Kuv 34:6; Zab 86:5, 15 c Yo 2:13N’alyoka yeemulugunyiza Katonda n’amugamba nti, “Kino ddala kye nalowooza, Mukama, bwe nnali mu nsi ye waffe, lwe wasooka okuŋŋamba okujja eno. Kye kyanzirusa n’okunzirusa okugenda e Talusiisi; kubanga namanya nti ggwe oli Katonda ajjudde obulungi, alwawo okusunguwala, alina ekisa ekingi, era namanya nti ojja kwanguwa okukyusa entegeka zo ez’okuzikiriza abantu bano. 34:3 a 1Bk 19:4 b Yob 7:15Kale nno nkwegayiridde Mukama nzita; okufa kisinga okuba omulamu.”

44:4 Mat 20:11-15Awo Mukama n’agamba nti, “Olina ekituufu kw’osinziira okunyiiga?”

5Awo Yona n’afuluma ebweru w’ekibuga n’abeera ku luuyi lwakyo olw’ebuvanjuba, era ne yeekolerawo akasiisira mu makoola, n’alinda alabe ekinatuuka ku kibuga. 6Ebikoola by’akasiisira bwe by’awotoka olw’omusana, Mukama Katonda n’ategeka ekiryo ne kimera mangu amakoola gaakyo ne gabikka ku mutwe gwa Yona ne gakendeeza ku musana. Yona n’asanyuka nnyo olw’ekiryo. 74:7 Yo 1:12Naye ate enkeera Katonda n’aleeta ekiwuka, ne kirya ekiryo ne kikala ne kifa. 8Ng’enjuba yeewanise, Katonda n’alyoka alagira embuyaga ey’Ebuvanjuba ey’olubugumu okufuuwa Yona, omusana ne gumwokya nnyo mu mutwe okutuusa lwe yazirika. N’ayagala afe. N’ayogera nti, “Okufa kusinga okuba omulamu.”

9Mukama n’alyoka amubuuza nti, “Olina ekituufu kw’osinziira okunyiiga olw’ekiryo ekikaze ne kifa?”

Yona n’addamu nti, “Yee, kituufu nze okunyiiga ennyo n’okwegomba okufa.”

10Mukama n’amugamba nti, “Osaalirwa olw’ekibikka kyo ekyonoonese songa si ggwe wakimeza, ate nga kyo kyali kya kiseera buseera. 114:11 a Yon 3:10 b Yon 1:2; 3:2Kale lwaki nange sandisaasidde Nineeve, ekibuga ekyo ekinene n’abantu baamu emitwalo ekkumi n’ebiri n’okusingawo, n’ente zaakyo ennyingi bwe zityo, abantu abatasobola kwawula kirungi na kibi?”

New International Reader’s Version

Jonah 4:1-11

Jonah Is Angry That the Lord Spares Nineveh

1But to Jonah this seemed very wrong. He became angry. 2He prayed to the Lord. Here is what Jonah said to him. “Lord, isn’t this exactly what I thought would happen when I was still at home? That is what I tried to prevent by running away to Tarshish. I knew that you are gracious. You are tender and kind. You are slow to get angry. You are full of love. You are a God who takes pity on people. You don’t want to destroy them. 3Lord, take away my life. I’d rather die than live.”

4But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?”

5Jonah had left the city. He had sat down at a place east of it. There he put some branches over his head. He sat in their shade. He waited to see what would happen to the city. 6Then the Lord God sent a leafy plant and made it grow up over Jonah. It gave him more shade for his head. It made him more comfortable. Jonah was very happy he had the leafy plant. 7But before sunrise the next day, God sent a worm. It chewed the plant so much that it dried up. 8When the sun rose, God sent a burning east wind. The sun beat down on Jonah’s head. It made him very weak. He wanted to die. So he said, “I’d rather die than live.”

9But God spoke to Jonah. God said, “Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?”

“It is,” Jonah said. “In fact, I’m so angry I wish I were dead.”

10But the Lord said, “You have been concerned about this plant. But you did not take care of it. You did not make it grow. It grew up in one night and died the next. 11And shouldn’t I show concern for the great city of Nineveh? It has more than 120,000 people. They can’t tell right from wrong. Nineveh also has a lot of animals.”