스가랴 7 – KLB & NIRV

Korean Living Bible

스가랴 7:1-14

금식보다 나은 순종

1다리우스황제 4년 9월 4일에 여호와께서 스가랴에게 말씀을 주셨다.

2벧엘 사람들이 사레셀과 레겜 – 멜렉과 그들의 하인들을 보내 여호와께 은혜를 구하고

3전능하신 여호와의 성전에 있는 제사장들과 예언자들에게 “우리가 여러 해 동안 해 온 대로 5월에 울며 금식해야 합니까?” 하고 물었다.

4그때 전능하신 여호와께서 나에게 말씀하셨다.

5“너는 이 땅의 모든 백성들과 제사장들에게 나 여호와가 이렇게 말한다고 일러 주어라. ‘너희가 지난 70년 동안 5월과 7월에 금식하며 슬퍼하였는데 그 금식이 진정으로 나를 위한 것이었느냐?

6너희가 먹고 마실 때에도 전적으로 너희 자신을 위해서 먹고 마신 것이 아니냐?

7나는 예루살렘과 그 주변 부락들이 번성하여 사람들로 붐비고 네겝 지방과 저지대에 사람들이 살고 있던 그 때에도 이전의 예언자들을 통해서 이런 말을 하였다.’ ”

8여호와께서 스가랴에게 다시 말씀하셨다.

9“오래 전에 나는 내 백성에게 이렇게 말하였다. ‘너희는 공정한 재판을 하고 서로서로 자비와 온정을 베풀며

10과부와 고아와 외국인과 가난한 자를 억압하지 말고 남을 해칠 계획을 꾸미지 말아라.’

11“그러나 그들이 듣기를 거절하며 완고하게 등을 돌려 귀를 막고

12그 마음을 돌처럼 굳게 하여 내가 옛날의 예언자들을 통해 내 영으로 전한 율법과 말을 듣지 않으므로 내가 대단히 화가 났었다.

13전능한 나 여호와가 말한다. 내가 불러도 그들이 듣지 않았기 때문에 나도 그들이 부를 때 듣지 않고

14그들을 회오리바람처럼 온 세상에 흩어 외국 땅에서 살게 하였다. 그 후로 이 땅은 황폐하여 왕래하는 자가 없었으니 이것은 그들이 이 좋은 땅을 황무지로 만들었기 때문이다.”

New International Reader’s Version

Zechariah 7:1-14

Have Justice and Mercy

1During the fourth year that Darius was king, a message from the Lord came to me. It was the fourth day of the ninth month. That’s the month of Kislev. 2The people of Bethel wanted to ask the Lord for his blessing. So they sent Sharezer and Regem-Melek and their men. 3They went to the prophets and priests at the Lord’s temple. They asked them, “Should we mourn and go without eating in the fifth month? That’s what we’ve done for many years.”

4Then the message came to me from the Lord who rules over all. He said, 5“Ask the priests and all the people in the land a question for me. Say to them, ‘You mourned and fasted in the fifth and seventh months. You did it for the past 70 years. But did you really do it for me? 6And when you were eating and drinking, weren’t you just enjoying good food for yourselves? 7Didn’t I tell you the same thing through the earlier prophets? That was when Jerusalem and the towns around it were at rest and enjoyed success. People lived in the Negev Desert and the western hills at that time.’ ”

8Another message from the Lord came to me. 9Here is what the Lord who rules over all said to his people. “Treat everyone with justice. Show mercy and tender concern to one another. 10Do not take advantage of widows. Do not mistreat children whose fathers have died. Do not be mean to outsiders or poor people. Do not make evil plans against one another.”

11But they refused to pay attention to the Lord. They were stubborn. They turned their backs and covered their ears. 12They made their hearts as hard as the hardest stone. They wouldn’t listen to the law. They wouldn’t pay attention to the Lord’s messages. So the Lord who rules over all was very angry. After all, his Spirit had spoken to his people through the earlier prophets.

13“When I called, they did not listen,” says the Lord. “So when they called, I would not listen. 14I used a windstorm to scatter them among all the nations. They were strangers there. The land they left behind became dry and empty. No one could even travel through it. This is how they turned the pleasant land into a dry and empty desert.”