Numbers 15 – KJV & CCBT

King James Version

Numbers 15:1-41

1And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land of your habitations, which I give unto you, 3And will make an offering by fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, or a sacrifice in performing a vow, or in a freewill offering, or in your solemn feasts, to make a sweet savour unto the LORD, of the herd, or of the flock:15.3 performing: Heb. separating 4Then shall he that offereth his offering unto the LORD bring a meat offering of a tenth deal of flour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of oil. 5And the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering shalt thou prepare with the burnt offering or sacrifice, for one lamb. 6Or for a ram, thou shalt prepare for a meat offering two tenth deals of flour mingled with the third part of an hin of oil. 7And for a drink offering thou shalt offer the third part of an hin of wine, for a sweet savour unto the LORD. 8And when thou preparest a bullock for a burnt offering, or for a sacrifice in performing a vow, or peace offerings unto the LORD: 9Then shall he bring with a bullock a meat offering of three tenth deals of flour mingled with half an hin of oil. 10And thou shalt bring for a drink offering half an hin of wine, for an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. 11Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram, or for a lamb, or a kid. 12According to the number that ye shall prepare, so shall ye do to every one according to their number. 13All that are born of the country shall do these things after this manner, in offering an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. 14And if a stranger sojourn with you, or whosoever be among you in your generations, and will offer an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD; as ye do, so he shall do. 15One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation, and also for the stranger that sojourneth with you, an ordinance for ever in your generations: as ye are, so shall the stranger be before the LORD. 16One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you.

17¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 18Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land whither I bring you, 19Then it shall be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up an heave offering unto the LORD. 20Ye shall offer up a cake of the first of your dough for an heave offering: as ye do the heave offering of the threshingfloor, so shall ye heave it. 21Of the first of your dough ye shall give unto the LORD an heave offering in your generations.

22¶ And if ye have erred, and not observed all these commandments, which the LORD hath spoken unto Moses, 23Even all that the LORD hath commanded you by the hand of Moses, from the day that the LORD commanded Moses, and henceforward among your generations; 24Then it shall be, if ought be committed by ignorance without the knowledge of the congregation, that all the congregation shall offer one young bullock for a burnt offering, for a sweet savour unto the LORD, with his meat offering, and his drink offering, according to the manner, and one kid of the goats for a sin offering.15.24 without…: Heb. from the eyes15.24 manner: or, ordinance 25And the priest shall make an atonement for all the congregation of the children of Israel, and it shall be forgiven them; for it is ignorance: and they shall bring their offering, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD, and their sin offering before the LORD, for their ignorance: 26And it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of Israel, and the stranger that sojourneth among them; seeing all the people were in ignorance.

27¶ And if any soul sin through ignorance, then he shall bring a she goat of the first year for a sin offering. 28And the priest shall make an atonement for the soul that sinneth ignorantly, when he sinneth by ignorance before the LORD, to make an atonement for him; and it shall be forgiven him. 29Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.15.29 sinneth: Heb. doth

30¶ But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether he be born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.15.30 presumptuously: Heb. with an high hand 31Because he hath despised the word of the LORD, and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity shall be upon him.

32¶ And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. 33And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. 34And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him. 35And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp. 36And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses.

37¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 38Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue: 39And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: 40That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God. 41I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

民數記 15:1-41


1耶和華對摩西說: 2「你把以下條例告訴以色列人。

「你們進入耶和華賜給你們的那片土地後, 3要用牛羊作火祭獻給耶和華,作蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭。不管是獻燔祭、平安祭、還願祭、自願獻的祭還是節期的祭,都當如此。 4獻祭者要同時將一公斤細麵粉調上一升油作素祭獻給耶和華。 5無論燔祭還是平安祭,每獻一隻羊羔,要同時獻上一升酒作奠祭; 6每獻一隻公綿羊,要同時將兩公斤細麵粉調上一點二升油作素祭獻上, 7還要獻一點二升酒作奠祭。這是蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭。 8如果用公牛作燔祭、平安祭、還願祭或別的祭獻給耶和華, 9就要同時將三公斤細麵粉調上兩升油作素祭獻上, 10還要獻上兩升酒作奠祭。這是蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭。

11「獻公牛、公綿羊、綿羊羔或山羊羔時,都要這樣辦理。 12無論獻多少牲畜,每隻都要這樣辦理。 13以色列人獻上蒙耶和華悅納的馨香火祭時,都要這樣辦理。 14住在你們中間的外族人,不管是暫住還是世代居住的,若願意獻上蒙耶和華悅納的馨香火祭,也要這樣辦理。 15以色列人和寄居的外族人都要遵守上面的條例,永世不變。你們在耶和華面前怎樣做,外族人也要怎樣做。 16你們和寄居的外族人要遵行一樣的條例和規定。」

17耶和華對摩西說: 18「你把以下條例告訴以色列人。

「你們到達耶和華領你們去的地方, 19吃當地的出產時,要拿出一份作舉祭獻給耶和華。 20你們要用初熟的麥子磨麵做餅,當作舉祭獻上,好像獻麥場的舉祭一樣。 21你們世世代代都要用初熟的麥子磨麵,當作舉祭獻給耶和華。

22「如果你們無意間違背了耶和華藉摩西吩咐你們遵守的命令, 23就是吩咐你們從祂頒佈之日起要世世代代遵守的命令, 24如果是因會眾的無知而造成過失,全體會眾就要獻上一頭公牛犢作燔祭,作蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭,同時按規定獻上素祭和奠祭,外加一隻公山羊作贖罪祭。 25祭司要為以色列全體會眾贖罪,這樣他們就得到了赦免,因為是無心之過,並且他們已經向耶和華獻上火祭和贖罪祭。 26這樣,以色列全體會眾和寄居的外族人都必蒙赦免,因為無心之過牽涉到所有的人。

27「倘若是個人無意間犯了罪,他就要獻上一隻一歲的母山羊作贖罪祭。 28祭司要為這無意間犯罪的人在耶和華面前贖罪,使他獲得赦免。 29無論是以色列人或是寄居的外族人,凡是犯無心之過的都要按這規例辦理。 30但不管是以色列人還是外族人,若故意妄為,褻瀆了耶和華,都要被剷除, 31因為他藐視耶和華的話,違背耶和華的命令,必須被剷除,罪責自負。」


32以色列人在曠野的時候,發現有人在安息日撿柴, 33他們就把撿柴的人帶到摩西亞倫和全體會眾那裡, 34把他關起來,因為不知道如何處置他。 35耶和華對摩西說:「必須處死那人,全體會眾要在營外用石頭打死他。」 36於是,全體會眾照耶和華對摩西的吩咐,把他拉到營外,用石頭打死了他。


37耶和華對摩西說: 38「你要吩咐以色列人世世代代在衣角縫上穗子,穗子上繫一條藍色細帶。 39穗子是用來提醒他們要遵行我的一切命令,不要隨從自己心中和眼目的情慾,以免玷污自己。 40這樣,你們就會記得遵守我的一切命令,做你們上帝的聖潔之民。 41我是你們的上帝耶和華,我把你們從埃及領出來,是要做你們的上帝。我是你們的上帝耶和華。」