Ezekiel 14 – KJV & CCB

King James Version

Ezekiel 14:1-23

1Then came certain of the elders of Israel unto me, and sat before me. 2And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 3Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of at all by them? 4Therefore speak unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Every man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet; I the LORD will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols; 5That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.

6¶ Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations.14.6 yourselves: or, others 7For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to enquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself: 8And I will set my face against that man, and will make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of my people; and ye shall know that I am the LORD. 9And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. 10And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him; 11That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord GOD.

12¶ The word of the LORD came again to me, saying, 13Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it: 14Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD.

15¶ If I cause noisome beasts to pass through the land, and they spoil it, so that it be desolate, that no man may pass through because of the beasts:14.15 spoil: or, bereave 16Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate.14.16 in it: Heb. in the midst of it

17¶ Or if I bring a sword upon that land, and say, Sword, go through the land; so that I cut off man and beast from it: 18Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves.

19¶ Or if I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast: 20Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness. 21For thus saith the Lord GOD; How much more when I send my four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast?14.21 How…: or, Also when

22¶ Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters: behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and their doings: and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it. 23And they shall comfort you, when ye see their ways and their doings: and ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, saith the Lord GOD.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

以西结书 14:1-23


1那时,几位以色列的长老到我这里来,坐在我面前。 2耶和华对我说: 3“人子啊,这些人在心里立起偶像,把导致犯罪的绊脚石放在自己面前,我岂能让他们来求问? 4你告诉他们,主耶和华这样说,‘任何以色列人若在心里立起偶像,把导致犯罪的绊脚石放在自己面前,又来求问先知,我耶和华必按他心中假神的数目亲自用惩罚回答他, 5好夺回以色列人的心,他们因为拜偶像而远离我。’

6“因此,你要告诉以色列人,主耶和华这样说,‘你们要悔改,离弃你们的偶像,离弃那些可憎之事。 7因为以色列人或是在以色列定居的外族人若背弃我,在心中树立偶像,把导致犯罪的绊脚石放在自己面前,又来向先知求问我的旨意,我耶和华必亲自用惩罚回答他。 8我必严惩他,使他成为众人的鉴戒和笑柄。我必将他从我的子民中铲除。这样,你们就知道我是耶和华。 9如果先知受迷惑说预言,那是我耶和华任他胡作非为,我必伸手惩治他,把他从我的以色列百姓中除灭。 10他们必担当自己的罪过——假先知与求问的人要担当同样的罪过。 11这样,以色列人便不再偏离我,不再犯罪玷污自己。他们要做我的子民,我要做他们的上帝。这是主耶和华说的。’”

12耶和华对我说: 13“人子啊,若有国家犯罪背叛我,我必伸手断绝他们的粮源,使饥荒遍地,毁灭人和牲畜。 14即使挪亚但以理约伯三人在那里,他们也只能因义行而自己得救。这是主耶和华说的。 15倘若我使猛兽在那里横行、肆虐,以致那里荒凉、人踪绝迹, 16纵然这三个义人在那里,我凭我的永恒起誓,他们也不能救自己的儿女,只能自己得救,那里却要荒凉。这是主耶和华说的。 17倘若我使刀剑临到那里,毁灭人和牲畜, 18纵然这三个义人在那里,我凭我的永恒起誓,他们也不能救自己的儿女,只能自己得救。这是主耶和华说的。 19倘若我叫瘟疫在那里肆虐,发烈怒毁灭那里的人和牲畜, 20纵然挪亚但以理约伯在那里,我凭我的永恒起誓,他们也不能救自己的儿女,只能因义行而自己得救。这是主耶和华说的。

21“主耶和华说,‘我要把战祸、饥荒、猛兽和瘟疫这四大刑罚降在耶路撒冷,毁灭人和牲畜。 22然而,其中仍有幸免的人带着儿女逃出来。他们会逃到你们这里,你们看见他们的所作所为,便会对我在耶路撒冷所降的一切灾难感到欣慰。 23你们看见他们的所作所为,就知道我不是无缘无故地惩罚耶路撒冷。’这是主耶和华说的。”