歴代誌Ⅱ 20 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

歴代誌Ⅱ 20:1-37



1そののち、モアブ人とアモン人、それにメウニム人の王の率いる連合軍が、ヨシャパテとユダの民に宣戦布告しました。 2ヨシャパテに届いた情報は、「大軍が、死海の向こうのシリヤから押し寄せて来ます。もうハツァツォン・タマル、つまりエン・ゲディまで来ています」というものでした。 3あわてふためいた王は、主の助けを仰ぐよりほかないと判断し、全国民が神の前に悔い改め、断食して祈りに打ち込むよう命じました。 4人々は各地からエルサレムに集まり、心を一つにして主に助けを求めました。

5ヨシャパテは、神殿の新しい庭に集まった人々の中に立って祈りました。 6「私たちの父祖の神、主よ。天におられ、地上のすべての王国を支配しておられる神よ。あなたの測り知れない力に、だれも立ち向かうことはできません。 7私たちの神よ、あなたの民がこの地に入った時、あなたはこの地に住んでいた異教徒を追い出し、この地を永久に、あなたの友アブラハムの子孫のものとされたではありませんか。 8あなたの民はここに根を下ろし、あなたのためにこの神殿を建てました。 9戦争、疫病、ききんなどの災いに会ったなら、あなたのおられるこの神殿、つまりあなたの御前に立って祈れば、祈りは聞かれ、あなたは私たちを救ってくださると信じています。

10今、アモンとモアブ、セイル山の人々がやっていることをごらんください。あなたは、先祖がエジプトを出て来た時、彼らの国に侵入するのをお許しになりませんでした。それで私たちは、彼らの国を避けて通り、彼らを滅ぼさないでおいたのです。 11ところが今、彼らは何をしようとしているでしょうか。あなたが私たちに下さった地から、私たちを追い出そうとして攻め寄せて来るのです。 12神よ、彼らの来襲をとどめてください。私たちには、このような大軍から身を守るすべなどありません。どうしたらよいのか見当もつきません。ただあなたに助けを求めるばかりです。」


14その時、主の霊が、そこに立っていたレビ人ヤハジエルに臨んだのです。彼はアサフの子孫の一人で、マタヌヤの子エイエルの子ベナヤの子ゼカリヤの子でした。 15ヤハジエルは大声で語りだしました。「ユダとエルサレムのすべての人々、またヨシャパテ王よ、よく聞きなさい! 主はこう言われます。『恐れてはならない。この大軍を見ておじけてはならない。この戦いはあなたがたの戦いではなく、わたしの戦いだ。 16明日、エルエルの荒野に通じる谷の出口で、ツィツの坂を上って来る敵と会うから、こちらから攻撃をしかけよ。 17あなたがたは戦わなくてよい。持ち場を守り、黙って、わたしのすばらしい救いを見よ。ユダとエルサレムの人々よ、恐れたり、意気消沈したりしてはならない。わたしがついている。明日、出陣するのだ。』」

18ヨシャパテは地にひれ伏しました。ユダのすべての民とエルサレムの住民も、同じように主を礼拝しました。 19それから、ケハテ氏族とコラ氏族のレビ人が立ち上がり、力強く高らかに主を賛美しました。

20翌朝早く、ユダ軍はテコアの荒野へ兵を進めました。途中、ヨシャパテは立ち止まって指示を与えました。「私の言うことを聞き、主を信じなさい。そうすれば、勝利は間違いない! 預言者のことばを信じなさい。そうすれば、すべてはうまくいく。」

21それから民の指導者と相談して、聖歌隊を編成しました。聖歌隊は聖なる衣服をまとい、行軍の先頭を進みながら、「主のいつくしみは、とこしえまで」と歌って主をたたえ、主に感謝をささげました。 22彼らが賛美をし始めた時、主は、アモン人、モアブ人、セイル山の人々の間で同士討ちを引き起こさせました。それで彼らは、互いに殺し合うことになったのです。 23まずアモン人とモアブ人がセイル山から来た軍を襲い、一人残らず殺しました。それが終わると、今度はアモン人とモアブ人がぶつかり合ったのです。 24それで、ユダ軍が荒野を見下ろす物見の塔に着いた時には、見渡す限り、あたり一面に死体が転がっていました。逃げ延びた敵兵は一人もいませんでした。 25ヨシャパテ王とユダの民は、遺体から金、武具、宝石などをはぎ取りました。その数があまりにも多かったので、全部運ぶのに三日もかかるほどでした。 26四日目に彼らは、今でもベラカ(祝福)の谷と呼ばれている谷に集まり、心から主をたたえました。 27それから王を先頭に、彼らは意気揚々とエルサレムに凱旋しました。主が信じられないような方法で救い出してくれたので、彼らの心は喜びでいっぱいでした。 28彼らは琴、竪琴、ラッパの奏楽とともにエルサレムに入城し、神殿に入りました。 29そして以前にもあったように、近隣の国々は、主がイスラエルの敵と戦ったと聞いて、神への恐れに包まれました。 30こうして、神が王に安息を与えたので、ヨシャパテの王国は安泰を保ちました。


31ヨシャパテ王の生涯を略述すると、三十五歳でユダの王となり、二十五年間エルサレムで統治。母はシルヒの娘のアズバ。 32父アサ王のように主の前に良い王で、いつも主に従おうとしました。 33しかし、高台にある偶像の宮を取り壊すことだけはしなかったので、人々に、父祖の神に従うことを決心させるまでには至りませんでした。


35しかし王は、晩年になって、悪名高いイスラエルの王アハズヤと同盟を結びました。 36彼らは、タルシシュ行きの船団をエツヨン・ゲベルでつくりました。 37その時、マレシャ出身のドダワの子エリエゼルがヨシャパテに対して預言し、「あなたがアハズヤと同盟を結んだので、主はあなたの計画を壊します」と言いました。それで、船は難破し、タルシシュへ行くことはできませんでした。

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 20:1-37

Jehoshaphat Wins the Battle Over Moab and Ammon

1After that, the Moabites, Ammonites and some Meunites went to war against Jehoshaphat.

2Some people came and told him, “A huge army is coming from Edom to fight against you. They have come across the Dead Sea. They are already in Hazezon Tamar.” Hazezon Tamar is also called En Gedi. 3Jehoshaphat was alarmed. So he decided to ask the Lord for advice. He told all the people of Judah to go without eating. 4The people came together to ask the Lord for help. In fact, they came from every town in Judah to pray to him.

5Then Jehoshaphat stood up among the people of Judah and Jerusalem. He was in front of the new courtyard at the Lord’s temple. 6He said,

Lord, you are the God of our people who lived long ago. You are the God who is in heaven. You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. You are strong and powerful. No one can fight against you and win. 7Our God, you drove out the people who lived in this land. You drove them out to make room for your people Israel. You gave this land forever to those who belong to the family line of your friend Abraham. 8They have lived in this land. They’ve built a temple here for your Name. They have said, 9‘Suppose trouble comes on us. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a punishing sword, or plague or hunger. We’ll serve you. We’ll stand in front of this temple where your Name is. We’ll cry out to you when we’re in trouble. Then you will hear us. You will save us.’

10“But here are men from Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir. You wouldn’t allow Israel to march in and attack their territory when the Israelites came from Egypt. So Israel turned away from them. They didn’t destroy them. 11See how they are paying us back. They are coming to drive us out. They want to take over the land you gave us as our share. 12Our God, won’t you please judge them? We don’t have the power to face this huge army that’s attacking us. We don’t know what to do. But we’re looking to you to help us.”

13All the men of Judah stood there in front of the Lord. Their wives, children and little ones were with them.

14Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Jahaziel. He was standing among the people of Israel. He was the son of Zechariah. Zechariah was the son of Benaiah. Benaiah was the son of Jeiel. Jeiel was the son of Mattaniah. Jahaziel was a Levite. He was from the family line of Asaph.

15Jahaziel said, “King Jehoshaphat, listen! All you who live in Judah and Jerusalem, listen! The Lord says to you, ‘Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope because of this huge army. The battle is not yours. It is God’s. 16Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz. You will find them at the end of the valley in the Desert of Jeruel. 17You will not have to fight this battle. Take your positions. Stand firm. You will see how the Lord will save you. Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. Go out and face them tomorrow. The Lord will be with you.’ ”

18Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face toward the ground. All the people of Judah and Jerusalem also bowed down. They worshiped the Lord. 19Then some Levites from the families of Kohath and Korah stood up. They praised the Lord, the God of Israel. They praised him with very loud voices.

20Early in the morning all the people left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they started out, Jehoshaphat stood up. He said, “Judah, listen to me! People of Jerusalem, listen to me! Have faith in the Lord your God. He’ll take good care of you. Have faith in his prophets. Then you will have success.” 21Jehoshaphat asked the people for advice. Then he appointed men to sing to the Lord. He wanted them to praise the Lord because of his glory and holiness. They marched out in front of the army. They said,

“Give thanks to the Lord.

His faithful love continues forever.”

22They began to sing and praise him. Then the Lord hid some men and told them to wait. He wanted them to attack the people of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir. They had gone into Judah and attacked it. But they lost the battle. 23The Ammonites and Moabites rose up against the men from Mount Seir. They destroyed them. They put an end to them. When they finished killing the men from Seir, they destroyed one another.

24The men of Judah came to the place that looks out over the desert. They turned to look down at the huge army. But all they saw was dead bodies lying there on the ground. No one had escaped. 25So Jehoshaphat and his men went down there to carry off anything of value. Among the dead bodies they found a large amount of supplies, clothes and other things of value. There was more than they could take away. There was so much it took three days to collect all of it. 26On the fourth day they gathered together in the Valley of Berakah. There they praised the Lord. That’s why it’s called the Valley of Berakah to this day.

27Then all the men of Judah and Jerusalem returned to Jerusalem. They were filled with joy. Jehoshaphat led them. The Lord had made them happy because all their enemies were dead. 28They entered Jerusalem and went to the Lord’s temple. They were playing harps, lyres and trumpets.

29All the surrounding kingdoms began to have respect for God. They had heard how the Lord had fought against Israel’s enemies. 30The kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at peace. His God had given him peace and rest on every side.

Jehoshaphat’s Rule Comes to an End

31So Jehoshaphat ruled over Judah. He was 35 years old when he became Judah’s king. He ruled in Jerusalem for 25 years. His mother’s name was Azubah. She was the daughter of Shilhi. 32Jehoshaphat followed the ways of his father Asa. He didn’t wander away from them. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. 33But the high places weren’t removed. The people still hadn’t worshiped the God of Israel with all their hearts.

34The other events of Jehoshaphat’s rule from beginning to end are written down. They are written in the official records of Jehu, the son of Hanani. They are written in the records of the kings of Israel.

35Jehoshaphat king of Judah and Ahaziah king of Israel agreed to be friends. Ahaziah did what was evil. 36Jehoshaphat agreed with him to build a lot of ships. They were built at Ezion Geber. They carried goods that were traded for other goods. 37Eliezer was the son of Dodavahu from Mareshah. Eliezer prophesied against Jehoshaphat. He said, “You have joined forces with Ahaziah. So the Lord will destroy what you have made.” The ships were wrecked. They were never able to sail or trade goods.