歴代誌Ⅱ 23 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

歴代誌Ⅱ 23:1-21


1女王アタルヤの第七年に、祭司エホヤダは勇気を奮い起こして、軍の隊長数人と密約を結びました。相手は、エロハムの子アザルヤ、ヨハナンの子イシュマエル、オベデの子アザルヤ、アダヤの子マアセヤ、ジクリの子エリシャファテです。 2-3彼らはこっそり国中を回って、レビ人や氏族長たちにエホヤダの計画を打ち明け、彼らをエルサレムに呼び集めました。集まった者たちは、神殿にかくまわれていた若い王に忠誠を誓いました。エホヤダは語りました。「ダビデ王の子孫が私たちの王となるという主のお約束どおり、王の子が王となる時がついにきました。 4次のように手はずを整えましょう。祭司とレビ人の三分の一は、安息日に勤務する護衛として入口にとどまってください。 5-6他の三分の一は王宮に入り、残りの三分の一は礎の門のところにいてください。そのほかの者はみな、神の戒めに従って、神殿の外庭にいなければなりません。務めのある祭司とレビ人だけが、神殿に入ることができます。 7レビ人の皆さんは、武器を手に、しっかり王を護衛してください。神殿に踏み込む無法者がいれば、殺してもかまいません。片時も王のそばを離れてはなりません。」

8全員が指示されたとおりに配置につきました。リーダーはそれぞれ、安息日の勤務当番日に当たる三分の一の祭司と、週日の務めについていた三分の一の祭司を率いていました。祭司エホヤダが彼らを家に帰さずにおいたのです。 9エホヤダは、隊長たちに、神殿に保管してあったダビデの槍と盾を支給しました。 10完全武装した彼らは、神殿の正面の端から端までと、外庭にある祭壇の回りを囲みました。 11それから、幼いヨアシュ王子を連れ出して王冠をかぶらせ、その手にモーセの律法の写しを渡し、彼が王であることを宣言したのです。エホヤダとその子たちが王に油を注いだ時、「王様、ばんざーい!」という叫びが、いっせいに起こりました。

12-13一連の騒ぎと、王をたたえる声とを聞いた女王アタルヤは、何事が起こったのかと神殿に駆けつけました。見ると、王が入口の柱のところに立っており、そばには隊長たちが並び、吹奏隊が王を取り囲んでいました。各地から集まった人々は喜んでラッパを吹き鳴らし、合唱隊は、賛美を導く奏楽に合わせて歌っています。女王は衣服を引き裂いて、「謀反だ! 謀反だ!」と、気が違ったように叫びました。

14祭司エホヤダは隊長たちに命じました。「この女を連れ出して、殺せ! 神殿の中ではだめだ。女を助けようとする者は、だれでも容赦なく殺すのだ」


それからエホヤダは、彼と王と民とが主の民となるという厳粛な契約を結びました。民はこぞってバアルの神殿に向かい建物を壊し、祭壇を砕き、像を倒し、バアルの祭司マタンを祭壇の前で殺しました。 18エホヤダはレビ人の祭司に神殿の管理を任せ、モーセの律法どおり、焼き尽くすいけにえをささげるよう命じました。レビ人たちはダビデ王の決めた組分けに従って、喜びと歌とをもって働きました。 19神殿の門衛は、汚れた者や資格のない者がいっさい入らないように見張っていました。 20それから、軍の隊長、貴族、高官はじめ人々はみな、王を護衛して神殿から出て行き、上の門を通って王宮に入り、ヨアシュを王座に着かせました。 21すべての民が喜びました。アタルヤが死んだので、エルサレムの町は平和一色に塗り替えられました。

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 23:1-21

1When Joash was seven years old, Jehoiada showed how strong he was. He made a covenant with the commanders of groups of 100 men. The commanders were Azariah son of Jeroham, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Obed, Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat son of Zikri. 2They went all through Judah. They gathered together the Levites and the leaders of Israelite families from all the towns. They came to Jerusalem. 3The whole community made a covenant with the new king at God’s temple.

Jehoiada said to them, “Ahaziah’s son will rule over Judah. That’s what the Lord promised concerning the family line of David. 4Here’s what I want you to do. A third of you priests and Levites who are going on duty on the Sabbath day must guard the doors. 5A third of you must guard the royal palace. And a third of you must guard the Foundation Gate. All the other men must guard the courtyards of the Lord’s temple. 6Don’t let anyone enter the temple except the priests and Levites who are on duty. They can enter because they are set apart to the Lord. But all the other men must obey the Lord’s command not to enter. 7The Levites must station themselves around the new king. Each man must have his weapon in his hand. Anyone else who enters the temple must be put to death. Stay close to the king no matter where he goes.”

8The Levites did just as Jehoiada the priest ordered. So did all the men of Judah. Each commander got his men. Some of the men were going on duty on the Sabbath day. Others were going off duty. Jehoiada didn’t let any of the groups go. 9Then he gave weapons to the commanders of the groups. He gave them spears, large shields and small shields. The weapons had belonged to King David. They had been in God’s temple. 10Jehoiada stationed all the men around the new king. Each man had his weapon in his hand. They were standing near the altar and the temple. They stood from the south side of the temple to its north side.

11Jehoiada and his sons brought Ahaziah’s son out. They put the crown on him. They gave him a copy of the covenant. And they announced that he was king. They anointed him. Then they shouted, “May the king live a long time!”

12Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and cheering the new king. So she went to them at the Lord’s temple. 13She looked, and there was the king! He was standing next to his pillar at the entrance. The officers and trumpet players were standing beside the king. All the people of the land were filled with joy. They were blowing trumpets. Musicians with their musical instruments were leading the songs of praise. Then Athaliah tore her royal robes. She shouted, “Treason! It’s treason!”

14Jehoiada the priest sent out the commanders of the groups of 100 men. They were in charge of the troops. He said to them, “Bring her away from the temple between the line of guards. Use your swords to kill anyone who follows her.” The priest had said, “Don’t put her to death at the Lord’s temple.” 15So they grabbed her as she reached the entrance of the Horse Gate on the palace grounds. There they put her to death.

16Then Jehoiada made a covenant. He promised that he, the people and the king would be the Lord’s people. 17All the people went to Baal’s temple. They tore it down. They smashed the altars and the statues of gods. They killed Mattan in front of the altars. He was the priest of Baal.

18Then Jehoiada put the priests, who were Levites, in charge of the Lord’s temple. David had given them their duties in the temple. He had appointed them to sacrifice burnt offerings to the Lord. He wanted them to do it in keeping with what was written in the Law of Moses. David wanted them to sing and be full of joy. 19Jehoiada stationed guards at the gates of the Lord’s temple. No one who was “unclean” in any way could enter.

20Jehoiada took with him the commanders of hundreds, the nobles, the rulers of the people, and all the people of the land. He brought the new king down from the Lord’s temple. They went into the palace through the Upper Gate. Then they seated the king on the royal throne. 21All the people of the land were filled with joy. And the city was calm. That’s because Athaliah had been killed by a sword.